  • 若想到0和1之有2的128次方不同的双精度小数,所以如果全部产生这些数字,花费的时会远远超过一个人的生命。
    If you consider[26] that there are about 262 different double fractions between 0 and 1, the likelihood of reaching any one value experimentally might exceed the lifetime of one computer, or even one experimenter.
  • 最后我找到了一合适的房子。
    I have found a likely house at last.
  • 你们这是把时浪费在画蛇添足上。
    You are wasting your time in painting the lily.
  • 腿脊椎动物四肢上位于膝盖和脚部之的那部分
    The part of the limb between the knee and foot in vertebrates.
  • 然而洛尔斯在水银灯下的辉煌并没有持续多长时
    Lorz's moment in the limelight did not last very long.
  • 在到达时界限之前。
    before a time limit expires.
  • 能够在高压力下和时限制下进行工作。
    Able to work under high pressure and time limitation.
  • 对时不能限制得太死,我想一、两个月就行了。
    The time limitation may not be so strict. I think it is quite all right, so far as it's within one month or two.
  • 第四十二条因环境污染损害赔偿提起诉讼的时效期为三年,从当事人知道或者应当知道受到污染损害时起计算。
    Article 42. The limitation period for prosecution with respect to compensation for environmental pollution losses shall be three years, counted from the time when the party becomes aware of or should become aware of the pollution losses.
  • 比赛时,听到发令,双方握手后开始交锋,不限时,不许抱腿和跪腿摔,膝盖以上任何部位着地都为失败。
    The competition starts with shaving hands with each other. The game has no limitation in terms of time. But they are not allowed to have hit-throw or ground wrestling. One will lose the game if any parts of his body above the knees touch the ground.
  • (某事发生的)一段时
    Limited period during which sth occurs
  • 我们只应规定在有限时内的有限阅读量。
    We should set a limited amount to be read in a limited time.
  • 聘用期特定且常有限的雇用期
    A specific, often limited, period of employment.
  • 只存在于或者只持续一段有限的时
    existing or enduring for a limited time only.
  • 无限的权力;对处外层空的无限追踪
    Limitless authority; the limitless reaches of outer space.
  • 王平:espn节目主持人多利亚说:“现众对体育节目的渴望是无止境的,而我们已经在体育和新闻中找到了恰当的平衡。
    Wang Ping: Dolia, a linkman of ESPN said:"The audience has limitless aspiration for sports programs.However, we have found an appropriate balance between sports and news.
  • 王平:espn节目主持人多利亚说:“观众对体育节目的渴望是无止境的,而我们已经在体育和新闻中找到了恰当的平衡。它已成为体育的同义语。
    Wang Ping: Dolia, a linkman of ESPN said: "The. audience has limitless aspiration for sports,programs. However, we have found an appropriate balance between sports and news.
  • 到城里花了林肯太太很长时
    It takes Mrs. Lincoln a long time to get to town
  • 到城里花了林肯太太很长时
    It took Mrs Lincoln a long time to get to town.
  • 琳达,上学前把你的房收拾好。
    Pick up your room before you go to school, Linda.
  • 在表格纸上,为便于沿指定线撕开而设计的一连串以小隔排列成线状的穿孔或缺口。
    A series of small linearly spaced holes or cuts on a form to facilitate tearing along a desired line.
  • 行间不用铅条隔开的
    Having no leads between the lines.
  • 我喜欢独自旅游。这样会有充分的时在一个地方逗留。
    I prefer traveling alone and having a lot of time to linger in one place.
  • 即使在白天也要尽量避免摄入加啡因,因为它的刺激作用在饮用后延续很长时
    You may want to avoid caffenie even during the day because its stimulative effects linger long after consumption.
  • 圣诞快乐!愿圣诞的喜悦整年萦绕你心
    A wish for a truly merry Christmas and may the joy of Christmas linger in your heart all the year!
  • 当伊丽莎白女王二世宣布21届奥运会开幕时,蒙特利尔已经花费了惊人的12亿美元,这个沉重的债务在赛后很长的一段时内都没有还清。
    When Queen Elizabeth II declared open the Games of the XXIth Olympiad, Montreal had already spent a staggering $1.2 billion, a debt that would linger on well after their conclusion.
  • 许多对比介质都略微带一点放射性,尽管在短时内对病人没有危险,但是医生们并不希望它们滞留在人体内。
    Many of these substances are mildly radioactive, and although they are not dangerous to patients over short exposures, doctors do not want them lingering in the body.
  • 内衬衣物表面与正常衬料的一层附加衬料
    An extra lining between the outer fabric and regular lining of a garment.
  • 屋子内位置最高的内衬。
    the overhead inside lining of a room.
  • 在两派人中作中人的谈判代表。
    a negotiator who acts as a link between parties.
  • 联盟不大可能的同伴或因素之的连接或联系
    A linkage or connection, often between unlikely associates or factors.
  • 在该次活动中,知识产权界和资讯科技界的专家有机会聚首一堂,就知识产权与资讯科技两者之的联系,交流意见和经验。
    The symposium brought together experts in the fields of intellectual property and information technology to exchange their views and experience on the linkage between intellectual property and information technology.