  • 林登·约翰逊总统最终于1966年签署了总统公告,布每年六月的第3个星期天为父亲节。
    Finally in 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the 3rd Sunday of June as Father's Day.
  • 如果劝导失败,安全理事会可采取更强烈的行动,如实行经济制裁或布贸易禁令。
    When persuasion fails, the Security Council can take stronger action, such as imposing economic sanctions or declaring a trade embargo.
  • 但是直到1966年林登·约翰逊总统才签署总统令,布6月的第3个星期日为父亲节。
    But it wasn't until 1966 that President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the 3rd Sunday of June as Father's Day.
  • 告专利权无效的决定,由国务院专利行政部门登记和公告。
    The decision declaring the patent right invalid shall be registered and announced by the patent administration department under the State Council.
  • 1913年,英政府又煽动西藏当局布独立,提出“西藏完全独立后,一切军械由英国接济”;
    In 1913 the British government inveigled the Tibetan authorities into declaring independence and proposed that "Britain be the weaponry supplier after total independence of Tibet;"
  • 2000年5月,中国同其他四个核武器国家共同发表联合声明,布所拥有的核武器不瞄准任何国家。
    In May 2000, China, together with four other nuclear-weapon states, issued a joint statement declaring that their nuclear weapons are not targeted at any country.
  • 1990年2月和1998年6月,中国政府代表团先后参加联合国第十七次和第二十次禁毒特别会议,向国际社会示了中国政府坚决禁毒的立场和政策、措施。
    The Chinese government sent delegations to take part in the 17th and 20th UN special General Assembly sessions on drug control in February 1990 and June 1998, declaring the Chinese government's resolute anti-drug stand, policies and measures to the international community.
  •  对专利复审委员会告专利权无效或者维持专利权的决定不服的,可以自收到通知之日起三个月内向人民法院起诉。
    Where the patentee or the person who made the request for invalidation is not satisfied with the decision of the Patent Reexamination Board declaring the patent right invalid or upholding the patent right, such party may, within three months from receipt of the notification of the decision, institute legal proceedings in the people's court.
  • 倘当选总统或当选副总统均不合乎资格时,国会得依法作出规定,布何人代理总统,或布遴选代理总统的方法。此人在有合乎资格的总统或副总统前,应代行总统职务。
    and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.
  • 就在人们对传将信将疑之际,破译人类基因组30亿个化学"字母"的密码可能对科学、医学以及对人类的观念带来巨大的冲击。
    Even when the hype is discounted,decoding the 3bn chemical “ letters” of the genome is likely to have a huge impact on science,medicine and our perception of what it means to be human.
  • 为装饰或传用的长条布。
    long strip of cloth for decoration or advertising.
  • 以权威的姿态读法令
    Recited the decree with an important air.
  • 以权威的姿态读法令;大踏步地向他的办公室走去。
    recited the decree with an important air; took long important strides in the direction of his office.
  • 法案,法令由立法或司法机关布的决策,如法规、命令或法律
    A decisional product, such as a statute, decree, or enactment, delivered by a legislative or a judicial body.
  • 对地产的告无效的要求
    A defeasible claim to an estate.
  • 判被告无罪, 这真是可耻的事.
    It is a scandal that the defendant was declared innocent.
  • 我宣布被告无罪。
    I submitted that the defendant is not guilty.
  • 这个青年被判15天拘禁时,他满不在乎地瞪着治安法官。
    The youth glared defiance at the magistrate as he received a sentence of fifteen days in prison.
  • 但是人道主义有各式各样,我们应当进行马克思主义的分析,传和实行社会主义的人道主义(在革命年代我们叫革命人道主义),批评资产阶级的人道主义。
    But there are a thousand and one definitions of humanism. What we should do is make a Marxist analysis of it, disseminate and practise socialist humanism (which we used to call "revolutionary humanitarianism" during the years of revolution) and criticize bourgeois humanism.
  • 传林业法律、法规,打击毁林行为,唤起全社会的爱林护林意识,国家林业局决定,开始在全国范围内,组织开展一场集传教育、严格执法、重点打击、新闻曝光于一体的行动——“跨世纪保卫绿色行动”,并将于近期公布举报电话,动员全社会对违法毁林行为进行监督,为保护森林,发展林业创造舆论条件和法律保障。
    In order to publicize laws and regulations on forestry, crack down on deforestation activities and enhance the public's consciousness of caring and protecting forests, the State Forestry Administration launched the Green Protection Trans-Century Action throughout the country .The Action integrates publicity and education with strict law enforcement, efforts to crack down on law-breaking activities and media exposure. Tip-off telephones have been set up with the purpose of mobilizing the whole society to supervise illegal deforestation activities. All these efforts will help create a positive media background and legal guarantees for forest conservation and forestry development.
  • 使之神圣的或被称、被认为是神圣的;献身于神或一些宗教典礼和用途的。
    made or declared or believed to be holy; devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use.
  • 宾西法尼亚最大城市;位于宾西法尼亚东南部特拉华河沿岸;是独立礼堂所在地,在此布独立和制订宪法;宾西法尼亚大学所在地。
    the largest city in Pennsylvania; located in the southeastern part of the state on the Delaware river; site of Independence Hall where the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were signed; site of the University of Pennsylvania.
  • 判定在考虑或商议之后决定或
    To determine or declare after consideration or deliberation.
  • 宣誓后作假证词
    Delivered false testimony under oath.
  • 布olympic是一个失败并最终取消之前,已生产了一些戴尔的定制芯片和报废产品。
    Olympic produced a few custom chips and a writeoff for Dell before it was declared a failure and canceled.
  • 首先,要划清社会主义同封建主义的界限,决不允许借反封建主义之名来反社会主义,也决不允许用“四人帮”所扬的那套假社会主义来搞封建主义。
    First and foremost, we must draw a clear line of demarcation between socialism and feudalism and never allow anyone to oppose socialism under the pretext of opposing feudalism or to use the kind of phoney socialism advocated by the Gang of Four to promote feudalism.
  • 克林顿在哥伦布市俄亥俄州立大学进行挑战,并要比总统更进一步。“我们就从这个礼拜日开始,”这位民主党人[克林顿]称。“我已经准备好。来吧。”
    At Ohio State University in Columbus, Clinton picked the challenge and tried to go the president one better. "We ought to start this Sunday," the Democrat proclaimed. "I'm ready. Let's do it."
  • 证明或宣布…为合法
    To demonstrate or declare to be justified.
  • 产品展示如产品或服务的
    A demonstration, as of a product or service.
  • 通过争论和演示进行的传。
    promotion by means of an argument and demonstration.
  • 总有一天会有人敢于去摸经理的老虎屁股,当面泄我们大家对他的看法(意见)的。
    One of these days somebody will have the courage to beard the manager in his den and tell him what we all think of him.
  • 人群中的人将扬他们的政敌的标语撕了下来。
    The crowd ripped down posters depiction their political opponents.