  • 旅游公司已制定其春季旅行目录。
    The travel company has brought out its spring catalogue.
  • 旅游公司已制定其春季旅行目录。
    The travel company have bring out its spring catalogue.
  • 登记在卡片上列(某物);登记,记载
    To list(something) on a card; catalogue.
  • 这些极小的小孔使分布稀薄的催化剂保持在原位上,并且能留有效分解这种燃料所需的尽量大的表面积。
    The minuscule pores keep the thinly spread catalyst in place and create the large surface area needed to break down the fuel effectively.
  • 教练是促成变化的催化剂,别人钱不是要你维持现状,而是要你带领人们走已经得心应手的领域,以求发展提高。
    A coach is a catalyst for change, and is not paid to preserve the status quo, but to lift people out of their comfort zone, so that they grow and develop.
  • 霍克蒂注意到:“催化部位的表面积越大,它就能更好地作用,而我们就能有更大的功率输。”
    "The more surface area we have around the catalytic sites, the better it works and the more power output we can have," Hockaday notes.
  • 过氧化物酶一组酶中的任一种,尤现于植物细胞中,并通过氧化物来催化氧化物质
    Any of a group of enzymes that occur especially in plant cells and catalyze the oxidation of a substance by a peroxide.
  • 在事故中司机从挡风玻璃中(被)弹了来.
    In the crash the driver (was) catapulted through the windscreen.
  • 汽车飞驰前进,一急刹车,司机碰破挡风玻璃,给飞了去。
    The car ran at such a high speed that when it stopped suddenly, the driver was catapulted through the windscreen. (喻)
  • 从或似从弹弓上发射或射
    To hurl or launch from or as if from a catapult.
  • 残疾人联合会和各级卫生部门每年派多批医疗队,深入新疆、西藏等少数民族地区和边远贫困山区,在困难条件下对白内障、小儿麻痹患者就地实施康复医疗,取得巨大成绩。
    Every year the federation and health departments at all levels dispatch medical teams to cure cataract and polio patients in minority areas such as Xinjiang and Tibet and remote, impoverished and mountainous areas. These teams work under difficult conditions and yet their success has been remarkable.
  • 麻疹一种常发于儿童时期的由病毒引起的传染性急性病,特征为皮肤现红色斑点、发烧和鼻喉部现粘液症状
    An acute, contagious viral disease, usually occurring in childhood and characterized by eruption of red spots on the skin, fever, and catarrhal symptoms.
  • 在大多数案件中,在致命错误现的很早之前,这些控制步骤就应该进行矫正性的行动了。
    In most cases these steps should lead to corrective action long before a catastrophic error has occurred.
  • 在过去的十年里提了许多支持灾变说的证据。
    Much evidence has been produced in the past decade to support catastrophism;
  • 当用灾变论来解释过去的地球被撞击历史时,第二个问题就现了。
    The second problem posed when considering catastrophism is the earth's past impact history.
  • 灾难论中不合时宜的气味,bretz的许多同事都拒绝接受洪水的说法。
    Scenting the unfashionable odour of catastrophism, many of Bretz's colleagues turned their backs on the flood.
  • 她扔了球,我接住了它。
    She threw the ball and I caught it.
  • 如果你外不带口罩,很可能就要患重感冒。
    If you go out without a mouth mask, you'll probably catch your death of cold.
  • 我要把工作补上,不能去了。
    I have to catch up on my work so I can't come out.
  • 两击界后三振局;被捕手接住界外球而
    Fouled twice and then struck out; fouled out to the catcher.
  • 捕手发投快速低球的信号。
    The catcher signaled for a low fast ball.
  • 他击的界外球被接球手接住,因此被罚场。
    He fouled out to the catcher.
  • 封杀局把不在垒上的(跑垒员)抓住,然后快速扔球抛到一个特定的垒上,通常指投手或接手的突然传杀
    To catch(a base runner) off base and put out with a quick throw, as from the pitcher or catcher, often to a specified base.
  • 为一部新电视系列剧的吸引人的主意
    A catchy idea for a new television series.
  • 他必须为这些艺术作品想几个更吸引人的名字。
    He would have to think up some more catchy names for these designs.
  • 我不得不为这些设计想一些更好的名称。
    I would have to think up some more catchy names for these designs.
  • 玛丽·弗雷德里克松和佩尔-霍坎·耶斯勒是瑞典20世纪90年代首次走国门的流行音乐歌手。借助魅力难挡的形象和引人入胜的流行/摇滚旋律两者完美的商业结合,他们享誉世界。
    Sweden's first pop export of the 90's,Marie Fredriksson and Per-Hakan Gessle enjoyed international success thanks to a highly commercial combination of a striking image and catchy pop/rock melodies.
  • 从身边驶过的汽车不时飘强烈的说唱乐。于是很快地,他也情不自禁地跟着其中一首曲调吹起了口哨。
    Every once in a while, a car passed, thumping out the latest rage in rap hit, and he soon found himself whistling one of these catchy tunes to himself.
  • 根据一个体系来对版物分类的管理员。
    a librarian who classifies publication according to a categorial system.
  • 追求在广告中突方方面面的公司其实什么也没能突,因为消费者不能对其进行分类并记住那些信息。
    Companies that aspire to stand for everything in their advertising messages don't stand for anything at all, because consumers can't categorize and remember the messages.
  • 迎合大众口味使某物在普通大众中流行和现。
    cater to popular taste to make popular and present to the general public.
  • 此外,该局又提供度身设计的保单,以迎合个别口界别的不同需要。
    Tailor-made policies are also available to cater for the different needs of exporters in different business sectors.