  • 唐:靠在椅背上,放松
    Just sit back and relax.
  • 药丸有镇静催眠作用。
    These pills will relax you and make you sleep.
  • 不要为这事担心,放松
    Don't worry about it, just try to relax.
  • 人即使在家也不能很好地放松。
    Some people can't even relax when are at home.
  • 我的股票经纪人告戒我不要购买那股票。
    My stockbroker have advise against buy those share.
  • 肾上腺素白色到褐色之间的晶体化合物,c9h13no3,由某哺乳动物的肾上腺提取或人工合成,用作心脏兴奋剂、血管收缩剂和支气管肌松弛剂
    A white to brownish crystalline compound, C9H13NO3, isolated from the adrenal glands of certain mammals or synthesized and used in medicine as a heart stimulant, vasoconstrictor, and bronchial relaxant.
  • 你可以买一让人放松的磁带或自己制作一两盘,需要的时候听听让自己轻松一下。
    You can buy relaxation tapes or make your own, selecting whatever sounds you find soothing.
  • 两位中国人在完成此次出访的主要任务后,决定看文娱节目轻松一下。
    The Chinese, having accomplished the major task of their trip, decide to have some entertainment for relaxation.
  • 您可以按座位扶手上的按钮来让座椅变得更舒服一
    You can push the seat-recliner button in the armrest for relaxing.
  • 看到它们你便能马上回忆起那有趣、放松的美好情景。
    Looking at them will instantly bring back happy memories of fun and relaxing times.
  • 天她只是随大流,悠闲自得,连事情也不管了。
    These days she is just swimming with the tide, relaxing and letting things happen.
  • 建议包括在交通情况许可下,放宽个别的的士禁区;修订申请的士驾驶执照的基本资格;以及禁止犯了严重罪行者驾驶的士。
    These included relaxing individual restricted zones for taxis whenever traffic conditions allow, revising the basic requirements for obtaining a taxi driving license, and banning people convicted of serious offences from driving taxis.
  • 情况下,一个人控制住自己的脾气并保持沉默是明智的。
    There are situations in which it's highly advisable for a person to control his/her temper and keep his/her mouth shut.
  • 根据有条件释放计划,无限期刑罚的犯人,可在长期监禁刑罚覆核委员会就这犯人的无限期刑罚是否应转为确定限期刑罚作出建议前,获有条件释放,但须接受一段指定的监管期,以测试他们奉公守法的能力及决心。
    Under the 'Conditional Release Scheme', prisoners with indeterminate sentences may, before the Long-term Prison Sentences Review Board makes recommendations as to whether their indeterminate sentences should be converted to a determinate ones, be conditionally released under supervision for a specific period to test their determination and ability to lead a law-abiding life.
  • 老是坐在那里闷闷不乐地想着过去那不愉快的事情并不好。
    It is not advisable just to sit there brooding about the unpleasant bygones.
  • 工厂释放出一被污染过的气体。
    Some polluting gases are released from those workshop.
  • 中华人民共和国想寻求一咨询意见,那是无可非议的,但至于引人注目地公开雇佣美国说客和公关事务所,我目前还不知是否可行,我觉得或许有点儿为时过早。
    It is not awful for the People's Republic of China to seek consulting advices but as far as hiring high profile American lobbyists and public relations firms,I don't know the answer right now,but I think that maybe a little premature.
  • 在另一方面,一种文化如果忽略了家庭,或视家庭为无关重要的制度,结果定将造出一更劣等的产品。
    On the other hand, a civilization which ignores the home or relegates it to a minor position is apt to turn out poorer products.
  • 请给我提些建议。
    Please give me your advice.
  • 他从不让那年长职员参与决策;他们感觉像是被当作办公室跑腿的了。
    He never involves his senior staff in decision making; they feel relegated to the status of office boys.
  • 因此,便把若干其他帝国主义和中国的矛盾推入次要的地位,而在这帝国主义和日本帝国主义之间,扩大了矛盾的裂口。
    Consequently, the contradictions between China and certain other imperialist powers have been relegated to a secondary position, while the rift between these powers and Japan has been widened.
  • 例如,在每个季度的最后几天,会计部门访问公司的财务数据可以授予最高的优先等级,而在其余的时间内,则降到较低一的等级,主管可以获得高优先权使用所有的应用程序,包括web浏览,而对其他雇员而言,则一般定在较低的优先等级上。
    Thus, for example, the accounting department's access to corporate financials could be given the highest priority on the last few days of the quarter, while being relegated to somewhat lesser status the rest of the time.Executives could get high priority for all their applications, including Web browsing, which might generally be set at a lower priority for other employees.
  • 後来她宽容了,让孩子们晚睡看电视
    Afterwards she relent and let the children stay up late to watch tv
  • 由于注重产品质量、研究顾客需要以及不遗余力地宣传品牌,海尔运用这在国内非同寻常的策略征服了国内市场(海尔冰箱在中国占有的市场份额达到29%,洗衣机的市场份额达到26%)。
    It conquered its home market(29% market share for refrigerators, 26% for washing machines)by emphasizing product quality, studying customer needs, and relentlessly pressing its brand--unusual strategies for China.
  • 他们愿意站得近,甚至摸摸交谈对象,因而就一个劲地逼着美国人满屋走,竭力缩短彼此之间的距离。
    Finding themselves happier standing close to and even touching those they are in conversation with they will relentlessly pursue the Americans round the room trying to close the distance between them.
  • 小布什是有木讷,但他坚持这四大问题不动摇,的确是一个讨人喜欢的好策略,事实上他愚钝又务实,我想没人会料到以后发生的事。
    He was somewhat wooden, but he stuck to the four issues relentlessly and it proved to be a winning strategy. In fact he was so wooden and so programmed that I don't think anyone was prepared for what happened next.
  • 他向我提了一很好的意见。
    He gave me some good advice.
  • 工具包括具有剖析和过滤功能的工具以及根据关系进行分类和排列的软件。
    These tools range from profiling and filtering features to software that sorts and ranks documents according to their relevance.
  • 2月12日来自伊拉克国家监督委员会会的一封信也许有一相关性。
    Not least against this background, a letter of 12 February from Iraq's National Monitoring Directorate may be of relevance.
  • 对那内部网搜索公司来说,以向搜索提供关联性的方式加索引将是成败的关键。
    Indexing in a way that provides relevance to the search is going to be key to these intranet search companies.
  • 能将其搜索引擎配置成具备在搜索结果中有更佳关联性的公司,将成为内部网搜索领域中的赢家。
    The companies that can configure their search engines for better relevance in search results will be the winners in the intranet search field.
  • 他在书桌抽屉中寻找一有关文件。
    He ferreted about in a desk drawer for some relevant documents.