  • 这是城中最充满生气的夜活动场所。
    It 's the lively nightspot in town.
  • 让我们使这房子有点生气。
    let's liven up this room a bit.
  • 这艘船从利物浦驶到纽约用了5个星期时
    The ship sailed from Liverpool to New York in five weeks.
  • 在节日期,消费品销售额比去年有所增长。
    Ln comparison with last year, more consumer goods were sold over the holiday.
  • 我的家乡湘潭县银田镇团防局长汤峻岩、罗叔林二人,民国二年以来十四年,杀人五十多,活埋四人。
    In my native county of Hsiangtan, Tang Chun-yen and Lo Shu-lin who headed the defence corps in the town of Yintien have killed more than fifty people and buried four alive in the fourteen years since 1913.
  • 不要浪费你的时间。
    Don't loaf away your time.
  • 你们是否接受私人或政府贷款?
    Do you accept loan, both private loan and government-to-government loan?
  • 你们是否接受私人或政府贷款?
    Do you accept loan, both private loan and government - to - government loan?
  • 里有一股令人难受的腐肉的臭味。
    There is a loathsome smell of rotting flesh in the room.
  • 请在你的房等候,我会在大厅打电话给你的。
    Please wait in your room until I give you a call from the lobby.
  • 如果您赶时的话,我们在大厅的咖啡厅也有早餐供应。
    If you are in a hurry, we also serve breakfast at the Coffee Shop on the Lobby Floor.
  • 我会到您房去的。您是要在那儿等我,或是我们在楼下大厅见面?
    I'll come to your room. Will you wait there, or shall we meet in the lobby?
  • ????科中能游泳并潜水的任一种鸟类,有尖尖的喙,脚趾有蹼状的肉膜
    Any of various swimming and diving birds of the family Podicipedidae, having a pointed bill and lobed, fleshy membranes along each toe.
  • 杰克被派去值夜班,时从半夜至次日凌晨8时。
    Jack was assigned the lobster shift, from midnight until eight in the morning.
  • 《1986年宇宙空法令1990年(香港)令》已予本地化,成为《外层空条例》。
    The United Kingdom Outer Space Act 1986 (Hong Kong) Order 1990 was localised to become the Outer Space Ordinance.
  • 现时的巴士专用线大部分位于个别地区内,未能改善地区与地区之的巴士服务。
    Existing bus-only lanes are mostly localised and do not facilitate the movement of buses between districts and/or regions.
  • 各县之地方主义很重,一县内的各区乃至各乡之也有很深的地方主义。
    Localism exists to a serious extent in the relations between counties and even between districts and townships within the same county.
  • 地方主义是存在于地方游击队和地方政府中的,他们往往只顾地方的利益,忘记全局的利益,或贪图分散活动,不惯集团生活。
    Localism exists among the local guerrilla units and local governments, which are frequently preoccupied with local considerations to the neglect of the general interest, or which prefer to act each on its own because they are unaccustomed to acting in larger groups.
  • 存在的状态和空中的所在位置。
    the state of existing and being localized in space.
  • 通信技术中的一种通信业务,支持在同一建筑物内或一个集中区域内的两个或多个站之的语音通信。
    In communications, a communicating service which supports voice intercommunica- tions between two or more stations located in the same building or localized area.
  • 在地球磁场中也有较小的非偶极结构,它在一个世纪的时尺度l会发生局部的和非常轻微的变化。
    There are also smaller, non-dipolar structures in the Earth's field, which change locally and very slightly on a century timescale.
  • 孙中山发起的革命运动,中国八年抗日战争,本地人都热烈的响应,出钱出力,也因此付出了代价,在二次大战期受到日军无情的对待。
    For instance, the locals joined efforts with people in China during the National Revolution led by Dr Sun Yat-sen and the War of Resistance against Japan.
  • 30年来,国外或民,新加坡被普遍定位为言论空气沉闷、服从意识强烈的社会。
    For 30 years, Singapore has been widely seen by both foreigners and locals to be a country where the climate for opinion is sterile, and a society peopled by a pliant population.
  • 他们测试了他的空定位能力。
    they tested his ability to locate objects in space.
  • 我们的视觉使我们能够给空的物体定位;你能在地图。
    Our sense of sight enables us to locate objects in space; Can you locate China on the map?
  • 惟有视觉与触觉能让我们找着物体在周围空的位置。
    only sight and touch enable us to locate objects in the space around us.
  • 离子的位于或发生于离子之
    Located or occurring between ions.
  • 的位于或发生于核之
    Located or occurring between nuclei.
  • 通过测量声音在已知的位置上到达麦克风的时来寻找声音(如敌人的枪声)的来源。
    locating a source of sound (as an enemy gun) by measurements of the time the sound arrives at microphones in known positions.
  • 她花掉所有时去寻找失款。
    She devoted all her time to the location of the missing money.
  • 某物精确的位置;在空中一个有限的位置。
    the precise location of something; a spatially limited location.
  • (电脑)分割分配给一个程序的存储器空
    A location in memory assigned to a program.