  • 尽全力给你搞到那本原版法国小说。
    I will try my best to procure you that original French novel.
  • 作为csk公司的采办代理,我们尽心尽力。
    We rl try to work as procurement agent on behalf of csk.
  • 出版商这本小说的版权卖给了电影制造商。
    The publisher sell the copyright on the novel to a movie producer.
  • 出版商这本小说的版权卖给了电影制造商
    The publisher sold the copyright on the novel to a movie producer
  • 他可以出售这种要求权,收回其资本的等价物,然后可其用于生产。
    This claim he can sell, and get back the equivalent of his capital, which he may afterwards employ productively.
  • 毫无疑问,如果丙是因赌博而丧失了这笔钱,或这笔钱是被仆人骗走了,这仅仅是一种转移,而不是毁灭,得到这笔钱的人还可其用于生产。
    No doubt if C lost it by gaming, or was cheated of it by his servants, that is a mere transfer, not destruction, and those who have gained the amount may employ it productively.
  • 夏普教授不在,你只好就,不和他谈了吧。
    Prof Sharp is not here, you’ll have to do without speaking to him.
  • 第五,我对威尼斯领袖、海军领、外交家、造船者、玻璃吹制工以及其他工匠能够胜任有余和具专业水平的名声印象深刻。
    Fifth, I was impressed by the reputation for competence and professionalism of Venetian leaders, admirals, diplomats, ship builders, glass blowers, and other artisans.
  • 第五,我对威尼斯领袖、海军领、外交家、造船者、玻璃吹制工以及其他工匠能够胜任有余和具专业水平的名声印象深刻。威尼斯人在战争与和平中都是出类拔萃的。
    Fifth, I was impressed by the reputation for competence and professionalism of Venetian leaders, admirals, diplomats, ship builders, glass blowers, and other Venetians excelled in war and in peace.
  • cim如果能成功,它为it专业人士提供一种不费力气的方法,从不同的供应商那里输入和分享信息。
    If successful, CIM will provide an easy way for IT professionals to import and share information from different vendors.
  • 我们希望我们的批评和建议对你有所裨益。
    We hope our criticisms and suggestions will profit you.
  • 定义名次排队、利润率和时序功能的万能服务器的rolap扩充,使程序员的工作更为简单,并产生短小得多的程序,而这些程序更可能是无错误的。
    Universal Server ROLAP extensions that define functions for ranking, profitability and time series will make the programmer's job simpler and will result in much smaller programs that are more likely to be error-free.
  • 行业分析可它们的差别表现暴露无遗,也让我们辨别它们到底盈利与否。
    Industry analyses will uncover these performance differences and help identify both unprofitable and profitable opportunities.
  • 南洋报业也是赚钱的上市公司,这使马华多一个资金来源。
    Besides, Nanyang Press, a profitable listed company, provides MCA an additional source of funds.
  • 行业分析可它们的差别表现暴露无遗,也让我们辨别它们到底盈利与否。
    Industry analyses will uncover these performance differences and help identify both unprofitable and profitable opportunities (situations).
  •  违反本法第六条的规定探矿权、采矿权倒卖牟利的,吊销勘查许可证、采矿许可证,没收违法所得,处以罚款。
    If a person, in violation of the provisions of Article 6 of this Law, profiteers in exploration right or mining right, his exploration or mining license shall be revoked and his unlawful proceeds confiscated, and he shall be fined.
  • 他深信革命来必然会取得胜利。
    He profoundly believed in the future victory of the revolution.
  • 坏天气视为失败的预兆。
    He regards the bad weather as a prognostic of failure.
  • 外壳型病毒它们自己包裹在主程序的四周,对源程序不作修改。外壳型病毒容易编写,这也正是约有一半病毒程序是这种类型的原因。
    Shell viruses wrap themselves around a host program and don't modify the original program. Shell programs are easy to write,which is why about half of viruses are of this type.
  • 在计算机程序设计中,一种高级语言的语句或指令,其功能是一个值放到程序指定的内存地址单元内。
    In computer programming, a high level language instruction that places a value in a program specified memory address, location.
  • 运行一个程序或一组程序所需的资料和数据文件汇编起来的一种文书性的操作程序。
    A clerical function that is concerned with the assembly of data file and materials required to run a program or a set of programs.
  • “我要在跑”是来进行时态的一个例句。
    `I will be running' is an example of the future progressive.
  • 1999年,国家禁毒委员会禁毒工作方针中的禁吸、禁贩、禁种“三禁并举”,调整为禁吸、禁贩、禁种、禁制“四禁并举”,各地公安部门进一步加大了打击制贩甲基苯丙胺等制毒犯罪活动的力度,取得显著成效。
    In 1999, the NNCC added the prohibition of drug manufacture to its "simultaneous promotion of three prohibitions"anti-drug principle (simultaneous prohibition of addiction, trafficking and cultivation of drugs), making it the "simultaneous promotion of four prohibitions"principle. Public security authorities across the country have thenceforth intensified their operations against the manufacture and trafficking of methamphetamines and other drug-related crimes, and these operations have been crowned with outstanding success.
  • 1999年,国家禁毒委员会禁毒工作方针中的禁吸、禁贩、禁种“三禁并举”,调整为禁吸、禁贩、禁种、禁制“四禁并举”,各地公安部门进一步加大了打击制贩甲基苯丙胺等制毒犯罪活动的力度,取得显著成效。
    In 1999, the NNCC added the prohibition of drug manufacture to its " simultaneous promotion of three prohibitions" anti-drug principle (simultaneous prohibition of addiction, trafficking and cultivation of drugs), making it the "simultaneous promotion of four prohibitions" principle. Public security authorities across the country have thenceforth intensified their operations against the manufacture and trafficking of methamphetamines and other drug- related crimes, and these operations have been crowned with outstanding success.
  • 而且,除了这个工程之外,其实有很多庞大的工程都会进行,例如「南水北调」的水利工程──南方的水,透过巨大的工程,调到北方去。
    Apart from this project, indeed many other large scale projects such as the South-North Water Transfer Project, which aims at carrying water from the south to the north of China, are already underway.
  • 电影放映员每次播放完毕都要胶片倒回来。
    The projectionist runs the film back at the end of every performance.
  • 无产阶级的统治使它们更快地消失。
    The supremacy of the proletariat will cause them to vanish still faster.
  • java也使争论中的一类新的称之为网络计算机(即nc)的便宜计算机成为可能,sun、ibm、oracle、apple和其它公司希望这种计算机在公司和家庭中普及开来。
    Java is also making possible a controversial new class of cheap machines called network computers, or NCs, which Sun, IBM, Oracle, Apple, and others hope will proliferate in corporations and our homes.
  • 元音拉长的缓慢的讲话方式。
    a slow speech pattern with prolonged vowels.
  • 危机也许延长,也许较快地被克服。
    This crisis may be prolonged, or it may be overcome fairly quickly.
  • 玛丽和苔斯在谈舞会的事,琼插嘴说她同弗雷德一块去。
    Mary and Tess were talking about the prom, and Joan threw in that she was going with Fred.
  • ?德角周围的配套设施包括占地24公顷的都会公园和长约5.4公里的海滨长廊。这三项建设成为本地居民和访港游客的好去处。
    A Metropolitan Park covering an area of 24 hectares and a waterfront promenade of 5.4 kilometres will complement the tourism node as major attractions for tourists and residents.