  • 抑制解脱,去抑制,脱抑制由无关的刺激,如很大的嗓音,引起的暂时抑制解除。在条件作用的试验中,抑制解除可会造成受压抑的一种反应的重现
    A temporary loss of an inhibition caused by an unrelated stimulus, such as a loud noise. In conditioning experiments, disinhibition may result in the revival of a suppressed conditioned response.
  • 99.我们会在明年为十七间弱和严重弱智儿童学校安装空调。这些学校不论是否受到噪音或其他环境问题滋扰,都会一样受惠。
    99. In the coming year we will begin a programme to provide air-conditioning in 17 schools for physically and severely mentally handicapped children regardless of whether these schools are affected by noise or other environmental nuisance.
  • 自一九九四年四月与康体发展局合并的香港体育学院,为12个重点发展体育项目提供支援,包括全职教练、培训设施及计划、体训练、运动科学及医学、其他技术服务和青少年发展计划。
    The Hong Kong Sports Institute, which amalgamated with the Sports Development Board in April 1994, has provided support to the 12 Focus Sports in the form of full-time coaches, training facilities and programmes, strength and conditioning, sports science and medicine, other technical services and junior squad development.
  • 更糟糕的是,一些人认为有志于艺术工作,因而没有力拥有共管公寓的人,简直是在浪费生命。
    Worse, we think those who pursue art and have no condo to show for it are squandering their lives.
  • 人们不宽恕使用凶残的暴力。
    People cannot condone the use of fierce violence.
  • 我不宽恕如此的罪行。
    I cannot condone such a crime.
  • 我不宽恕使用暴力。
    I cannot condone the use of violence.
  • 我不容忍猎狐,因为那与我认为动物该有的权利相抵触。
    I refuse to condone fox hunting because it cuts across everything I believe about the rights of animals.
  • 中国政府和人民完全有决心、有力维护国家主权和领土完整,决不容忍、决不姑息、决不坐视任何分裂中国的图谋得逞,任何分裂图谋都是注定要失败的。
    The Chinese Government and people absolutely have the determination and ability to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and will never tolerate, condone or remain indifferent to the realization of any scheme to divide China. Any such scheme is doomed to failure.
  • 中国人民解放军坚定不移地以国家意志为最高意志,以民族利益为最高利益,完全有决心、有信心、有力、有办法捍卫国家主权和领土完整,决不容忍、决不姑息、决不坐视任何分裂祖国的图谋得逞。
    The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) unswervingly takes the will of the state as its supreme will and the national interests as its supreme interests. It has the absolute determination, confidence, ability and means to safeguard state sovereignty and territorial integrity, and will never tolerate, condone or remain indifferent to the realization of any scheme to divide the motherland.
  • 一旦失去了自然发展的环境,少数专家和有心人根本不可起死回生。
    Without a conducive setting, a few experts and enthusiasts are not enough to breathe life into the language.
  • 贵公司前途光明,有助于我个人力的发展。
    Your company has a great future and is conducive to the further development of my abilities.
  • 我不赞成这种行为。
    I cannot uphold such conduct.
  • 滴定法溶液传导性的科学测量方法
    The scientific measurement of solution conductance.
  • 传导性组织的传导性,尤指神经对兴奋的传导
    The conductibility of a structure, especially the ability of a nerve to transmit a wave of excitation.
  • 一种与原子或分子运动有关的量形式,由固态或液态媒介传导并以辐射方式通过空间来传播
    A form of energy associated with the motion of atoms or molecules and capable of being transmitted through solid and fluid media by conduction, through fluid media by convection, and through empty space by radiation.
  • 一种利用导体材料低温效应的器件,这种低温效应使得很小的磁场变化便控制很大的电流变化。
    A device that makes use of the effects of low temperatures on conductive materials such that small magnetic field changes can control large current changes.
  • 管束本质部的一种导管结构,包含死掉的圆管状细胞,它们一个连着一个,由孔联接起来,几乎在所有开花植物中都找到它们
    One of the tubular conductive structures of xylem, consisting of dead cylindrical cells that are attached end to end and connected by perforations. They are found in nearly all flowering plants.
  • 普通非金属趋向于少延展性、无导电性,而且传热性不好。
    The common nonmetals tend to be less ductile, have no electrical conductivity, and have poor heat conductivity.
  • 够和阴间鬼魂沟通的人。
    a conductor of souls to the afterworld.
  • 一种传输信号的信道或导线。
    A channel or conductor capable of transmitting signals.
  • 那女售票员可看到我在追赶公共汽车,可是她故意打铃,让汽车开走了——一个只顾自己,不管别人死活的典型例子。
    The conductress could see I was running for the bus but she deliberately rang the bell and off it went—a typical case of I'm all right, Jack.
  • 一个让液体流动的封闭的管。
    an enclosed conduit for a fluid.
  • 为确保香港够继续不受限制地引进对经济发展极为重要的高科技技术及产品,香港必须维持一套全面和有效的战略物品管制制度,令贸易伙伴有信心香港不会成为战略物品非法扩散的中转地。
    To ensure that Hong Kong continues to have maximum access to high technologies and hi-tech products that are crucial to Hong Kong's economic development, the Government maintains a comprehensive and effective control system on trade in strategic commodities to assure Hong Kong's trading partners that Hong Kong will not be used as a conduit for illicit diversion of strategic commodities to undesirable destinations.
  •  制造业要靠了各个人生产力的联合才发展,同样的道理,无论哪一种工业,都只有依靠了其他一切工业生产力的联合,才获得发展。
    As the pin manufactory only prospers by the confederation of the productive force of the individuals, so does every kind of manufacture prosper only by the confederation of its productive forces with those of all other kinds of manufacture.
  • 象这样的商业行为的划分,象这样的在农业方面的生产力的协作,只有在一切工业部门都已达到了最高度发展的国家才实现。
    This division of commercial operations, this confederation of the productive forces occupied in agriculture, can only take place in a country which has attained the greatest development of all branches of manufacturing industry;
  •  如果包括一切国家在内的那样一个世界联盟的确存在,那时各国所处的地位将同组成北美合众国的各州一样,过剩的人口、才、技术和物质资本将从英国流向欧洲大陆各国,情况就同相类的过剩人口、才等从美国东部备州流向西部各州一样——假定大陆各国具有与英国同样的人身与财产安全,同样的宪法与一般法律,并且假定英国政府够服从这个世界联盟的统一意志的话。
    If a confederation of all nations existed in reality, as is the case with the separate states constituting the Union of North America, the excess of population, talents, skilled abilities, and material capital would flow over from England to the Continental states, in a similar manner to that in which it travels from the eastern states of the American Union to the western, provided that in the Continental states the same security for persons and property, the same constitution and general laws prevailed, and that the English Government was made subject to the united will of the universal confederation.
  • 假使各市各省够专心致志地,或者至少主要地,从事于在自然条件上最适宜的那些农业部门的生产,那么商业行为的划分与生产力协作的影响,这时就表现得格外突出。
    Nowhere has the division of commercial operations and the confederation of the productive powers greater influence than where every district and every province is in a position to devote itself exclusively, or at least chiefly, to those branches of agricultural production for which they are mostly fitted by nature.
  • 因此,一个人如果不写,他就需要记住很多东西;如果不和人交谈,他就需要天笺机智;如果不读书,他就需要更狡猾,够假装知道他所不知道的东西。
    And therefore, if a man write little, he had need have a great memory; if he confer little, he had need have a present wit; and if he read little, he had need have more cunning, to seem to know that he doth not.
  • 仙果神的食物,据说使人不死
    The food of the gods, thought to confer immortality.
  • 王位的继承必须经皇帝批准,遣使册封,新王才即位。
    Succession to such princeship needed the approval of the emperor, who would send an envoy to confer the official title on each new prince. Only then could the new prince assume his role.
  • 只有当这样的同盟在逐渐形成的过程中时,普遍自由贸易才发展;只有由于这样一个同盟的结果,才使一切国家象现在在政治上联合起来的各省各州一样,享有同样大的利益。
    Only with the gradual formation of this union can free trade be developed, only as a result of this union can it confer on all nations the same great advantages which are now experienced by those provinces and states which are politically united.