  • 他是我们司的法律顾问。
    He is the adviser on legal affairs to our company.
  • 投资顾问建议购买航空司的股票。
    The investment adviser recommends buying shares in Aircraft Company.
  • 这家司聘这们退休的教授担任顾问。
    The firm employs the retired professor as an adviser.
  • 他正在与司的法律顾问进行商量
    He is consulting the company 's legal adviser
  • 他正在与司的法律顾问进行商量。
    He is consulting the company's legal adviser.
  • 他去园慢跑来放松一下。
    For relaxation he go jogging in the park.
  • 他去园慢跑来放松一下。
    For relaxation he goes jogging in the park.
  • 他去园慢跑来放松一下。
    For relaxation he went jogging in the park.
  • 为何不从事某种户外活动来轻松轻松,摆脱一下务呢?
    Why not take up some outdoor sport as a relaxation from office work?
  • 比起大多数国家,美国已经够随便了,寸;过在办室,美国人正变得越来越放松。
    Already more casual than most countries, American offices grow increasingly relaxed.
  • 国际业余田联世界路接力赛。
    IAAF World Road Relay.
  • 请你将诗人逝世的消息转播给众好吗?
    Could you relay the news of the poet's death out to the public?
  • 这个布的规范允许ngio论坛的成员开始实现、开发和布支持ngio的产品。
    This release allows members of the NGIO Forum to start implementing, developing and releasing products that support NGIO.
  • 用公积金解燃眉之急
    Release CPF savings for hardship needs
  • 根据有条件释放计划,无限期刑罚的犯人,可在长期监禁刑罚覆核委员会就这些犯人的无限期刑罚是否应转为确定限期刑罚作出建议前,获有条件释放,但须接受一段指定的监管期,以测试他们奉守法的能力及决心。
    Under the 'Conditional Release Scheme', prisoners with indeterminate sentences may, before the Long-term Prison Sentences Review Board makes recommendations as to whether their indeterminate sentences should be converted to a determinate ones, be conditionally released under supervision for a specific period to test their determination and ability to lead a law-abiding life.
  • 7。3月7日发表了一项联合报。
    A joint communique was released on March
  • 中华人民共和国想寻求一些咨询意见,那是无可非议的,但至于引人注目地开雇佣美国说客和关事务所,我目前还不知是否可行,我觉得或许有点儿为时过早。
    It is not awful for the People's Republic of China to seek consulting advices but as far as hiring high profile American lobbyists and public relations firms,I don't know the answer right now,but I think that maybe a little premature.
  • 他从不让那些年长职员参与决策;他们感觉像是被当作办室跑腿的了。
    He never involves his senior staff in decision making; they feel relegated to the status of office boys.
  • 最后,我在乡村安了家,信件上写着乡下地址。亲手送糖和卡片的事就交给了美国邮政司。
    My mailbox eventually had a rural address, and the job of hand-delivering candy and cards was relegated to the U.S. Postal Service.
  • 例如,在每个季度的最后几天,会计部门访问司的财务数据可以授予最高的优先等级,而在其余的时间内,则降到较低一些的等级,主管可以获得高优先权使用所有的应用程序,包括web浏览,而对其他雇员而言,则一般定在较低的优先等级上。
    Thus, for example, the accounting department's access to corporate financials could be given the highest priority on the last few days of the quarter, while being relegated to somewhat lesser status the rest of the time.Executives could get high priority for all their applications, including Web browsing, which might generally be set at a lower priority for other employees.
  • 为了更好地贯彻这一原则,中国在健全、完善法律制度,严肃执法、坚决打击侵权违法行为的同时,针对知识产权制度在中国建立的时间较短,民的知识产权意识比较薄弱等情况,大力开展知识产权保护的法制宣传教育,并加速知识产权领域专业人员的培训。
    Still, the intellectual property rights protection system has only comparatively recently been introduced in China, and some portion of the population has a rather incomplete understanding of intellectual property rights. In order to better implement this principle, while improving its legal system, enforcing the laws earnestly and striking relentless blows at infringements and other unlawful practices, China has spared no efforts in publicizing and providing education about the intellectual property protection legal system and in accelerating the training of professional personnel in this field.
  • 作为经济上先进但又脆弱的国家的民,我们必须始终不懈地提高技术质量,否则我们的生活水平就会下降。
    As citizens of advanced but vulnerable economies, we must either relentlessly increase the quality of our skills or see our standard of living erode.
  • 这是一个惊人的故事——这个1962年始创于阿肯色州乡村地区的沃尔玛百货司在今年一跃登上了《财富》500强的榜首。司创始人萨姆·沃尔顿一面千方百计提高销售额,一面以先进的信息技术降低成本。他以严格的“10英尺规则”(向在这距离之内的顾客致意)鼓励员工提高销售质量。换句话说,他是当今经济戒律——服务规则——的第一位传道者。事实上,沃尔玛百货司是第一个跃居《财富》500强榜首的服务业司。1955年,当《财富》杂志第一次布美国最大司的排名时,沃尔玛甚至尚未问世。那一年,通用汽车司是美国最大的司,此后不是通用汽车司就是另一个大司——埃克森司独占鳌头。
    It’s a stunning tale -- one that propelled Wal-Mart from rural Arkansas,where it was founded in 1962,to the top of the Fortune 500 this year.Sam Walton,Wal-Mart’s founder,pushed sales growth relentlessly while squeezing costs with sophisticated information technology.He exhorted employees to sell better with the“ten-foot rule”(greet customers if they are that close).He was,in other words,an early evangelist for the first commandment of today’s economy:Service rules.Wal-Mart,in fact,is the first service company to rise to the top of the Fortune 500.When Fortune first published its list of the largest companies in America in 1995,Wal-Mart didn’t even exist.That year General Motors was America’s biggest company,and in every year that followed,either GM or another mighty industrial,Exxon,was NO.1.
  • 对那些内部网搜索司来说,以向搜索提供关联性的方式加索引将是成败的关键。
    Indexing in a way that provides relevance to the search is going to be key to these intranet search companies.
  • 据verity司的高级产品经理johnadelus称,上下文与关联性是索引模型中“多层次抽象”的产物。
    According to John Adelus, senior product manager for Verity, context and relevance are products of "levels of abstraction" within the indexing model.
  • 那些能将其搜索引擎配置成具备在搜索结果中有更佳关联性的司,将成为内部网搜索领域中的赢家。
    The companies that can configure their search engines for better relevance in search results will be the winners in the intranet search field.
  • 税务局:有很大影响。如果租赁的是动产,在中国设有机构且它同租赁业务有关系时,你司才应在中国纳税。
    Tax official: yes, it is the main factor in determining whether your operation is taxable. The leasing of movable property, for example, is taxable provided your company have an establishment within china, and bear relevance to the operation.
  • 在符合其域内法律,并达成双方满意的协议以使要求协商的成员予以保密的前提下,被要求协商的成员应对协商给予充分的、真诚的考虑,并提供合适的机会,并应提供与所协商之问题有关的、可开获得的非秘密信息,以及该成员能得到的其他信息,以示合作。
    The Member addressed shall accord full and sympathetic consideration to, and shall afford adequate opportunity for, consultations with the requesting Member, and shall cooperate through supply of publicly available non-confidential information of relevance to the matter in question and of other information available to the Member, subject to domestic law and to the conclusion of mutually satisfactory agreements concerning the safeguarding of its confidentiality by the requesting Member.
  • 有经常参加宗教活动的信教民;有信教民组成的管理组织;
    a management organization composed of adherents to the relevant religion;
  • 我们正试图在共汽车上做广告来宣传我们的产品。
    We are trying to publicize our products by advertisement on buses.
  • 这家司有口皆碑而且可靠.
    This company is well-established and reliable.
  • 这个司生产的产品非常可靠。
    The company make a very reliable product.