  • 是他谋杀了他的妻子。
    The accusation was that he had murdered his wife.
  • 他因抢救落水儿童而闻
    He distinguished himself by saving a drowning child.
  • 而在那人被处死时,生长在法兰西和挪威森林里的某些树木很可能已被“命运”这个樵夫看中,要砍倒它们,锯成木板,做成一种在历史上以恐怖著的可以移动的架子,其中包含了一个口袋和一把铡刀。
    It is likely enough that, rooted in the woods of France and Norway, there were growing trees, when that sufferer was put to death, already marked by the Woodman, Fate, to comedown and be sawn into boards, to make a certain movable framework with a sack and a knife in it, terrible in history.
  • “为了我的职业誉,”萨克斯顿先生说,“我在接案子时特别谨慎。越是有可能导致窘境的案子,我越不想接手。”
    "For the sake of my professional reputation," said Mr Saxton, I am very careful about accepting a case. The more it looks like a Queer Street, the more I an inclined to leave it alone.
  • 就在他要被带上断头台的最后时刻,一使者带来了女王的赦免令。
    He was about to be led to the scaffold when at the eleventh hour a messenger arrived bringing a royal pardon.
  • 因准确射击而著的运动员。
    an athlete noted for accurate aim.
  • 我攀登上高峰,发现在誉的荒芜不毛的高处,简直找不到一个遮身之地。
    I scaled the peak and found no shelter in fame's bleak and barren height.
  • 碱鱼斯堪的纳维亚地区一道传统菜,把晾干的鳕鱼浸入碱溶液中放几个星期,然后去皮、去骨、煮熟,这一过程使这道菜具有保留动物凝胶的特点
    A traditional Scandinavian dish prepared by soaking air-dried cod in a lye solution for several weeks before skinning, boning, and boiling it, a process that gives the dish its characteristic gelatinous consistency.
  • “希望工程”七年来已累计接受捐款9.78亿元,援建希望小学3634所,资助失学儿童154.9万
    Over the past seven years,"the Hope Project" has received an accumulative total of 978 million yuan of donations, which has been used to build 3,634 "Hope" schools and aided 1.549 million dropouts.
  • 他几乎连字都写不出来了。
    He can scarcely write his own name.
  • 奥特西,埃姆斯卡1865-1947生于匈牙利的英国女小说家,尤以其探险小说深红色的紫蘩蒌(1905年)闻
    Hungarian-born English writer known especially for her adventure novel The Scarlet Pimpernel(1905).
  • 裁判人员包括一主裁判,副裁判,记分员和四司线员。
    Officials include a referee,an umpire,a scorer,and four linesmen.
  • 裁判人员包括一主裁判、副裁判、记分员和4司线员。
    Officials include a referee, an umpire, a scorer, and four linesmen.
  • 哥伦比亚一暴戾的运毒犯关在他家乡的一所豪华监狱里。该国领袖们说:两年来爆炸与暗杀的苦难可能终将结束。
    A violent drug trafficker in Colombia is behind bars in a luxurious prison in his hometown. The nation's leaders say that a two-year scourge of bombings and assassinations may finally be coning to an end.
  • 四,意识形态对立引起的灾难——意识形态不再只是哲学的思辩,而成为政治野心分子和空头理想主义者的工具,至今仍是祸害,但往往在各种义和理论包装下,难以分辨。
    4.The disaster caused by the antagonism between ideologies. Ideology is no longer a philosophical debate, but a tool employed by ambitious politicians and armchair idealists. Ideology remains a scourge today, but it is often disguised under various names and theories, and therefore hardly discernible.
  • 这些都开始于二十世纪二十年代,芝加哥大学一位叫j.harlanbretz的地质学家得出结论,疤地宏大的地形是由于突发的洪水所致,而不是徐缓而均匀的腐蚀和冰川过程。
    It all started in the 1920s , when a geologist from the University of Chicago named J Harlan Bretz concluded that the overblown topography in the Scablands was created by a sudden deluge, not the slow uniform processes of erosion and glacial scouring.
  • 这是世银年会有史以来最多传媒采访的一次,共有1963传媒代表获发身分鉴定采访证,而香港与海外传媒差不多各占一半。
    In all, 1 963 media representatives were accredited for the Annual Meetings, the highest number ever registered for the event. Representation was almost equally split between Hong Kong media and those from overseas.
  • 一个著的戏班子,宫廷大臣剧团,正在公然藐视高雅文学的合格作者大学人士的厂搞了。
    A well-known actors company, the Lord Chamberlains, was snapping their fingers at the manuscripts of the university men, the accredited producers of fine literature.
  • 期间共有逾6000本地及国际传媒代表获准采访政权交接仪式,令香港成为举世注视的焦点。
    More than 6 000 local and international media representatives were accredited to cover the Handover Ceremony and Hong Kong became literally the focus of the world.
  • 幼年童子军小队一种由大约八到十幼年童子军组成的小组
    A unit of about eight to ten Cub Scouts.
  • 该中心设有国际和本地仲裁员专门小组,并备有特派调停人单。
    It operates panels of international and local arbitrators, and maintains lists of accredited mediators.
  • 该局获得由全职人员组成的秘书处以及千多本地与海外专家给予支援,亦与国际及地区高等教育评审当局维持紧密联系,其中包括国际高等教育品质保证机构联盟。
    It is supported by a secretariat of full-time staff, plus more than 1000 local and overseas experts in a great variety of subject disciplines, and has strong links with international and regional higher education accreditation authorities, including the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education.
  • 香港学术评审局于一九九零年根据《香港学术评审局条例》成立,是独立的法定组织,有成员20人。评审局成员由行政长官委任,其中包括本港、内地与海外资深学者和着的专业人士。
    Established by the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation (HKCAA) Ordinance in 1990, the HKCAA is an independent statutory body with 20 members appointed by the Chief Executive, comprising senior academics and renowned professionals from Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas countries.
  • 她一面奔跑,一面尖声叫着马吉的字。
    Screaming Marki's name,she ran on.
  • 当然成员包括香港教育学院校长、香港学术评审局总干事及政府人员。
    The six ex officio members include the Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Education and the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation, and government officials.
  • 截至一九九七年三月底,超过5500教练参加了香港教练培训计划的重点项目──香港教练级别评定计划,他们分别来自41个体育总会及属于49个不同运动项目。
    By the end of March 1997, more than 5500 coaches from 41 NSAs in 49 different disciplines had participated in one of its major components, the Hong Kong Coach Accreditation Programme.
  • 接近8500传媒工作者获发身分鉴定采访证,以便他们采访交接仪式及有关活动,而领取身分鉴定采访证的实际人数为6500人。
    Nearly 8 500 media personnel were accredited to cover the Handover and related events with 6 500 of them actually collecting their accreditation badges.
  • 由著小说家撰写脚本的电影
    A film scripted by a famous novelist
  • 这幅条幅是一位著的书法家用一把很大的蘸满黑墨的大刷子写的。
    This scroll was written by a famous calligrapher using a very big brush charged with black ink.
  • 我查看了把手,发现在金色的卷轴中刻着一个字。
    I examined the handle and saw a name engraved among the golden scrolls.
  • 而新入藏的古代法书画尤为大宗,为世所注目。
    The ancient paintings, scrolls and calligraphy added to the collection were particularly spectacular.
  • 迈克尔.依斯勒是近十年来最出色的和最受人欢迎的ceo之一,他是一颇负责任心的经理,对公司的一切事情都要过问包括动画片中的故事情节以及迪斯尼世界每一个新设计形象的推出。
    One of the best and most closely followed CEOs of the decade, Eisner is a thoroughly involved manager, scrutinizing everything from story lines in animated films to the design of new rides at Disney World.