  • 循环着的血液对血管壁力;是由心脏的左心室收缩引起的。
    the pressure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels; results from the systole of the left ventricle of the heart.
  • 一旦你开始运动,你的心脏便开始剧烈跳动,血上升,推动着那些免疫细胞进入血液,开始循环。
    But the moment you begin exercising, your heart starts pounding and your blood pressure surges, sweeping those immune cells out into the blood, where they begin circulating.
  • 必然力环境施加的
    The force exerted by circumstance.
  • (有关环境)倾向于缩自由的。
    (of circumstances) tending to constrict freedom.
  • 我们必须承认,大量无可辩驳的详尽的证据远远倒了关于清白的假设。
    We must admit that the overwhelming volume of indisputable circumstantial evidence far outweighed the presumption of innocence.
  • 果汁榨器一种常有圆锥突出物的器具,突出物上有脊凸,用以榨取果汁
    A utensil with a conical, ridged projection, used for extracting citrus-fruit juice.
  • 我们必须对敌对分子施并强硬起来。
    We have to clamp down and get tough on the dissidents.
  • 标签一束如带子、皮革或金属板等物质的长条,放在书页之间以标志读者读到的地方
    A strip of material, as of ribbon or leather, or a metal clamp, that is placed between the pages of a book to mark the reader's place.
  • 政府不断给他们施
    They are clamping down on under-age drinking now.
  • (乙)但在另一方面,在七月七日卢沟桥事变以后,国民党当局又依然继续其“九一八”以来所实行的错误政策,进行了妥协和让步,制了爱国军队的积极性,制了爱国人民的救国运动。
    B. But on the other hand, even after the Lukouchiao Incident of July 7, the Kuomintang authorities are continuing to pursue the wrong policy they have pursued ever since the September 18th Incident, making compromises and concessions, suppressing the zeal of the patriotic troops and clamping down on the patriotic people's national salvation movement.
  • 农会势盛地方,族长及祠款经管人不敢再迫族下子孙,不敢再侵蚀祠款。
    Where the peasant association is powerful, the clan elders and administrators of temple funds no longer dare oppress those lower in the clan hierarchy or embezzle clan funds.
  • 键用手指触以产生或调节乐器(如单簧管、钢琴)的声音
    A button or lever that is pressed with the finger to produce or modulate the sound of an instrument, such as a clarinet or piano.
  • 扭双手握紧并扭动或紧(某人的手),如在痛苦中
    To clasp and twist or squeeze(one's hands), as in distress.
  • 她因给顾客施加过度的力而受责备。
    She was reprimand for putting undur pressure on her clients.
  • 手指的印形成线索。
    a clue made by an impression of the ridges in the skin of a finger.
  • 梦魇的恐怖倒了我,我极力把胳臂缩回来,可是那只手却拉住不放,一个极忧郁的声音抽泣着:“让我进去——让我进去!”
    The intense horror of nightmare came over me: I tried to draw back my arm, but the hand clung to it, and a most melancholy voice sobbed, `Let me in--let me in!'
  • 一种涂有制的酸性物质的阿斯匹林(商标是bufferin)。
    aspirin coated with a substance capable of neutralizing acid (trade name Bufferin).
  • 电波电脉冲或变化的电量,比如电、电流或电场强度,它们的变化表示着编码后的信息
    An impulse or a fluctuating electric quantity, such as voltage, current, or electric field strength, whose variations represent coded information.
  • 一种传真缩技术,即对两个相邻扫描线上变化象素之间的距离进行编码。
    A facsimile compression technique that codes distances between changing pixels on two adjacent scan lines.
  • 在减少空间和时间消耗、缩小频带宽度、缩存储量和传输量、降低成本等方面采用的一系列技术。如消除重复、去掉无关项、使用特殊编码技术等。
    A series of techniques used for the reduction of space, bandwidth, cost, transmission, generating time, and the storage of data.These techniques are designed to eliminate repetition, remove irrelevances, and employ special coding techniques.
  • 拷打;酷刑作为惩罚或制手段而施用的肉体上刑罚
    Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or coercion.
  • 彻底说服通常是通过威
    persuade completely, often through coercion.
  • 在党内和人民内部的政治生活中,只能采取民主手段,不能采取制、打击的手段。
    In political life within the Party and among the people we must use democratic means and not resort to coercion or attack.
  • 回扣、酬金归还已收到的一笔钱的一部分,通常是由于力、威力或秘密约定
    A return of a percentage of a sum of money already received, typically as a result of pressure, coercion, or a secret agreement.
  • 对于思想问题,无论如何不能用服的办法,要真正实行“双百”方针。
    In dealing with ideological problems we must never use coercion but should genuinely carry out the policy of "letting a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend".
  • 强制的使用或施加力的;强迫的
    Employing or exerting compulsion; coercive.
  • 权威应该是指导性的而非制的。
    authority is directional instead of coercive.
  • 当时在场的人说棺椁里的尸体保存完好,根不像已经被埋葬了19年之久的样子。
    Witnesses to the opening of the coffin said the body appeared well-preserved - not in a state of decomposition that one would expect from a body buried 19 years earlier.
  • 能够把电池转化为电源插座必须的高电流的感应线圈。
    an induction coil that converts current from a battery into the high-voltage current required by spark plugs.
  • 自耦变器一种电力变器,其初级线圈与次级线圈部分或全部共用
    An electrical transformer in which the primary and secondary coils have some or all windings in common.
  • 各种大型无毒蛇,它通过缠绕挤而杀死猎物。
    any of various large nonvenomous snakes that kill their prey by crushing it in its coils.
  • 用卷带马口铁的磁场的交感作用测量电流电或电能的仪器。
    uses the interaction of the magnetic fields of two coils to measure current or voltage or power.