  • 热得不集中心思看书。
    It's too hot to concentrate on book.
  • 注意力精力集中的力或力量
    The ability or power to concentrate mentally.
  • 他不把思想集中在他的学习上。
    He can not concentrate his thoughts on his studies.
  • 她不长时间地聚精会神地读书。
    She couldn't concentrate upon a book very long.
  • 不过,我仍然不集中心思读书。
    But I still can not concentrate my mind on reading.
  • 折磨人的头痛使他不全神贯注地学习
    A rack headache makes him unable to concentrate on his study
  • 这种药影响人精神不集中.
    The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration.
  • 这篇论文需要全神贯注才读懂。
    This thesis will need all your concentration.
  • 他集中注意力的能力
    Her powers of concentration.
  • 办公室的状况根本不可使人专心
    Conditions in the office made concentration impossible.
  • 这本书需要全神贯注才读懂。
    This book will need all your concentration.
  • dtr驱动的端站当接到标准的集中器上时,就完全像现有的令牌环网站一样地工作,当它们接到dtr集中器上时,利用新的访问协议(称作txi)就以全双工方式工作。
    DTR-enabled end-stations will operate identically to existing token-ring stations when attached to a classic concentrator.Using the new access protocol, called Transmit Immediate (TXI), they also can operate in full-duplex mode when attached to a DTR concentrator.
  • 把此网分成8个令牌环段,并每个都接到dtr集中器的端口上,您就把网的力提高了8倍,达到128m位/秒。
    You can gain an eightfold increase in capacity, to 128M bit/sec, by dividing the network into eight token-ring segments and connecting each one to a DTR concentrator port.
  • 那时你可在这些机器上普遍使用dtr驱动的网卡,因而当它们与dtr集中器口相连时,它们就以全双工方式运行,提供高达32m位/秒的可用带宽。
    You would then populate these machines with DTR-enabled adapters so that when they are connected to a DTR concentrator port, they can run in full-duplex mode, providing up to 32M bit/sec of total available bandwidth.
  • 空幻境界神或魔鬼所具有的将观念转化为可感知世界的一个元素的力量
    The power of a god or demon to transform a concept into an element of the sensible world.
  • 否把这个概念表达得更加精确一点?
    Can you nail the concept down a little more precisely?
  • 他的狠毒非我们所想像。
    His viciousness is beyond our conception.
  • 一种配子未经受精就发育成新个体的生殖方式,常出现在昆虫和某些其它类节肢动物中。
    human conception without fertilization by a man.
  • 松树比其他的树木更表现出清高的性格。
    It typifies better than other trees the conception of nobility of manner.
  • 概念上的讨论;精神分裂症就是丧失了抽象力或者做概念上的思考的力。
    conceptual discussions; the schizophrenic loses ability to abstract or do conceptual thinking.
  • 一种概念上的程序设计语言,用于评估语言功和程序设计语言的研究和标注;它不产生可执行代码。
    A conceptual programming language used in evaluating language functions and in the study and notation of programming languages; it does not result in executable code.
  • 在计算机网络体系结构中,从概念的观点着眼,一组完整的服务程序、功和协议,是分层的结构组之一,可扩展到遵循网络体系结构的所有系统。
    In network architecture, a group of services, functions and protocols that is complete from a conceptual point of view, that is one out of a set of hierarchically arranged groups, and that extends across all systems that conform to the network architecture.
  • 家长不不关心学校事务。
    Parents cannot help concerning themselves in school affairs.
  • 关于不表现在意识中的心理机
    concerning mental functioning that is not represented in consciousness.
  • 由于双方的共同努力,我们够弥合价格差距并达成交易。
    Thanks to our concerted efforts, we were able to bridge the price gap and put the deal through.
  • 我相信,通过各成员的共同努力。亚太经合组织合作进程一定够在合作、参与的基础上取得更大的成效。
    I am confident that with the concerted efforts of all its members, APEC will make ever greater achievements through cooperation and participation.
  • 只要我们同心协力和持之以恒,种族和谐的关系必定在将来更上一层楼。
    With concerted and sustained efforts by all concerned Singaporeans, racial harmony should attain a new dimension when the next generation of citizens take their rightful place in society.
  • 我们坚信,通过全体中华儿女共同努力,祖国的完全统一就一定够早日实现。
    We are convinced that with the concerted efforts of all sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, the complete reunification of the motherland will be achieved at an early date.
  • 我已经下达命令,联军已经开始对固定的目标进行选择性打击,彻底销毁萨达姆威胁这个世界的力,这将是一次大规模的袭击,这只是一个初始的阶段。
    "On my orders, coalition forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance to undermine Saddam Hussein's ability to wage war. These are opening stages of what will be a broad and concerted campaign.
  • 我们中华人民共和国是一个多民族的国家,只有在消除民族隔阂的基础上,经过各族人民的共同努力,才真正形成中华民族美好的大家庭。
    The People's Republic of China is a multi-national country and only by ending this national estrangement and enlisting the concerted efforts of the various nationalities can we form a truly great, happy family of the Chinese nation.
  • 我希望你做些让步。
    I hope you can make some concession.
  • 我们双方都作些让步?
    Can we each make some concession?