  • 让人们出价购买货物,西卖给出价最高的人
    Selling of goods where people offer bid, and the item is sold to the person who makes the highest offer
  • 每一个人都靠卖些什么西来过活。
    Everyone lives by selling something.
  • 你是否能去跟老板把事情解释清楚,使简不至由于偶尔损坏西而受罚?
    Can you square things with the boss so that Jane won't be punished for her accidental damage?
  • 为了找寻年复一年为社会和环境所掩盖的真正的自我,我们需要检查这些"壁纸",一旦认识到它们毫无价值,不再需要或者有缺陷,需要轻轻剥去一些,最好是将那些摒弃的西尘封在记忆中,激励我们更有活力和更有精神地前进。
    That often, in order to find our real selves underneath the layers of community and culture with which we cloak ourselves year after year, we need to start examining these layers. We need to gently peel some away, as we recognize them to be worthless, unnecessary, or flawed; or at best, store the discarded ones as mementoes of our promotion to a better vitality or spirit.
  • 用旗语或类似旗语的西示意。
    send signals by or as if by semaphore.
  • 由于多了这两件西,所以中国就变成了殖民地半殖民地半封建的国家。
    It is because of these two superfluous things that China has become a colonial, semi-colonial and semi-feudal country.
  • 美国南部的一种大的栎木,半常绿;在潮湿地区生长茂盛。
    large nearly semi-evergreen oak of southeastern United States; thrives in damp soil.
  • 中国人常常把一束马尾的长毛缚在一支短杖上以驱蚊蝇;这种叫做鏖的西渐渐成为谈话的重要附属物,所以这种闲谈在今日的文艺作品中还是称为“尘谈”。
    The chu, a bundle of hair from the horse's tail tied together around a handle for driving away mosquitoes or flies, became an important accessory of conversation, and today such leisurely conversations are still known in literary works as chut an or "chu conversations."
  • 环形殿半圆形或多边形的,通常是建筑物的圆形抛射面,尤指祭坛或教堂末端
    A semicircular or polygonal, usually domed projection of a building, especially the altar or east end of a church.
  • 半球沙漠或半沙漠地区的走鸻。
    courser of desert and semidesert regions of the Old World.
  • 美国队在与道主中国队的半决赛中遇到了两位nba级别的球员——七英尺高的王治郅和姚明,比赛结果令人伤心。
    Team USA's semifinal game against the hometown Chinese team that featured two NBA-caliber seven footers in Wang Zhizhi and yao Ming proved to be heartbreaking.
  • 经济,历史及政治三个系共同举办了一个南亚讲演会。
    The economics, history and political science departments organized an interdisciplinary seminar on Southeast Asia.
  • 中国还于2002年9月在北京举办了盟地区论坛军队后勤保障社会化研讨会。
    In September 2002, China held the ARF seminar on military logistics outsourcing support in Beijing.
  • 近两年来,中国在北京先后主办了在盟地区论坛框架内的热区卫生与热带病防治军事医学研讨会、中国安全政策培训班、第四届国防院校长会议和军转民合作研讨会。
    In the past two years, China has hosted, successively in Beijing, the ARF Seminar on Tropical Hygiene and Prevention and Treatment of Tropical Infectious Diseases, the ARF Professional Training Program on China's Security Policy, the 4th ARF Meeting of Heads of Defense Colleges, and the ARF Seminar on Defense Conversion Cooperation.
  • 冻子象凡士林软膏一样,有着柔软的半固体食物那样稠度的西
    Something, such as a petroleum ointment, having the consistency of a soft, semisolid food substance.
  • 加利福尼亚和北加利福尼亚的闪族语系民族的人。
    a member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and N Africa.
  • 阿莫尼特人住在约旦河以的古闪米特族成员,在《旧约》圣经中多次被提到
    A member of an ancient Semitic people living east of the Jordan River, mentioned frequently in the Old Testament.
  • 阿拉伯人居住于阿位伯半岛的闪族人的一个成员,自7世纪以来其语言及伊斯兰宗教信仰广泛传播于中及北非
    A member of a Semitic people inhabiting Arabia, whose language and Islamic religion spread widely throughout the Middle East and northern Africa from the seventh century.
  • ·对南亚地区-中国加入wto将不断增强地区经济独立性-解除促进贸易和繁荣的壁垒。
    For South East Asia-China's WTO accession will promote the growing economic interdependence in the region-breaking down barriers to trade and prosperity.
  • 突然间,据这些新cti工具箱的用户称,cti成了任何一家公司都可使用的西。
    Suddenly, CTI is accessible to any enterprise, according to users of this new breed of CTI tools.
  • 易洛魁语系加拿大部和美国的北美印第安语言一语系,包括卡尤加语,莫霍克语,奥内达语,奥农达加语,塞纳卡语,塔斯卡洛拉语,彻罗基语,伊利语,休伦语和怀恩多特语
    A family of North American Indian languages of the eastern part of Canada and the United States that includes Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, Tuscarora, Cherokee, Erie, Huron, and Wyandot.
  • 生长在美国部到德克萨斯开有金黄色花的杂生草本植物;有时归为千里光属。
    weedy herb of the eastern United States to Texas having golden-yellow flowers; sometimes becomes invasive; sometimes placed in genus Senecio.
  • 千里光属一种菊科千里光这个大属的草木植物,有黄色花冠,尤指北美洲部生长的金色千里光和欧洲生长的雅克宾千里光
    Any of several plants of the very large genus Senecio in the composite family, having yellow flower heads, especially S. aureus of eastern North America and S. jacobaea of Europe.
  • 预感到的入侵者的出现;房间里的什么西把她的手臂碰青了一大块;预感到的凶兆。
    the felt presence of an intruder; a sensed presence in the room raised goosebumps on her arms; a perceived threat.
  • 我的朋友们应该已经开始他们新一季的棒球联赛了,但不知为什么,我现在开始庆幸决定干这1小时10美分的工作了,我感到我学到了我的朋友们在学校里所学不到的一些西。
    My friends would have just been starting their Little League baseball game. But far some reason, I was now thankful I had decided to work for 10 cents an hour. I sensed that I was about to learn something my friends would not learn in school.
  • 那样西买得有道理。
    That was a sensible buy.
  • 伦理上不能接受的西。
    departure from what is ethically acceptable.
  • 合宜对适宜的西的敏感性;适当
    Sensitivity to what is proper; propriety.
  • 他略微有些山口音。
    He has a slight Shandong accent.
  • 一种中舞蹈其中舞蹈者表演出臀和腹部的优美的动作。
    a Middle Eastern dance in which the dancer makes sensuous movements of the hips and abdomen.
  • 邮件邮寄的东西
    Something sent by mail.
  • 他们正谈论报章社论以及其他代表舆论的西。
    They are talking about the press opinion and other indicia of public sentiment.