  • 一九七二年九月,中日两国签署联合声明,宣布建立外交关系,日本承认中华人民共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府,充分理解和尊重中国政府关于台湾是中华人民共和国领土不可分割的一部分的立场,并且坚持遵循《波茨坦告》第八条规定的立场。
    In September 1972, China and Japan signed a Joint Statement, announcing establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, and that Japan recognizes the government of the PRC as the only legitimate government of China, fully understands and respects the Chinese government's position that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the territory of the PRC, and promises to adhere to the position as prescribed in Article 8 of the Potsdam Proclamation.
  • 分配不的尤指某个立法机构中的代表分配不均或不平的
    Characterized by an inappropriate or unfair proportional distribution of representatives to a legislative body.
  • 制片人莱斯莉-厄当说,现在这个用来描写主人精神状态的超现实主义的镜头已经"完全不合时宜"了。
    The surreal shot, which was used to show his state of mind, is now "completely inappropriate," producer Leslie Urdang said.
  • 约翰·威利父子出版
    John Wiley and Sons,Inc.
  • 王震是问天司的总经理。
    Wang Zhen is the general manager of WINTIM Inc.
  • 我为/在爱立信中国司工作。
    I work for/with/in Erricson China Inc.
  • novell司领先于独立目录供应商。
    Novell, Inc. leads the pack of stand-alone directory vendors.
  • dsml是由bowstreet软件司为先锋的一个工业团体创立的。
    DSML was created by an industry group spearheaded by Bowstreet Software Inc..
  • i2o团体的主要成员司有hp、intel、microsoft、netframe和novell。
    Leading members of the I2O group include Hewlett-Packard Co., Intel, Microsoft Corp., NetFrame Systems, Inc. and Novell, Inc..
  • 这就是为什么几家主要供应商(包括sun、dec和apple司)正在试图用一种新的操作系统设计方法——微内核。
    That's why several major vendors -- including Sun Microsystems Inc., Digital Equipment Corp. and Apple Computer Inc. -- are trying a new approach to operating system design -- the microkernel.
  • 其它的工具,如sas研究司提供的工具,包含一个有多种算法的工具箱。
    Others, such as SAS Institute Inc.'s offering, include a toolkit of several algorithms.
  • 去年,我还代表弗里曼司与一澳大利亚客户谈了笔业务。
    Last year I represented Freeman, Inc. to negotiate a sale with an Australian customer.
  • (这是邓小平同志会见美国时代司组织的美国高级企业家代表团时回答提问的一部分。)
    (Excerpt from an interview with a delegation, including senior American entrepreneurs, organized by Time Inc.)
  • 芭比的老朋友米姬被沃尔玛司打入冷宫,因为米姬现在是个已婚的孕妇形象。
    Barbie's long-time pal, Midge -- now married and pregnant -- was yanked from Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
  • 同时,novell司的电话服务应用编程接口(tsapi)已成熟,现它已出了2.21版。
    Meanwhile, Novell Inc.'s Telephony Services API (TSAPI) has matured -- it is now in Version 2.21.
  • 已故沃尔玛司创办人山姆·沃尔顿的五位家族成员同时排在了第四名的位置。
    Five relatives of the late Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., tied for fourth.
  • 另外还有一些专有的目录标准,如novell司的目录服务。
    There's also a host of proprietary directory standards, such as Novell, Inc.'s Novell Directory Services.
  • 关于pcmcia,据dataquest司统计在1995年在北美市场上总共投放了43万个pcmciamodem。
    As for PCMCIA modems, Dataquest Inc. recorded a total shipment of 430,000 units to North American markets in 1995.
  • 据cusack称,像ibm和bea系统司这样的供应商正在把这些技术结合起来,做成单一的软件包。
    Vendors such as IBM and BEA Systems Inc. are combining these technologies into a single package, Cusack says.
  • 迄今为止,只有苹果计算机司的imac机全部采用usb插口,即除了usb外没有其他端口。
    So far only Apple Computer Inc.'s iMac has taken the all-USB plunge: It has no ports other than USB.
  • 由apple,ibm和novell司创立的非赢利机构——部件集成实验室现在为opendoc提供技术规范。
    Component Integration Labs, the nonprofit organization founded by Apple, IBM, and Novell Inc., now provides the technical specifications for OpenDoc.
  • 在unix系统供应商中,sun司率先在分布计算中采用分区技术。
    Sun Microsystems Inc. has been a leader among Unix system vendors in driving the use of partitioning technologies in distributed computing.
  • 摩托罗拉司的官员称,他们在为苹果司研究铜芯片,将在今年(1998年)底投入生产。
    Officials at Motorola Inc. have said they are working on copper chips for Apple and will go into production at the end of this year.
  • 实际上其它所有服务器司,包括sun、hp、dec、tandem和ncr司都在不同程度上使用了numa技术,以提高可扩展性。
    Virtually all other server vendors, including Sun Microsystems, Inc., Hewlett-Packard Co., Digital Equipment Corp, Tandem Computer Systems, Inc. and NCR Corp. also use NUMA techniques in varying degrees to increase scalability.
  • 南美西部一个共和国;从元世纪到世纪是印加帝国的中心。
    a republic in western South America; was the heart of the Inca empire from the 12th to 16th centuries.
  • 体现了中国人民勤劳勇敢的精神。
    The Foolish Old Man incarnates the courage and industry of the Chinese people.
  • 对此帐单,我司所以办理现金折扣,乃系奖励如期付款。
    The cash discount given on this bill is an incentive to pay the bill on date due.
  • 有些司把提供培训机会作为一种激励。
    Some companies offer training as an incentive.
  • 如果我金钱挂帅或事业至上,那么,无论政府所布的措施有多吸引人,我都不会为之动心。
    No government incentive, no matter how attractive, will have any impact on someone who cares only about raking in money or career advancement.
  • 这一措施有力地激励员工们为司尽心竭力,以期与司共享成功。
    This is a powerful incentive to motivate the staff to do their utmost and to share in the company's prosperity if it reaches its goal.
  • 负责监察该项计划的美国健康和众服务部主管福利计划的秘书长助理韦德·霍恩说:"布什总统的初衷绝非单纯地用福利金来鼓励妇女结婚。"
    ''Simply providing financial incentives for marriage is not what the Bush marriage-incentive program is about,'' said Wade Horn, the assistant Health and Human Services secretary who oversees welfare programs.
  • 自从那家司开办以来,他一直在那儿工作。
    He's worked for that company from its inception.