  • 该委员会负责对这个城市的问题作全面调查
    The committee undertakes a comprehensive diagnosis of the city 's problems
  • 为了医学诊断而对粪便的化学析。
    the chemical analysis of excrement (for medical diagnosis or for paleontological purposes).
  • 医学中有关精神病的诊断与治理的支。
    the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.
  • 对特定的活动进行问题析并且给以指导或者补救性工作的会议。
    meeting for diagnosis of problems and instruction or remedial work in a particular activity.
  • 在现代的战略管理和规划中,swot析是一个众所周知的诊断工具。
    In modern strategic management and planning, SWOT analysis is a widely known diagnostic tool.
  • 包含诊断和编辑程序,以析异常情况并指明隐含的结果的程序。
    A combination diagnostic and edit routine which questions unusual situations and notes the implied results.
  • 《考克斯报告》称,在故障调查中,美方卫星制造商向中国提供了析故障的“诊断程序”、“转让了导弹设计方面的资料和技术技能”。
    The Cox Report claims that during the failure investigation, US satellite manufacturers provided China with a "diagnostic program'' for failure analysis and "transferred missile design information and know-how''.
  • 斜线号一种斜线符号,尤用于对选择加以区,如和/或者,表示每…这一词,如英里/小时,和在诗尾表示连续打印行,如老国王考勒/是一个快乐的老人
    A diagonal mark(/) used especially to separate alternatives, as in and/or, to represent the word per, as in miles/hour, and to indicate the ends of verse lines printed continuously, as in Old King Cole/Was a merry old soul.
  • 画一条对角线,把正方形成两个三角形
    Draw a diagonal line to divide a square into two triangles
  • 画一条对角线,把正方形成两个三角形。
    Draw a diagonal line to divide the square into two triangle.
  • 剖面图某物体的模型或图示,该物体外层的一部被切除以便显示其内部
    A model or diagram of an object with part of the outer layer removed so as to reveal the interior.
  • 对地球表面(或它的一部)的图形表示。
    a diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface (or part of it).
  • 请直接拨2345号机好吗?
    Could you dial extension 2345 directly, please?
  • 布于德国北部的一种方言。
    a German dialect spoken in northern Germany.
  • 布于西班牙西北加里西亚的一种葡萄牙方言(有时被认为是西班牙的一种方言)。
    the dialect of Portuguese (sometimes regarded as a dialect of Spanish) spoken in Galicia NW Spain.
  • 那边的房子;(yon是古旧用法和方言用法,例如scatteredhereandyon(散在这里和远处)——考尔德·威廉翰)。
    the house yonder; (`yon' is archaic and dialectal as in scattered here and yon- Calder Willingham).
  • 孩子们的举止得体;完成得很好的任务;晚会进行得很顺利;他睡得很好;论证充的论文;安排得很好的晚会;(good是well的非标准方言变体,例如在thebabycanwalkprettygood(宝宝可以走得非常好了))。
    the children behaved well; a task well done; the party went well; he slept well; a well-argued thesis; a well-planned party; (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well' as in the baby can walk pretty good).
  • 要坚持辩证唯物主义的思想路线,从三十年来文艺发展的历史中,析正反两方面的经验,摆脱各种条条框框的束缚,根据我国历史新时期的特点,研究新情况,解决新问题。
    It is essential to adhere to the ideological line of dialectical materialism, and to analyse both positive and negative experience in the development of our literature and art over the past 30 years.We must get rid of all stereotypes and conventions and study new situations and solve new problems in conformity with the characteristics of the new historical period China is in.
  • 要坚持辩证唯物主义的思想路线,从三十年来文艺发展的历史中,析正反两方面的经验,摆脱各种条条框框的束缚,根据我国历史新时期的特点,研究新情况,解决新问题。
    It is essential to adhere to the ideological line of dialectical materialism, and to analyse both positive and negative experience in the development of our literature and art over the past 30 years. We must get rid of all stereotypes and conventions and study new situations and solve new problems in conformity with the characteristics of the new historical period China is in.
  • 由对话控制提供的一种功能。为进行差错校正和其它目的,把信息组后放入链中。
    A facility provided in dialog control. Messages are grouped into chains for error recovery and other purposes.
  • 双方应该求同存异,减少对抗,增加对话,使矛盾和歧不要激化。
    We should try to seek common ground while reserving differences, reduce conflicts and expand dialog to prevent contradictions and divergence from becoming intensified.
  • ”,对话十简短,特有味道。
    The dialogue is very brief. It is tasty.
  • 对话的主题应跟阅读部的主题相关联。
    The theme of the dialogue should be related to the theme of the reading passage.
  • 把血液中的一部物质离出来。
    a procedure in which blood is drawn and separated into its components by dialysis; some are retained and the rest are returned to the donor by transfusion.
  • 当两个诚实的证人对同一件事做出了截然不同的解释时,人们怎样才能证明你给出的证据是有意捏造的呢?;这些画笔中有三个彼此开有一百二十英尺的距离,第四个和那三个中的一个处于完全相反的位置。
    when two honest witnesses give accounts of the same event that differ diametrically, how can anyone prove that the evidence you gave was deliberately false?; three of these brushes were approximately 120 feet apart and the fourth diametrically opposite to one of the three.
  • 可是“六四事件”后,香港政治制度急转弯,三级议会迈向全面直选,政党为捞选票,把民生问题泛政治化,城市论坛变成“战场”,席上嘉宾政治立场壁垒明,死硬派捧场客各自呐喊起哄,经常由文斗演为武斗,劳动警察增援控制场面、护送嘉宾,港人“入鲍鱼之肆,久而不闻其臭”,更自诩为言论自由的表征。
    Yet, following the Tiananmen Incident in 1989, the political institution of Hong Kong took a drastic turn. For one thing, direct election became the practice for the city's legislative bodies at various levels.To win votes, the many parties politicised the issues discussed and debated at City Forum, turning the RDHK programme into a battlefield.The guest speakers could be diametrically opposed, and very often the confronting sides would turn loud protests and jeers into punches and kicks until police come to restore order and escort the speakers home.Hong Kongers have become comfortable with such brawls, just as one who stays long enough at a salted fish stall gets used to the stink. And they take the noisy shows as a sign of free speech.
  • 维系我和我姐姐黛安娜之间的其他纽带可能更多地是由于我们有相同的脱氧核糖核酸,在这一点上我们跟克隆人十相近。
    Other connections between Diana and me may be more related to our matching DNA and thus more applicable to clones.
  • 时机未熟,擅自写作,是泻痢腹痛误为娩,投药打胎,则胎死。
    When a man rushes into print before his ideas go through this period of gestation, that is diarrhoea, mistaken for birth pains.
  • 这个临时行政机构将具有广泛的基础和充的代表性,由伊拉克所有部族、地区和海外群体的代表组成。
    The Interim Authority will be broad-based and fully representative, with members from all of Iraq's ethnic groups, regions and diaspora.
  • 一种常见的非金属元素,通常为无色无嗅无味的惰性二原子气体,体积占大气的%,活细胞的组成成
    a common nonmetallic element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless inert diatomic gas; constitutes 78 percent of the atmosphere by volume; a constituent of all living tissues.
  • 除第二、第三、第五和第六乐音外有和整个音调离的乐音的全音阶音阶。
    a diatonic scale with notes separated by whole tones except for the 2nd and 3rd and 5th and 6th.
  • 除第三、第四、第七和第八乐音外有和整个音调离的乐音的全音阶音阶。
    a diatonic scale with notes separated by whole tones except for the 3rd and 4th and 7th and 8th.