| - 切换镜头一种中断电影的主要情节画面的连续性的简短镜头,通常用来描绘相关事件或可能同时发生的情节
A brief shot that interrupts the visual continuity of the main action of a film, often to depict related matter or supposedly concurrent action. - 除非劳动者在开始工作以前,就拥有许多食物,或者能够从别人那里得到补给,其数量足以使他维持到生产完成,否则他只能断断续续地一边寻找食物一边劳动。
Unless the labourer, before commencing his work, possesses a store of food, or can obtain access to the stores of some one else, in sufficient quantity to maintain him until the production is completed, he can undertake no labour but such as can be carried on at odd intervals, concurrently with the pursuit of his subsistence. - 这房子已被宣布不能住人了。
This house is condemned. - 我们不能单凭臆测而谴责她.
We must not condemn her on pure supposition. - 我不能谴责一位为饥饿的孩子偷食的母亲。
I cannot find it in myself to condemn a mother who steals food for a hungry child. - 有极个别、极个别的事美国人认为是不能接受的,包括:
There are a few, a very few things that Americans condemn as being beyond the pale. They include: - 你可能总爱指责那个人,可理查德却不,你不能用自己的标准去衡量别人。
You may have been ready to condemn the man, but Richard was not, and you mustn't measure another's foot by your own last. - 当然,如果大家讨论当中能够在一些地方压缩点篇幅,那更好了。
Of course, it would be better if, through discussion, you could condense it in some places. - 观察高能粒子穿过饱和蒸汽;每个粒子沿着自己的路径电离分子浓缩在其上的小滴能产生一个明显的轨迹。
detects high-energy particles passing through a supersaturated vapor; each particle ionizes molecules along its path and small droplets condense on them to produce a visible track. - 前期阶细胞减数分裂的第一个阶段,其间染色体浓缩且能被看见,核细胞膜衰弱,纺锤体在细胞的相对纺锤极形成
The first stage of mitosis, during which the chromosomes condense and become visible, the nuclear membrane breaks down, and the spindle apparatus forms at opposite poles of the cell. - 雾气离地很近并限制能见度的以云状气团形式出现的浓缩水蒸汽
Condensed water vapor in cloudlike masses lying close to the ground and limiting visibility. - 用于蒸馏液体的装置;物体被热量和空气能浓缩的冷凝器中蒸发。
an apparatus used for the distillation of liquids; consists of a vessel in which a substance is vaporized by heat and a condenser where the vapor is condensed. - 这里引川罗伯特·休斯的著作《新事物的震撼》中的一段话:“‘这下是一支烟斗’己经成为现代艺术的一个时髦词,它是语言和通过符号来传递或不能传递(作者)意思力人的精炼表述。
Here is Robert Hughes in his book The Shack of the New: The phrase “Ceci n'est pas une pipe” has become one of the catch-lines of modern art, a condensed manifesto about language and the way meaning is conveyed, or blocked, by symbols. - 她今天在街上竟能屈尊跟我打招呼。
She actually condescend to say hello to me in the street today. - 你绝不能居高临下地对待你的雇员。
You should never make the mistake of condescending to your employees. - 比如我们可能会低声抱怨、叹气、或屈尊般地感慨道“该是时候了”,或者用其他方法来弱化道歉。
We might, for instance, mutter under our breath, sigh, make a condescending comment such as “It's about time” or in some other way minimize the apology. - 能力是人生中成功的条件之一。
Ability is one of the conditions of success in life. - 不能自立只是暂时的情况;
Helplessness is a transitory condition; - 在有条件的切换过程中,瞬时呼叫可能会掉线。
Transient calls may be dropped during a conditional switchover. - 表达制约性或者可能性。
expresses conditionality or possibility. - 我们挣多少钱才能花多少钱。
The amount of money we spent is conditioned by the amount we earn. - 必须习惯长时间辛苦的工作;使部队能适应在高海拔地区行进
Had to condition herself to long hours of hard work; conditioned the troops to marches at high altitudes. - 如何才能把空调关掉?
How can we turn the air- conditioner off? - 有空调器使得他能保持凉快。
With the air conditioner, he can remain cool. - 她卖掉了她所能弄到的每一台空调机。
She sold every air-conditioner she could lay hold of. - 我们能拿出一笔可观的钱买空调器吗?
Can we afford to lash out on an air-conditioner? - 空调是能使屋子保持舒适的系统。
The air-conditioner is a system for keeping rooms comfortable. - 对不起,能否请你修修我房间里的空调?
Excuse me, but can you do something about the air conditioning in my room? - 当空调被关上时,我可能冻死在这间办公室里。
I could freeze to death in this office when the air conditioning is turned on. - ?重约2.3千克的小气候空调系统,能为加热或制冷提供100瓦的功率。
A 5- pound microclimate- conditioning system that provides 100 watts of heating or cooling. - 问题是,这是在空调出现之前的夏威夷,由于炎热,商店不可能关上门。
The problem was, this was Hawaii before air conditioning, and the stores could not close its doors because of the heat. - 如果不能以其他方法把噪音控制在规定水平以内,当局会考虑为受影响的住户,安装空调设备和双层玻璃。
Consideration is also given to providing air-conditioning units and double-glazing in domestic premises where noise levels cannot be brought within the required standard through other means.