  • 我连看书的时也没有。
    I have no leisure to read.
  • 这并不是说美国人有许多闲暇时
    Not that Americans have much time for leisure.
  • 他们觉得应当更好地利用空闲时
    They thought they should occupy their leisure more profitably.
  • 正如中国人所说的“穷人是没有空闲时的”。
    It's like the Chinese saying "poor men have no leisure.".
  • 现在他们有时搞体育[进行锻炼]了。
    Now they have the leisure to take up sports [exercises].
  • 聊天友好轻松地一起交谈;很长时地聊天
    To talk together in a friendly, leisurely way; chat at length.
  • 会议持续的时间
    The length of a meeting.
  • 我们房比他们的长。
    Our room is than their length.
  • 花费一定长度的时
    spend a certain length of time.
  • 这间房子的全长
    The overall length of the house.
  • 主要是空感觉;有很小的长度或缺少长度的。
    primarily spatial sense; having little length or lacking in length.
  • 这房的长度为十米,这房十米长。
    The length of the room is 10 metres; it is 10 metres in length.
  • 延长增加持续时;持久
    To lengthen in duration; protract.
  • 延长或者在持续时或者空上延伸。
    lengthen or extend in duration or space.
  • 那个问题几经长时的讨论才得以解决。
    The problem was solved only after several lengthy discussions.
  • 经过反覆讨论[多次长时的讨论], 他们决定接受我们开的价.
    After much discussion/several lengthy discussions they decided to accept our offer.
  • 我们经过长时考虑后最终做出了决定。
    We finally decided after lengthy deliberations.
  • 进行冗长地讨论,通常是在不同背景的人之
    have a lengthy discussion, usually between people of different backgrounds.
  • 要进行多次长时谈判才能达成协议
    Lengthy negotiation must take place before any agreement can be reached
  • 奏曲划分一部长篇作品或著作各主要部分的短小乐章
    A short movement separating the major sections of a lengthy composition or work.
  • 世界著名的《格萨尔王传》是藏族人民在漫长历史长河中创造出来的一部珍贵的长篇英雄史诗,是中国乃至世界文学宝库中少有的珍品,但一直是通过民说唱艺人口头流传。
    The world-famous Life of King Gesar, a lengthy and valuable heroic epic created by the Tibetan people over a considerable length of time, is a rare literary treasure of China and the whole of mankind. However, it has all along been passed down by folk artists orally.
  • ?英国研究运动的人士说,就散步减肥而言,每天作一次长距离步行给你带来的好处远远超过每隔几小时逛一次商场--即便短距离步行累计的时相同。
    When it comes to walking off those millennial excesses, a lengthy hike once a day will do you far more good than nipping down to the shops every couple of hours---even if the short walks add up to the same amount of time, say exercise researchers in Britain.
  • 天主教教徒在四旬斋期禁食。
    Catholics sometimes fast during Lent.
  • "那个人,真是厚颜无耻。"她像一只饿豹绕着这个房来回地走着。
    "That creature-of all the nerve-" she prowled round the room like an angry leopard.
  • “那个人,真是厚颜无耻。”她像一只饿豹绕着这个房来回地走着。
    "That creature—of all the nerve—" she prowled round the room like an angry leopard.
  • 晚间热量会减轻。
    The heat will lessen during the evening.
  • 这一课讲多长时间?
    How long is this lesson?
  • 他意识到须在很短时就得把文章写完, 立即动手写起来.
    He was jolted out of his lethargy and into action when he realized he had only a short time to finish the article.
  • 那病童整夜昏睡,徘徊于生死之
    The sick child lay in lethargy all night between life and death.
  • 他意识到须在很短时就得把文章写完,立即动手写起来。
    He is jolted out of his lethargy and into action when he realizes he has only a short time to finish the article.
  • 我把多余的房出租(给房客).
    I let (out) my spare rooms (to lodgers).
  • 这段时的失业人数又达到了创纪录水平。
    In this period, unemployment reaches record levels.