  • 把这些垃圾立即我弄走!
    I want this rubbish cleared away pronto!
  • 传道总会许多人灌输思想。
    The propaganda brainwashed many people.
  • 指定每个参与者的一定比例的款项。
    a proportional share assigned to each participant.
  • 这堵墙的高度必须减少到和房间的尺寸很比例的程度,这样才会人以舒服的感觉。
    the height of this wall must be reduced proportionately to give the room pleasant dimensions.
  • 某些人可能认为,运输业者和商人也应归入这一类,因为他们的劳动并不物品增添任何性质。但我的答复是,他们的劳动物品增添了性质,使物品处在人们需要它们的地方,而不是别的地方。这是一种非常有用的性质,它所提供的效用体现在了物品上,物品现在实际上是在人们需要它们的地方,由此而增加了效用,物品可以按较高的价格出售,价格提高的幅度与所花费的劳动成比例。
    It may appear to some, that carriers, and merchants or dealers, should be placed in this same class, since their labour does not add any properties to objects: but I reply that it does: it adds the property of being in the place where they are wanted, instead of being in some other place: which is a very useful property, and the utility it confers is embodied in the things themselves, which now actually are in the place where they are required for use, and in consequence of that increased utility could be sold at an increased price, proportioned to the labour expended in conferring it.
  • 起初,他帮忙画布景,搬道具,在演出时演员提词。
    At first, he held paint scenery, carried props, and held book during performances.
  • 我相信,伊拉克方面会将类似的、参加其它被禁物品单方面销毁工作的人员名单提供我们,特别是生物场所。
    I trust that the Iraqi side will put together a similar list of names of persons who participated in the unilateral destruction of other proscribed items, notably in the biological field.
  • 控方法律顾问为被告惩戒性判决提出理由
    Prosecute counsel argue that the accused shall be give exemplary sentence
  • 人民要求政府满足自己的政治经济要求,同时政府以一切可能的利于抗日的援助;
    the people want the government to satisfy their political and economic demands, and at the same time give the government every possible help to prosecute the War of Resistance;
  • 控方法律顾问为被告惩戒性判决提出理由
    The prosecuting counsel argued that the accused should be given an exemplary sentence
  • 她嫁了一个未来的律师。
    She is married to a prospective lawyer.
  • 我们打算潜在的客户寄一些广告资料。
    We are going to send advertising material to the prospective client.
  • 我们打算潜在的客户寄一些广告资料。
    We is go to send advertising material to the prospective client.
  • (供探矿者的)贷款探矿者或兴办企业的人贷款以求获得商定收益的一部分
    Supplies or funds advanced to a mining prospector or a person starting a business in return for a promised share of the profits.
  • 经检讨后,由二零零一年五月起,香港注册公司的发售章程若发专业投资者,可获豁免遵守有关中英对照及内容方面的规定,以及《公司条例》之下其他与发售章程有关的规定。
    This led to the exemption of Hong Kong incorporated companies' prospectuses — issued to professional investors relating to debt securities — from the dual language and content requirements, and other prospectus-related requirements under the Companies Ordinance, which have become effective since May 2001.
  • 那马不会你们带来幸福和昌盛。
    The horse will not bring you happiness and prosperity.
  • 22岁的丽贝卡说她的朋友维维亚娜通过互联网认识了一个男人,他邀请她去法国,"他她买衣服,带她去俱乐部,起初一切都那么美好,但两星期后,他让她去卖淫。"
    Rebecca, 22, says her friend Viviane sounded very happy when she found a man who asked her to go over to France. "He was buying her clothes. He was taking her to clubs. Everything looked fine but then, after two weeks, he told her she had to work as a prostitute," she said.
  • 然而,越来越多的城市居民却怀疑这种说法,他们抱怨民工城市带来了许多严重的问题,像犯罪和卖淫。
    However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution.
  • 我们定期捐款一个动物保护基金会。
    We subscribe to an animal protection society.
  • 他把所得利润的一半交歹徒作为保护费。
    He was paying out half his profits as protection.
  • 第四、我们要采取内望策略、施行保护主义,还是开放经济外来投资、使公司在进行合并和收购的时候更加便利?
    Fourth, we face the choice of turning inward and becoming protectionist or opening up our economies to foreign investment and facilitating mergers and acquisitions;
  • 予保护性管理;监护的或保护的。
    providing protective supervision; watching over or safeguarding.
  • 一个在美国麻省剑桥工作的日本三菱电子实验室研究小组已经成功制造出了第一个这样的智能酒杯,不过要将这项发明卖英国人却没有那么容易。
    A team from the Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories working in Cambridge, Massachusetts has made the first prototypes, but may find it hard to sell the idea to Britons.
  • 这个方面,又予我们以能够持久和最后胜利的根据。
    This trend also provides a basis for our ability to fight a protracted war and win final victory.
  • 他骄傲地把最大的一只羊指我们看,它已经有50公斤重了。
    He proudly pointed out the biggest sheep, which already weighed50 kilograms.
  • 他骄傲地把最大的一只羊指我们看,它已经有50公斤重了。
    He proudly pointed out the biggest sheep, which already weighed 50 kilograms.
  • 他立刻自豪地答道:“请我来八张儿童票和两张成人票,我要带一家人看马戏。”
    He proudly responded, " Please let me buy eight children's tickets and two adult tickets so I can take my family to the circus."
  • 羊供给我们羊毛。
    Sheep provide us with wool.
  • 他们供给我们食物。
    They provide us with food.
  • 通知给或提供信息
    To give or provide information.
  • 予寡妇其亡夫的遗产
    To provide with a dower.
  • 给…提供排放口
    To provide with a vent.