  • 巴厘人的悠闲,从青青稻田中,卸下锄头的农夫,三五闲聚集可看一斑。
    You get a glimpse of the islanders' carefree lifestyle from the common scene of small clusters of farmers enjoying a leisurely chat by the paddy fields, having laid down their hoes.
  • 这则笑话——与其说滑稽,不如说是悲哀——给某些家长发了一个批评信号,因为他们总觉得应该给自己的孩子提供一种“无忧无虑的”生活而仅仅由于“我们想要他们过得快活”或“他们只能年幼一回”。
    This joke-more sad than funny-sends a critical message to parents who feel they should provide their children with a carefree life because we want them to be happy" or "they're only young once.
  • 显示缺乏仔细的思考。
    showing lack of careful thought.
  • 把玻璃从板条箱中小心取来。
    uncrate the glassed carefully!
  • 她仔细地打这封信。
    She typed the letter carefully.
  • 驾车不小心使他付了昂贵的代价。
    Careless driving cost him dear.
  • 自自然的优雅的印象;以不经意的优雅的方式跳舞。
    an impression of careless elegance; danced with careless grace.
  • 他抄写原文时很粗心,以致现讹误。
    He copied the text carelessly so that it is corrupt.
  • 他抄写原文时很粗心,以致现讹误。
    He copped the text carelessly so that it was corrupted.
  • 他开车再这么不当心的话,一定会事的。
    He will come to a bad end if he keeps on driving so carelessly.
  • 我侄子做事总是这样粗心,我想他不会有多大息的。
    My nephew does everything so carelessly that I don't see how he can amount to much.
  • 我的爱抚却使它从喉头里发一声长长的狺声。
    My caress provoked a long, guttural gnarl.
  • 在和杰基一番亲热与交谈后,老流浪汉发一声简短的命令。
    After caressing and talking to Jacky,the old hobo uttered a brief command.
  • 他看书名,看作者名,读了些片断,用眼和手爱抚着书卷,只有一次他认了一本读过的书,别的书他却全都陌生,作者也陌生。
    He glanced at the titles and the authors' names, read fragments of text, caressing the volumes with his eyes and hands, and, once, recognized a book he had read. For the rest, they were strange books and strange authors.
  • 这个内阁辞职了,但总理仍担任临时行使职责的人直到能选举新的领导人
    The government resigned, but the premier served as caretaker until new leaders could be elected.
  • 法国照看公寓或旅馆的人;监视进的人,传递信件就像看门人或守门人。
    a French caretaker of apartments or a hotel; lives on the premises and oversees people entering and leaving and handles mail and acts as janitor or porter.
  • 老妇脸上露忧心忡忡的神色。
    The old woman have a careworn look on her face..
  • 老妇脸上露忧心忡忡的神色
    The old woman has a careworn look on her face
  • 新加坡人向外发展,寻求商机,也必须从现有的范畴脱颖而,向南太平洋群岛、印度洋、加勒比海、非洲等区域,寻找商机和投资。
    At the same time, Singaporeans will look further to the vast areas from the South Pacific islands, Indian Ocean, Caribbean Sea and Africa for business and investment opportunities.
  • 新加坡人向外发展,寻求商机,也必须从现有的范畴脱颖而,向南太平洋群岛、印度洋、加勒比海、非洲等区域,寻找商机和投资。
    At the same time, Singaporeans will look further to the vast areas from the Pacific islands, Indian Ocean and Africans far as Caribbean Sea for business and investment opportunities.
  • 一个自吹是思想解放的人怎么能在他女儿寻找婚姻伴侣时,却显一副维多利亚式的严父模样呢?
    But how about a man who preaches liberation and yet when his daughters are seeking marriage partners, can show himself the very caricature of the heavy Victorian father?
  • 纷乱的雨点敲打着玻璃窗;巨钟发的嘈杂的声音;嘈杂的隆隆的炮声。
    shattering rain striking the windowpanes; the shattering tones of the enormous carillon; the shattering peal of artillery.
  • 这个党竭力装一付关心工人阶级的新形象.
    The party is trying to project a new image of itself as caring for the working classes.
  • 不要问我哪支球队会取胜,我已不在乎了。
    Don’t ask me which team will win; I’m past caring.
  • 当然,他也非常关心我们,却从不表露来。
    He was quite caring too, but he tried hard not to show it.
  • 他可以编造一段故事,说自己忙着工作忘了照看烤着的糕点。
    He would fix up a tale about his work making him forget caring the cakes.
  • 盖尔斯堡美国伊利诺斯州西北部的一座城市,位于皮奥里亚西北偏西。诗人卡尔·桑德伯格于1878年生于此。人口33,530
    A city of northwest-central Illinois west-northwest of Peoria. The poet Carl Sandburg was born here in1878. Population,33, 530.
  • 每一张专辑的推--包括8张金专辑和7张白金专辑--都成为卡洛斯个人成长和发展的写照。
    Every new release -- including eight gold and seven Platinum albums -- became a reflection of Carlos' personal growth and evolution.
  • 研制绵羊多利,进行了277个实验,了277个错误,才造了一个单细胞个体。如果这些是人类细胞,则无异于大屠杀。
    It took 277 trials and errors to produce Doily the sheep, creating a cellular body count that would look like sheer carnage if the cells were human.
  • 她在卡内基音乐堂举行她在纽约的首次演.
    She's making her New York debut at Carnegie Hall.
  • 艺术团今天晚上在礼堂演
    Horowitz is performing at Carnegie Hall tonight.
  • 你开始读第一章之前,我再为你加把动,一句简短的提示,可以帮助你迅即指认卡内基秘诀为何物。
    As a final word of preparation, before you begin the first chapter, may I offer one brief suggestion which may provide a clue by which the Carnegie secret may be recognized?