  • 共有十位先生和十位女士参加了这项实验。心理学家将参加实验者别系在一台名为"心理检流计"的机器上,这台"心理检流计"的工作原理和测谎仪基本相同。参加实验者不断收到不同的礼物,同时将微弱的电流通过他们身体。他们对不同礼物的感兴趣程度会影响皮肤对微弱电流的抵抗,从而反应出他们收到不同礼物时的兴奋程度。
    Psychologists wired men and women up to a machine called a "psycho-galvanometer" for tests. Like a lie detector, the machine measures arousal levels by how the skin resists a small electrical current.Ten men and ten women were tested by showing them various gadgets, the newspaper said.
  • 惩教署现时管理两个越南船民中心,别是青洲接待中心及万宜羁留中心,以收容越南船民及非法入境者。
    The CSD manages two centres, Green Island Reception Centre and High Island Detention Centre, for the detention of VMs and VIIs.
  •  蓄滞洪区是指包括洪口在内的河堤背水面以外临时贮存洪水的低洼地区及湖泊等。
    A flood storage and detention area means a depression or a lake from outside embankments including flood--diversion mouths for temporarily storing floodwater
  • 沙咀劳教中心推行一套十有效的劳教中心计划。这所机构收容14至20岁的少年犯和21至24岁的青年犯。劳教中心计划强调严守纪律、刻苦训练、辛勤工作和起居有恒。
    An effective detention centre programme is carried out at Sha Tsui Detention Centre for young offenders aged between 14 and 20 years, and young adults aged between 21 and 24. It emphasises strict discipline,strenuous training, hard work and a vigorous routine.
  • 毫无疑问,主张极刑的必要性有正确的成,但是,支持者似乎忽略了这种做法不能阻止令人发指的罪行这一事实。
    There is undoubtedly an element of truth in assertions that capital punishment is necessary , but proponents seem to ignore the fact that the practice has failed to deter heinous crimes.
  • 您只需50美就能买到一盒洗衣粉和一盒漂白剂。
    You can get a box of detergent and a box of bleach for only fifty cents.
  • 这种轻微精神裂症状持续了整整半个小时,当我离开货架时竟然是两手空空。
    This little schizophrenic act went on for a solid half hour,after which I left the rack without any detergent at all.
  • 由于氧化或化学反映而导致金属解的状态。
    a state of deterioration in metals caused by oxidation or chemical action.
  • 我们坚决维持市场稳定,捍卫联系汇率,并且竭尽本,协助阻止目前的全球金融危机加剧。
    This is a community determined to maintain market stability; to protect our linked exchange rate; and determined to play our part to help avoid further deterioration in the current global financial crisis.
  • 在这前所未有的时间与空间发展平台上,充、准确、及时、全面地掌握运用知识和资讯,乃成了争先取胜的至要前提。
    On this unprecedented huge platform of time and space,sufficient, accurate, on-time and comprehensive knowledge and information become the determinant of success.
  • 在这前所未有的时间与空间发展平台上,充、准确、及时、全面地掌握运用知识和资讯,乃成了争先取胜的至要前提。
    On this unprecedented huge platform of time and space, sufficient, accurate, on-time and comprehensive knowledge and information become the determinant of success.
  • 在这前所未有的时间与空间发展平台上,充、准确、及时、全面地掌握运用知识和资讯,乃成了争先取胜的至要前提。
    On this unprecedented huge platform of time and space, sufficient, accurate, timely and comprehensive knowledge and information become the determinant of success.
  • 性决定和性分化
    sex determination and sex differentiation
  • 测定某人的额的数量。
    determine the quantity of someone's share.
  • 将…解或表示为因式
    To determine or indicate explicitly the factors of.
  • 给事物出等级,给事物出等级。
    determine the grade of or assign a grade to.
  • 实际上,那些坚持搞派性的只是少数几个人,百之九十五以上的人,包括跟着闹派性的群众,是厌恶派性的。
    As a matter of fact, those who cling to factionalism are very few in number. Over 95 per cent of the people, including those who go along in factional activities, detest factionalism.
  • 必须了解,全国民众对日寇的侵略是深恶痛绝的,只要我们能采取较好的方式,去诱导他们,鼓动他们,必定能够很快地打破部民众中的不健康的心理,必定能够鼓起他们最大的决心与勇气,自动地奔上前线,鼓励自己的夫、子、兄、弟上前线,为光荣的民族解放事业而战斗。
    It should be understood that people all over the country detest Japanese aggression. So long as we adopt the appropriate methods of recruitment and persuade and arouse the people, they will surely rid themselves of unhealthy attitudes and, with great determination and courage, go to the front, or encourage their husbands, sons or brothers to do so, to fight for the glorious cause of national liberation.
  • 广大人民群众和宗教界人士对此深恶痛绝。中国司法机关对这类严重危害社会和公众利益的违法犯罪子依法惩处,正是为了维护公众利益和法律尊严,为了更好保护公民宗教信仰自由权利和正常的宗教活动。
    The broad masses of the people and personages of the religious circles detest this phenomenon, and so, in order to safeguard the public interest and the sanctity of the law, and to better protect the people's right to freedom of religious belief and normal religious activities, China's judicial organs punish law-breakers and criminals who severely endanger the society and the public interest in accordance with the law.
  • 假定在燃烧室中形成充的湍流,就不可能产生爆燃。
    Given sufficient turbulence in the combustion chamber, detonation is unlikely to occur.
  • 德意志银行香港部的经济学家马军也警告说,并非所有跟北京有关的股票都会赢利。
    Jun Ma, economist with Deutsche Bank in Hong Kong, also warned that not all stocks associated with Beijing would be profitable.
  • 目前,中国外汇储备超过一年进口付汇总量,出口产品收购价格稳定,利率水平较低,有关产品出口退税率有所提高,根据汇率形成的机制析,人民币汇率也不会贬值。
    At present, the level of China's foreign exchange reserves exceeds one year's total import payments, purchasing price for export products is stable, interest rate level is fairly low, and export refunds for some products has been increased. Analysis on the exchange rate formation mechanism also shows that RMB will not devaluate.
  • 今年第一季,本地生产总值录得百之二的负增长,五月最新一期的失业率又再上升,日本经济持续疲弱及日圆狂泻,使香港原来已经低迷的经济前景,添上更加多不明朗的因素。
    In the first quarter of this year, a negative economic growth at 2 per cent of GDP was recorded. The rising unemployment rate at the end of May, the continually weak economy in Japan and the drastic devaluation of the Yen have added more uncertainties to the already bleak economic outlook for Hong Kong.
  • 我获悉失事的消息感到十震惊。
    I was devastated by the news of the wreck.
  • 当局没有意识到,或是根本不在乎在消除一系列项目——numlugardomenie项目的同时,这些严厉的措施会对我们自己的核武器基本结构造成更大的破坏,而nld项目却有各种机会防止俄罗斯“散的核弹”的扩散。?
    The Administration either doesn't realize or doesn't care that those draconian measures are going to further devastate our own nuclear weapons infrastructure while killing the one set of programs-the "Nunn-Lugar-Domenici" programs-which had any chance of preventing the proliferation of Russian "loose nukes."
  • 唐娜和这位朋友玛丽及其弟弟有着多年的交情,可以算是一辈子的朋友,这一消息令唐娜悲痛万
    Donna had known this friend,Mary,and her brother nearly her entire life,and the news was devastating.
  • 未长成的,未充发展的生长或发展不完全的
    Not fully grown or developed.
  • 这种中间件的关键卖点是,它使应用程序开发人员从物理布的方方面面中解脱出来。
    The key selling point for such middleware is that it frees an application developer from all aspects of physical distribution.
  • 最后,设备使用不同的无线协议进行通信,所支持的标记语言也各不相同。这些不同的标准使得开发者不可能只编写一个应用程序,别支持所有可用设备。
    Finally, devices communicate with different wireless protocols and support a variety of different markup languages – these different standards preclude a developer from writing every application to individually support all the available devices.
  • 开发人员必须知道一个应用程序在逻辑上成若干处理模块以及模块之间信息的流动,但他不必关心模块的位置。
    The developer must be aware of the logical partitioning of an application into processing modules, and of the information flows between those modules, but need not be concerned with the locations of the modules.
  • 这些说法可以为文化的差别和开发的差别。
    These claims can be divided into cultural differences and developmental differences.
  • 化不断发生进行的发展变化,从而结构或机能更特殊。尤其指胚胎细胞或组织的发育
    To undergo a progressive, developmental change to a more specialized form or function. Used especially of embryonic cells or tissues.