  • 黄狼毛皮这种动物的黄褐毛皮
    The tawny fur of this animal.
  • 以叫声闻名的北美洲茶褐画眉。
    tawny brown North American thrush noted for its song.
  • 有黑斑点的灰或棕猫。
    a cat with a gray or tawny coat mottled with black.
  • 非洲和亚洲森林中的大型猫科动物,皮毛通常是茶带黑的斑点。
    large feline of African and Asian forests usually having a tawny coat with black spots.
  • 虎一种生活在亚洲的大型食肉性猫科哺乳动物(虎),毛皮黄褐且有横向的黑条纹
    A large carnivorous feline mammal(Panthera tigris) of Asia, having a tawny coat with transverse black stripes.
  • 一种直立的灌木,茶黄的花组成总状花序;干燥后的叶子可以制成泻药;有时归入山扁豆属。
    erect shrub having racemes of tawny yellow flowers; the dried leaves are used medicinally as a cathartic; sometimes placed in genus Cassia.
  • 年底时,本港共有巿区的士15161辆(红)、新界的士2707辆(绿)及大屿山的士50辆(蓝),平均每日载客量分别为110万、199000及1252人次。
    At the end of 1997, there were 15 161 urban taxis (coloured red), 2 707New Territories taxis (green) and 50 Lantau taxis (blue), carrying a daily average of 1.1 million, 199 000 and 1 252 passengers respectively.
  • 穿白色球衣的队。
    The team in white.
  • 欧洲川续断,花白;已经引入美国。
    European teasel with white to pink flowers; naturalized in United States.
  • 埃德现仍在研究彩印刷术吗?他没有开始写他酝酿已久的电影发展史?
    Is Ed still with Technicolor? Did he ever get started on that history of the movies he was going to write?
  • 它的一面是一只拿着红的弓的艾德熊,另一面是浅兰的格子图案。
    It had teddy bears with red bows on one side and light blue checks on the other.
  • 的羊绒轻便大衣那时在小伙子们中很流行,买一件新的要花好几百美元,而这一件质地更好一些,还带有一种逝去年代的古典美。
    Dark, woolen topcoats were popular just then with teenage boys, but could cost several hundred dollars new. This coat was even better, bearing that touch of classic elegance from a bygone era.
  • 纸张电池有限公司,以列特拉维夫的一家小公司,已经开发出一种可以直接压印在纸张、塑料或其他弹性材料上的电池。
    Power Paper Ltd., a tiny company based in Tel Aviv, Israel, has developed a battery that can be printed directly onto paper, plastic or other flexible material.
  • 制作彩色电视节目
    To televise a program in color.
  • 但是,当我以为自己已经很不错了,在国庆日的那个周末,我才知道原来把门漆上红是向人暗示这房子是间妓院。
    But, just when I think I am getting there-I learn over the National Day weekend, that a red door is the telltale sign of a brothel.
  • 但是,当我以为自己已经很不错了,在国庆日的那个周末,我才知道原来把门漆上红是向人暗示这房子是间妓院。
    But, just when I think I am getting there I learn over the National Day weekend, that a red door is the telltale sign of a brothel.
  • 一种银白矿物,由银、金碲化物组成,在澳大利亚和美国是黄金的来源。
    a silver-white mineral consisting of silver gold telluride; a source of gold in Australia and America.
  • 产于温带地区;深紫的翅膀上有黄边。
    of temperate regions; having dark purple wings with yellow borders.
  • 外面的摊子摆出各各样的商品诱使人买。
    The stand outside displayed various articles to tempt people into buying.
  • 战略防御时固守钳制方面的据点,战略进攻时打孤立无援之敌,消灭根据地中的白据点,这些时候也常常给予战役或战斗以持久方针。
    A plan of protracted operations is often applied in campaigns or battles when we are strategically on the defensive and are tenaciously defending positions on a holding front, or when, in a strategic offensive, we are attacking isolated enemy forces cut off from help, or are eliminating White strongholds within our base areas.
  • 因为每个人的祖先、家庭和朋友都可能是属于各种不同种族、有着不同肤、信仰不同宗教、来自各个不同的国家,而且因为最近几年,人们对这些区别酌敏感达到了前所未有的温和程度,所以,人们认为讲一些流传已久的有关民族、社会、宗教、性别、或者种族的玩笑是粗鲁的。
    Because everyone has ancestors, family, and friends of every possible race, colour, creed, and national origin, and because sensitivity to such differ-ences has reached unprecedented tenderness in recent years, it is considered rude to tell a joke that perpetu-ates an ethnic, social, religious, sexual, or racial stereotype.
  • 药西瓜一种卷须状旧大陆藤本植物(药西瓜西瓜属),结有黄有绿斑点小柠檬大小的果实
    A tendril-bearing Old World vine(Citrullus colocynthis) bearing yellowish, green-mottled fruits the size of small lemons.
  • 泻根生长在欧亚大陆,生有卷须的泻根属的藤类植物,结红或黑果实,其块根原用作药物
    Any of various Eurasian tendril-bearing vines of the genus Bryonia, having red or black berries and tuberous roots formerly used as medicine.
  • 紫葳藤,比格诺藤一种四季常青的卷须结实的木藤蔓(比格诺藤比格诺藤属),主要生长在美国东南部,开漂亮的桔红喇叭状花
    An evergreen, tendril-bearing woody vine(Bignonia capreolata), native chiefly to the southeast United States and having showy red-orange, trumpet-shaped flowers.
  • 山黧豆属植物一种野豌豆属的草本植物,具有羽状复叶,细长的卷须和各种颜的花朵
    Any of several plants of the genus Lathyrus, having pinnately compound leaves, slender tendrils, and variously colored flowers.
  • 巢豆,野豌豆一种香豌豆属的植物,具有长在细长卷须上的羽状复叶和各种颜的花朵
    Any of various herbs of the genus Vicia, having pinnately compound leaves that terminate in tendrils and small, variously colored flowers.
  • 热带非洲和亚洲的加兰属中的任何一种植物;靠叶尖的卷须来攀援的一种草本植物,具有艳丽的黄至红或紫花朵;所有部分都有毒。
    any plant of the genus Gloriosa of tropical Africa and Asia; a perennial herb climbing by means of tendrils at leaf tips having showy yellow to red or purple flowers; all parts are poisonous.
  • 一位特别有前途的执行官很有可能会被列入我们的ceo名单当中,即使他的任期并不长——只要他在公司的成功发展中发挥了重要的角
    An especially promising executive could make the list even without a long tenure as CEO--so long as the candidate had already played a major role in a company's success.
  • 为保留过去一直沿用的法例,为剔除有殖民地彩的字眼,以及为确保香港的法例与《基本法》没有抵触,进行法律适应化工作是必需的。
    The adaptations were necessary to maintain the laws previously in force, to remove colonial terminology and to ensure that laws were consistent with the Basic Law.
  • 黑燕鸥一种燕鸥黑燕鸥和小黑燕鸥属,发现生长于热带水中,头为白或灰,身为深褐或黑
    Any of several terns of the genera Anous and Micranous, found in tropical waters and having a dark brown or black color with a white or gray head.
  • 北美的一种多年生草本植物,具有三出复叶、总状花序、花小、白,浆果卵形、红而透明。
    North American perennial herb with ternately compound leaves and racemes of small white flowers followed by bright red oval poisonous berries.
  • 、棕和红石灰土
    rtndzina,terra fusca and cerra rossa