  • 然而,随着windows2000中的某些延迟,可能要等1~3年的时,这种原配的操作系统才能利用这些内在的特性。
    However, with some of the cutbacks in Windows 2000, it could be one to three years before the native OS can leverage these integrated features.
  • 墨西哥曾一度实行高利率政策,利率有相当长时保持在75%的水平。不过许多墨西哥公司都能承受这样高的利率,因它们的负债率没这么高,也不会那么依赖国内的短期贷款。
    Now Mexico went through a period of extremely high interest rates -- 75 per cent for quite some time --- but many Mexican companies were able to weather because they did not have such a high degree of leverage or a dependence on short-term internal loans.
  • 墨西哥曾一度实行高利率政策,利率有相当长时保持在75%的水平。不过许多墨西哥公司都能承受这样高的利率,因它们的负债率没这么高,也不会那么依赖国内的短期贷款。
    Now Mexico went through a period of extremely high interest rates -- 75 per cent for quite some time --- but many Mexican companies were able to weather them because they did not have such a high degree of leverage or a dependence on short-term internal loans.
  • 基辛格早年目睹了周围大量的人悲剧,这使他时常显得很忧郁,或许可以叫做多愁善感,使他成为彻底的悲观主义者,虽然表面上爱开玩笑,有点放荡不羁。
    The amount of human tragedy Kissinger saw around him during his formative years accounts for his being a man given to occasional melancholy or perhaps Weltschmerz,and for being a convinced pessimist beneath a certain playfulness and levity.
  • 实际上,这次跳远是刘易斯和霍尔曼之的比赛,他们都是美国人。
    As a matter of fact, the long jump is the competition between Lewis and Holmon. Both of them are American.
  • 到我怀里来,我快乐的孩子!——刘易斯·卡洛尔;充满喜气洋洋的笑脸的房;脸儿圆圆的、红红的、喜气洋洋的圣诞老人。
    Come to my arms, my beamish boy!- Lewis Carroll; a room of smiling faces; a round red twinkly Santa Claus.
  •  (三)许可使用的范围、期
    the scope and term of the license;
  • 有营业执照被允许卖酒的酒吧
    a building with a bar that is licensed to sell alcoholic drinks.
  • 该会有90名持有执照的领港员,提供全年365天、每天24小时不断的领航服务。
    The service has 90 licensed pilots and is available around the clock throughout the year.
  • 我们没有时彻底打扫,只是把教室草率地打扫了一下
    We did not have time to clean thoroughly, but gave the classroom a lick and a promise
  • 我们没有时彻底打扫,只是把教室草率地打扫了一下。
    We do not have time to clean thoroughly, but give the classroom a lick and a promise.
  • 军团介于师和上尉军之的陆战队技术单位,通常包含两个或两个以上的师及辅助军种
    A tactical unit of ground combat forces between a division and an army commanded by a lieutenant general and composed of two or more divisions and auxiliary service troops.
  • 州议会议长先生,副州长先生,朋友们,贵宾们,我们国家刚刚经历过一个漫长而艰难的时期,此,总统选举结果的敲定比我们任何个人所能想象的都长。
    Mr.Speaker, Lieutenant Governor, friends, distinguished guests, our country has been through a long and trying period,with the outcome of the presidential election not finalized for longer than any of us could ever imagine.
  • 六十年代期,许多青年人过起了更自由的生活方式。
    Many young people went over to freer lifestyle during the 1960s.
  • 但那些强盗乌鸦有一种非常不同的生活方式,它们有大约65%的时是在偷盗。
    But the bandits had a very different lifestyle, stealing roughly 65 percent of the time.
  • 它需要时、精力,也许要一辈子的努力。
    It costs energy and time, maybe a lifetime.
  • 香港人在短短几十年取得的成就,实在令人啧啧称奇。
    What we have achieved within my lifetime has been staggering.
  • 我们点着了蜡烛,蜡烛照亮了房
    We lit the candle and the candle lit the room.
  • 灯光广告;向上看着亮着灯光的窗户;灯光明亮的房;灯光明亮的楼梯
    illuminated advertising; looked up at the lighted windows; a brightly lit room; a well-lighted stairwell.
  • 有一张桌子,上面有一盏点着的灯。
    In the centre a table stands with a lighted lamp on it.
  • 有一张桌子,上面有盏点着的油灯。
    In the centre stands a table with a lighted lamp on it.
  • 一支孤烛使黑暗的房亮了起来。
    A solitary candle lightened the darkness of the room.
  • 灯室灯塔顶部设置灯的房
    The room at the top of a lighthouse where the light is located.
  • 这个房的照明给人以宽敞的感觉。
    The room's lighting conveys an impression of spaciousness.
  • 要是改变照明,便可完全改变房的气氛。
    You can completely change the atmosphere of a room if you change the lighting.
  • 她在黑暗的房中走来走去。
    She walked around in the lightless room.
  • 橙色,橘黄色可见光谱中介于和黄色之的那一部分色彩,该部分色彩通过波长在约590—630纳米之的辐射线可被人眼观察;几组在色彩上介于红色和黄色之的颜色,该颜色中等明亮且中度饱和
    The hue of that portion of the visible spectrum lying between red and yellow, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately590 to630 nanometers; any of a group of colors between red and yellow in hue, of medium lightness and moderate saturation.
  • 那黑洞洞的房顿时被强烈的闪电照亮了。
    The dark room was momentarily lit up by a vivid flash of lightning.
  • 他对巴黎进行了一次短时的访问。
    He paid a lightning visit to Paris.
  • 每个房的灯都在闪光。
    Lights were blazing in every room.
  • 每一灯火都亮着。
    Lights were burning in every room.
  • 我不愿浪费你的时
    I don't like to waste your time.