  • 该处致力实行改革计划列出的各项主要措施和建议,当中的核心措施是设置“司注册处综合资讯系统”。
    The Registry is committed to implementing the key initiatives and recommendations set out in the SCP.
  • 上述的各州分类分析报告没有明示但暗含的意思是那些收入差异小的州要比差异大的州更平些。
    The unstated implication of the state-by-state report was that the states where income disparities are lower are somehow " fairer" than the states with high disparities.
  • 通过研究对就业和焦点问题提供咨询和指导的司。
    a company that does research for hire and issues reports on the implications.
  • 生产奔腾(p)微处理器的英特尔司总裁格罗夫(g)认为,新的电脑和网络技术的结合将会对未来产业带来十倍速的影响。
    The president of Intel, producer of the Pentium micro-processors, feels that the new synergy between computers and Net technology will have multiple implications for industry of the future.
  • 由于这些策略对各个次区域的长远发展大纲有重大影响,因此政府展开了广泛的谘询,收集众意见。
    Extensive public consultation exercises have been carried out to collect views on these strategies in view of their significant implications on the long-term development framework for the respective sub-regions.
  • 消委会与政府紧密合作,倡议市场竞争以保障消费者利益,更与竞争政策谘询委员会共同注视可能妨碍市场平竞争的营商手法。
    As an advocate of fair competition, the council works closely with the Government, particularly the Competition Policy Advisory Group, by reviewing business practices that may have implications on market competition.
  • 中国仪器进出口总
    China national instrument import & export corporation
  • 机械设备进出口公司
    Machinery& Equipment Import and Export Corporation
  • 五金矿产进出口公司
    Metals& Minerals Import and Export Corporation
  • 肩负重任的廉政署。
    The Importance of the ICAC
  • 一个重要的市政府务员。
    an important municipal official.
  • 更重要的是整个选举过程是开和平的。
    "More importantly, the elections were conducted in an open and fair manner.
  •  还有一点更重要,不是名列前茅的司,也用得着拉开距离这个概念。
    More importantly,the concept of distancing can be applied to a company which is not in the number one position.
  • 还有一点更重要,不是名列前茅的司,也用得着拉开距离这个概念。
    More importantly, the concept of distancing can be applied to a company which is not in the number one position.
  • 更为重要的是,英特尔司在其制造的、与处理器配套供应的芯片组中做进了对usb的支持,因而对供应商来说无需增加成本就能获得这个功能。
    Even more importantly, Intel Corp. built USB support into the chipsets it makes to go with its processors, so the feature was available to vendors at no additional cost.
  • 3.他配备人员的原则是:不仅要把当前工作做好,而更重要的是,要保证司的人力资源充分发挥作用,使事业日益兴旺发达。
    3. He staffs not only to get today's job done but, more importantly, to insure the manpower resources of the form to fully play the role in order to prosper their course.
  • 《考克斯报告》中的一句潜台词是:克林顿政府奉行的开美国武器实验室的政策将导致今后对美国国家安全的严重威胁。
    What the Cox Committee bipartisan Report could have said, but did not, was that the imposition by the Clinton Administration of a policy of "Openness" on the US weapons Labs may well result in serious damage in the future to our National Security.
  • 这种布料实际上不可能按贵司要求的长度纺织。
    It is a practical impossibility to weave such a cloth in the length you now require.
  • 司5月4日函收悉,知贵司不能履行我司买铣铁的订单。
    I have been favour with yours of the 4th May, states the impossibility of execute my order, for the purchase of pig-iron.
  • 司经营杂货进口业务。
    My company impost general merchandise.
  • 起初我希望能够出席此次大会,但现在发现务繁忙,故不能到会。
    I had hoped that it would be possible for me to be there, but I now find the rush of business makes it impractical.
  • 六个月监禁的判决极其不
    The sentence of six months imprisonment was most unjust.
  • 品质不良且包装明显不当,贵司理应负责。
    Holding you are responsible as improper quality and packing evident.
  • 品质不良且包装明显不当,贵司理应负责。
    Holding you is responsible as improper quality and packing evident.
  • "政府如果想要取得众的支持,它必须改善自己的形象。"
    The government will have to improve its image if it wants to win the support from the public.
  • 司的销售情况在慢慢地好转。
    The company's sale slowly improved.
  • 道・琼斯工业股早先随着债价格提升而上涨10点,最后以1944。63收盘,下降13。59。
    The Dow Jones industrials, ahead10 points early in tandem with further improvement in bond prices, ended off13.59 at1, 944.63.
  • 我们赞成改进共交通系统。
    We declared for improving the public bus system.
  • 一旦作品被投向市场,众就可以免费使用该作品、享受作者的创造力,而不需要向作者支付费用。
    Once the work was out there, it could be copied with impunity - with no payment to the author for subsequent users' drawing on, or simply enjoying, his or her creativity.
  • 正的;卑劣的;不光明正大的;阴险的。
    You've got a dirty mind, ie You have impure thoughts.
  • 当你的无能或罪行之于众时而产生的羞愧。
    the shame you feel when your inadequacy or guilt is made public.
  • 三是农业生产条件差,财政收入水平低,共投入严重不足。
    Third, poor agricultural production conditions, low revenue, and seriously inadequate public input.