  • "自从那家司开办以来,朱莉娅一直在那儿工作。"
    Julia's worked for that company from its inception.
  • 外交部特派员署在去年七月一日正式成立以来,按照《基本法》的规定,担负起香港特区的外交事务工作。
    Since its inception on July 1 last year, the MFA Office has been dealing with our foreign affairs in accordance with the Basic Law.
  • 共汽车从我身旁一英寸左右的地方擦过。
    The bus just shaved me by an inch.
  • 司每周给他一百英镑作为杂费。
    The firm allows him a hundred pound a week for incidental expenses.
  • 司用来应付预算外开支的小额款项。
    a small fund of cash that a firm keeps for the payment of incidental expenses.
  • 这些司须缴付1,425元注册费、295元存放文件费用,以及一些附带的备案费用。
    A registration fee of $1,425, a lodgement fee of $295 and some incidental filing fees are payable in such cases.
  • 顺带一提,我们可以多采购一些贵司的手提收音机和录音机。
    Incidentally, we could take more of your portable radio sets and tape recorders.
  • 一九九七年内,堆填区及葵涌焚化炉(已在一九九七年五月停止运作)每日处置固体废物约15700吨,其中6800吨是家居废物、1900吨为工商业废物、6400吨为建筑及拆卸废物。
    The community disposed of about 15700 tonnes of solid wastes each day in 1997 at landfills and, up to its decommissioning in May, at the Kwai Chung incinerator. Of this, 6800 tonnes were domestic waste, 1900 tonnes were commercial and industrial waste and 6 400 tonnes came from construction activities.
  • 第十七条申请注册的商标,凡不符合本法有关规定或者同他人在同一种商品或者类似商品上已经注册的或者初步审定的商标相同或者近似的,由商标局驳回申请,不予告。
    Article 17.Where a trademark the registration of which has been applied for is not inconformity with the relevant provisions of this Law, or it is identical with or similar to the trademark of another person that has, in respect of the same or similar goods, been registered or, after examination, preliminarily approved, the Trademark Office shall refuse the application and shall not publish the said trademark.
  • 他私下的见解和开的谈话相矛盾。
    His private opinions were incongruous with his public statements.
  • 共汽车晚点时,常常引起许多不便。"
    It often causes a lot of inconvenience when buses come late.
  • 共汽车不来,引起许多不便。
    It causes a lot of inconvenience when buses don't come.
  • 司的所在地对员工来说很不方便,所以为他们提供了一部交通车。
    The factory location is inconvenient for many of the staff so the company provides a company bus for them.
  • 鉴于税务原因,我们得组成司。
    We had to incorporate for a company for tax reasons.
  • 在他的商店业务扩充之后, 他把它组成司。
    When his business became large, he incorporated it.
  • 司将要与其母司合并。
    This company is about to incorporate with its parent company.
  • 韦尔斯司马上就要同国家钢铁司合并。
    Wells and Company are about to incorporate with National Steel.
  • 所以,在福特司,我们努力使我们的合资企业与我们所从事的每一项工作协调一致。这样,尽管我们的实际目的不一,但我们在产品理想方面是一致的。
    At Ford, we strive to incorporate our joint-venture partners into everything we do, so that, for all practical purposes, they are one with our product vision.
  • 此外,费医疗和其他形式的医疗保障制度还覆盖了一亿多的城镇人口,中国政府正在将这些人口逐步纳入到基本医疗保险制度中。
    In addition, free medical service and other forms of medicare security systems cover over 100 million urbanites. The Chinese government is now working to incorporate these people gradually in the basic medical insurance system.
  •  县级以上人民政府应当加强对气象工作的领导和协调,将气象事业纳入中央和地方同级国民经济和社会发展计划及财政预算,以保障其充分发挥为社会众、政府决策和经济发展服务的功能。
    People's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen their leadership over and coordination of meteorological activities, and incorporate meteorological service into the national economic and social development plans and fiscal budgets of the central and local governments in order to ensure their full function in the service of the general public, in government decision making and in economic development.
  • 第二十四条产生环境污染和其他害的单位,必须把环境保护工作纳入计划,建立环境保护责任制度;采取有效措施,防治在生产建设或者其他活动中产生的废气、废水、废渣、粉尘、恶臭气体、放射性物质以及噪声、振动、电磁波辐射等对环境的污染和危害。
    Article 24. Units that cause environmental pollution and other public hazards shall incorporate the work of environmental protection into their plans and establish a responsibility system for environmental protection, and must adopt effective measures to prevent and control the pollution and harms caused to the environment by waste gas, waste water, waste residues, dust, malodorous gases, radioactive substances, noise, vibration and electromagnetic radiation generated in the course of production, construction or other activities.
  • 菲利普·莫里斯公司
    Philip Morris Incorporated Co.
  • 我这儿是法克波司。
    I'm calling from Faxpro Incorporated.
  • 二零零一年,共有38258家新司注册成为法团。
    In 2001, 38 258 new companies were incorporated.
  • 法克斯波司,我能为您效劳吗?
    Faxpro Incorporated. May I help you?
  • 哈兰司,我是原子顺小姐。
    Hartland Incorporated, Miss Junko Hara speaking.
  • 金田电化产品司,有何贵干?
    Kaneda Appliances Incorporated, may I help you?
  • 这家司马上就要同总司合并。
    The firm will be incorporated with the parent company.
  • 去年史密斯司与别家合并了。
    Mr. Smith's firm incorporated with others last year.
  • 当史密斯的商店业务扩大以后,他把它组成了司。
    When Mr. Smith 's business became large , incorporated it.
  • 联合在一起的司,但是没有资产或不能运转。
    a company that is incorporated but has no assets or operations.
  • 司形式建立的特殊机构;一座一体化的城镇。
    a special agency set up in corporate form; an incorporated town.