  • 两间在香港注册的司获发给《外层空间条例》牌照。
    Two companies incorporated in Hong Kong have been granted licences under the Outer Space Ordinance.
  • 合并一个共机构并指定其权利的文件;包括合并的证书和文件。
    a document incorporating an institution and specifying its rights; includes the articles of incorporation and the certificate of incorporation.
  • 声明司成立的文件。
    state approval of the articles of incorporation of a corporation.
  • 在某些情况下司条例被认可的司。
    a business whose articles of incorporation have been approved in some state.
  • 司联合资产核定的最大量的股本。
    the maximum number of shares authorized under the the terms of a corporations articles of incorporation.
  • 此外,该处也实施和执行若干其他条例,包括《受讬人条例》中与信讬司有关的部分、《注册受讬人法团条例》和《有限责任合伙条例》。
    It also administers and enforces several other ordinances including the Trustee Ordinance, insofar as it relates to trust companies, the Registered Trustees Incorporation Ordinance and the Limited Partnerships Ordinance.
  • 根据《司条例》注册成为法团的本地司,须缴交1,425元注册费及295元存放文件费用,另就每1,000元法定资本缴交一元的资本税,但每宗个案的税项上限为30,000元。
    On incorporation under the Companies Ordinance, a local company pays a registration fee of $1,425 and a lodgement fee of $295 plus a capital duty of $1 for every $1,000 of nominal capital, subject to a cap of $30,000 per case.
  •  当民主制度的重要支柱,例如法制、正和有效率的政府及廉洁的民事服务欠缺时,这样的情况便会出现,结果当然是贪污成风。
    This happens when the pillars of democracy, namely the rule of law, a fair and effective government and an incorruptible civil service, are absent. As a result, rampant corruption becomes a way of life.
  • 她的体重增加到了70斤。
    Her weight has increased to 70 kilos.
  • 司的业务已增加很多
    The company's business has increased much.
  • 奇特的喷泉与印在明信片上的美丽景色使黄石国家园闻名遐迩。
    The incredible geysers and picture postcard landscape brought Yellowstone its fame.
  • 多年来,rdbms司提供专有的附加功能,让用户增加功能,但又不让他们扩展数据库以理解各自行业、甚至他们自己企业的多种数据格式、功能或复杂查询。
    For years, RDBMS vendors have offered proprietary add-ons which gave users incremental capabilities but did not let them extend the database to understand the data formats, functions or complex queries of their own industries or even their own enterprises.
  • 民的人格尊严不受侵犯,禁止用任何方法对民进行侮辱、诽谤和诬告陷害;
    the personal dignity of citizens is inviolable, and insult, libel, false accusation or false incrimination directed against citizens by any means is prohibited;
  • 除推行为新成立的科技司开办的科技创业培育计划外,该司亦举办促进本地科技文化和促成商务合作伙伴关系的科技转移计划。
    It has developed the Technology-based Business Incubation Programme to nurture technology start-ups and the Technology Transfer Programme to foster technology culture and business-matchmaking.
  • 在去年他们布了“网络计算机参考说明”之后,他们经“十月怀胎”,今年终于“一朝分娩”,降生了nc,大受欢迎。
    After they unveiled the Network Computer Reference Profile last year, they went right ahead through the pregnancy period and incubation, and finally this year, the birth of the NC is heralded with a big bang.
  • 科技园司通过辖下科技中心的创业培育计划,培育新成立的科技司,在他们创业初期最关键的数年,提供廉价办用地,以及行政管理、市场推广、财务和专业业务等方面的服务。
    Through the business incubation programme at its Tech Centre, the HKSTPC nurtures technology-based start-up companies by providing low-cost accommodation as well as management, marketing, financial and professional business services in the critical initial years of these companies.
  • 科技园司提供一系列完善的服务,全面照顾产业在各阶段的不同需要,包括通过培育计划培育新成立的科技司、在科学园内为应用研究发展活动提供设备和服务,以及在工业区内为生产工序提供土地和设备。
    It offers a comprehensive range of services to cater for the needs of industry at various stages, ranging from nurturing technology start-ups through the incubation programme, providing premises and services in the Science Park for applied research and development activities, to providing land and premises in the industrial estates for production.
  • 三是建立11.5平方里的高新技术产业园区,进行统一规划、建设,为进驻园区的高新技术企业提供税收、土地租金等方面的优惠及生产生活服务,为科技项目产业化提供“孵化”服务。
    In addition, a Hi-tech Industrial Park of 11.5 square kilometers has been built. Serving as an incubator for hi-tech companies, the Park aims to provide the best living and working facilities for their workers and the most favorable policies in taxes and land rentals for their companies.
  • 这项计划将额外提供九万个培训学额,培训受自愿退休计划影响的务员;协助务员作好准备,学习所需的知识和技能,落实执行务员体制改革措施;以及建立新的服务文化和持续学习的文化。
    The programme provides 90 000 additional training places, focusing on training for staff affected by the VR exercise, training to equip staff with the requisite skills and knowledge to implement the Civil Service Reform initiatives, as well as to inculcate a new service and continuous learning culture.
  • 对每一个民来说,这是应尽的义务,因为这是为了全社会全民族共同的富强,而不是为了谁的私利。
    This is a duty incumbent on each citizen as it serves the purpose of making the whole society and whole nation prosperous, and it is not proceeding from the private interest of some individuals.
  • 斯坦格尔先生在信里说,“招标委员们报称,纽约电话司销售组看来相当认真地提出大幅削价。因此他们认为我们有责任想尽办法以最好的价格采购一套合乎交通管理局要求的自动收票系统。”
    "The members of the selection committee reported that the Nynex vendor team appeared serious about offering a substantial price reduction and that they believed as a consequence that it was incumbent upon us to exhaust all means of securing an A.F.C. system meeting the Transit Authority's requirements at the best possible price," Mr.Stangl said in the letter.
  • 司花了很多钱实施开发计划。
    The company had incur heavy cost to implement the development programme.
  • 逆向选择可能给保险司带来巨大的损失,或者会使保险司把保费提高到许多人不能支付的程度。
    Adverse selection could cause insurance companies to incur extraordinary losses or it could boost insurance premium to levels that would be unaffordable for many people.
  • 因此,如果每个投保人都支付少量的保费,保险司则会有足够的钱来赔偿真正遭受损失的投保人。
    Therefore, if every policyholder pays a small amount into the insurance company's fund, there will be enough money in the fund to pay for the damages suffered by the few who actually incur a loss.
  • 一些司不得不表示他们所承担的费用是“完全和专门”作为企业的一部分而“承受的”,虽然他们可以声称对某些活动的赞助至少是他们的共关系和广告预算的一部分,但那笔钱是不能无限量增加的。
    Companies have to show that the expenses they have incurred are "wholly and exclusively incurred" as part of the business and though they can claim that what they give to some events is at least part of their public relations and advertising budget, and that does not extend indefinitely.
  • 第四款对於法律批准的合众国共债务,包括因支付平定作乱或反叛有功人员的年金和奖金而产生的债务,其效力不得有所怀疑,但无论合众国或任何一州,都不得承担或偿付因援助对合众国的作乱或反叛而产生的任何债务或义务,或因丧失或解放任何奴隶而提出的任何赔偿要求;
    Section 4.The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave;
  • 为协助置业人士自置居所,按揭证券司于一九九九年三月推出按揭保险计划,让银行以高于金管局限制的七成按揭上限借出按揭贷款而不用承担额外风险。
    The HKMC introduced the Mortgage Insurance Programme (MIP) in March 1999 to promote home-ownership in Hong Kong. It enables the banks to lend home mortgage loans above the 70 per cent loan-to-value ceiling set by the HKMA without incurring additional risk.
  • 欠房地产公司的钱
    be indebted to a property company
  • 你方...月...日来信收悉,感谢你方将我司介绍给...司。
    We received your letter of... and are indebted to you for introducing to Messrs...
  • 我们从...司获悉贵方地址,今借此寄上我方最新目录一份。
    We are indebted for your address to Messrs...and take this opportunity of sending you our latest catalogue.
  • 承蒙a司向我们推荐贵司为自行车大型制造商。
    We are indebted for your name to Messrs. A& Co., who informed us that you are the largest manufacturer of bicycles.
  • 兹同函奉上以Robert父子司为付款人,面额26。15英镑的即期汇票一张,用以清偿所欠贵方债务。
    Enclosed is a sight draft for??26.10.5 on Messrs. Robert& Sons, which clears off our indebtedness to you.