  • 瓦萨里详细记述了列奥纳多的出生。他是位律师和一位农家女子的私生子,她住在意大利托斯纳区佛罗伦萨市附近的一个叫作芬的小村子里。(因此他取名为列奥纳多·达·芬——芬的列奥纳多)。
    Vasari gives the details of Leonard's irregular birth as the illegitimate son of a notary and a peasant woman in the little village Vinci (hence the name Leonardo da Vinci-of Vinci) near Florence in Tuesday in Italy.
  • 二十世纪艺术和文学领域的一场运动(从达达派发展而来),使用稀古怪的意象和不调和的排列来表现无意识的想法和梦境。
    a 20th century movement in art and literature (developing out of Dadaism) that used fantastic images and incongruous juxtapositions in order to represent unconscious thoughts and dreams.
  • "从世界其他国家的观点来看,像这样的活动很明显是好处多多,因为它有利于维持一个较温和的外交政策,"南加州大学国际关系学院的丹尼尔·林这样说道。
    "From the point of view of the rest of the world...events like this are obviously good because they create incentives for maintaining moderate foreign policy,"said Daniel Lynch of the University of Southern California's School of International Relations.
  • 西班牙门将佩德罗·孔特拉斯认为,这个球实在是太"怪"了。丹麦守门员索伦森则很沮丧地表示,在"飞火流星"的"帮助"下,这届世界杯会产生更多的进球。
    Spain goalkeeper Pedro Contreras said the ball acts "strangely", while Danish keeper Thomas Sorensen admitted glumly that it would probably result in more spectacular goals.
  • 她在敌後的英勇斗争业迹现在已是传美谈.
    Her daring work behind the enemy lines is now legend.
  • 她在敌后的英勇斗争业迹现在已是传美谈。
    Her daring work behind the enemy line is now legend.
  • 可怕的一瞥;秘密的间谍和暗中进行的阴谋——阿博尔德·麦克利什。
    a darkling glance; secret operatives and darkling conspiracies-Archibald MacLeish.
  • 我曾在纽约为梅里尔·林公司的老总们做一个有关时间安排的研讨会,会上有个人递给我一张卡片,上面写着他对时间下的定义:"时间就是不让该死的事情一下子都发生,要将它们一件接着一件发生。"
    I was in New York doing a time management seminar for Merrill Lynch executives, when a fellow handed me a card on which he had written his definition of time: " Time is what keeps one darned thing after another from becoming every darned thing at once."
  • 然而,初出茅庐,总有点胆怯,所以显得有时放大,有时加宽,有时收敛,还不敢像以后在许许多多妙主教堂所展现出来的那样如箭似矛地直刺天空。
    Nevertheless, timid and inexperienced at the start,it sweeps out, grows larger, restrains itself, and dares no longer dart upwards in spires and lancet windows, as it did later on, in so many marvellous cathedrals.
  • 异想天开的放任于稀的白日梦的
    Indulging in fanciful daydreams.
  • 她突然提出此事,我感到惊而不知所措。
    I was dazed by her sudden offer.
  • 我初见蜂鸟是在纽约州北部自家的花园里,当时兴奋的心情至今难忘——那让人称的小生灵,羽毛艳丽夺目,在花丛中尽情地飞舞。
    The thrill of seeing my first hummingbird in my upstate New York garden has never left me -- the sight of this unbelievably tiny creature with dazzling plumage flitting boldly from flower to flower.
  • 逊在他的信中说:
    Dean Acheson lamented in his letter:
  • “啊呀,那我倒不怪!
    `Oh dear, I don't wonder!
  • 看凯文那样对待那条狗,怪的是他从没被咬过。
    The way Kevin treats that dog, it's a wonder he hasn't been bitten before now.
  • 博士,芝加哥嗅觉和味觉治疗基金会的发起人和心理学家,在分析比尔·克林顿的一组电视镜头时发现了鼻子伸长的现象。
    Dr Hirsch, author and psychologist at the Smell and Taste Treatment Foundation in Chicago, discovered the expanding nose while analysing television footage of Bill Clinton.
  • 马雅可夫斯基,弗拉基米尔·瓦拉蒂米洛维1893-1930苏联诗人。他是俄国文学未来派的主要代表人物,其铿锵有力的、慷慨激昂的诗篇赞颂了共产主义者的革命
    Soviet poet. A leader of futurism in Russian literature, he wrote forceful, declamatory verse praising the Communist revolution.
  • 不平常的;有装饰或异花哨的字体。
    not plain; decorative or ornamented.
  • 其中最怪的,是共产党在国民党统治区域内的一切文化机关中处于毫无抵抗力的地位,为什么文化“围剿”也一败涂地了?
    The most amazing thing of all was that the Kuomintang's cultural "encirclement and suppression" campaign failed completely in the Kuomintang areas as well, although the Communist Party was in an utterly defenceless position in all the cultural and educational institutions there.Why did this happen?
  • 怪的是,俄罗斯的东部往往不算是东方和东亚,尽管俄罗斯比欧亚大陆块的任何一个国家向东延伸得都更远。
    Ironically, the eastern part of Russia is usually excluded from the definitions of the Orient and East Asia, even though Russia extends farther to the east than any other country on the Eurasian landmass.
  • 畸形的形状不自然的;形怪状的或不成形的
    Formed unnaturally; misshapen or deformed.
  • 难看的不吸引人的,畸型的,形状怪异的;形怪状的
    Unattractive, deformed, or distorted in shape; misshapen.
  • 复杂而精致特的装饰
    An intricate, delicate, or fanciful ornamentation.
  • 天啊用来表达轻微的惊或高兴
    Used to express mild surprise or delight.
  • 一个好教师具有化腐朽为神的力量。
    One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.
  • 发高烧时他神志昏迷,说了些稀古怪的事。
    During the fever he become delirious and say some strange thing.
  • 发高烧时他神志昏迷,说了些稀古怪的事
    During the fever he became delirious and said some strange things
  • 戴尔计算机的真实迹不在于它开始得非常好,而在于它能持久。
    The real miracle of Dell Computer is not that the company started so well but that it has endured.
  • 精神生命(魔鬼,精灵,天使之类的)居住的神的地方。
    any imaginary place where spiritual beings (demons or fairies or angels or the like) abide.
  • tyco的丹尼斯.科兹勒乌斯,他是一位颇有策略的交易商。
    Dennis Kozlowski of Tyco is a strategic deal maker.
  • 由于atm具有种种先进性,人们希望部署它就不足为了。
    With all of ATM's sophistication, it's no wonder that people want to deploy it.
  • 他判断敌情准确,计划战斗周密,长于出制胜,就连敌人也不得不佩服他的神机妙算。
    He would size up the enemy's situation correctly, make meticulous plans and carefully deploy his forces. As a result, his troops often defeated the enemy by a surprise move, and even the enemy admired his wonderful foresight in directing battles.