  • 两蒋时代的政风虽也有可议之处,但政商分明,不使合流;而对于贪污案件,大体上也能秉依法处理。
    Officialdom in the late Chiangs' era deserved criticism, but at least it did not gang up with the business sector for dirty profits, and could handle corruption cases with tolerable justice and impartiality.
  • 审判工作依法受各级人民代表大会、人民检察院和人民群众的监督,保证审判活动的开性、正性和严肃性。
    Judicial work, in accordance with the law, is also subject to supervision by people's congresses and people's procuratorates at all levels and by the masses, so as to ensure openness, impartiality, and seriousness.
  • 亨利设想在国际协议的保护下,每个国家都建立一个由受过培训的、愿意平照顾各方受伤人员的志愿者团体。
    Henry saw every country creating a body of trained volunteers who would care impartially for the wounded of all sides, protected by international agreement.
  • 建设一支政治坚定、业务精通、作风优良、执法正的司法队伍。
    We will build up a contingent of judicial personnel who are politically steadfast and professionally competent, have a fine style of work and enforce laws impartially.
  • 在司法活动中,必须以事实为依据,以法律为准绳,秉办案,廉洁正。
    they must base themselves on fact, take law as the criterion, handle a case impartially and be honest in performing their official duties in all judicial activities.
  • (四)当群众与地主发生争执时,政府采取坚持法令秉办理的态度,这也实际上帮助了基本群众。
    4) When a dispute arises between the masses and the landlords, the government should solve the dispute impartially in accordance with its decrees, which actually is a way of supporting the majority of the masses, too.
  • 又比如,当敌占区人民向抗日政府提起民事诉讼时,应乐于接受,秉办理,以调解方式为主,而适当照顾基本群众利益。
    For instance, when people in enemy-occupied areas bring a civil lawsuit to the anti-Japanese government, the government should be ready to accept the case and handle it impartially, mainly through mediation, while giving proper consideration to the interests of the masses.
  • 第六十四条 煤炭管理部门和有关部门的监督检查人员应当熟悉煤炭法律、法规,掌握有关煤炭专业技术,正廉洁,秉执法。
    Article 64 Supervisors and inspectors of the departments in charge of the coal industry and other relevant departments shall have adequate knowledge of the laws and regulations governing the coal industry, be proficient in the relevant technology, be fair and honest and enforce the law impartially.
  • 她激昂地抗辩,恳求获得正。
    She made an impassioned plea for justice.
  • 对公正的强烈要求
    An impassioned plea for justice.
  • 她没有耐心等共汽车到来。
    She has impatience to wait for the bus.
  • 贪污的、可弹劾的务员
    Venal, impeachable public servants.
  • 作为司的代表,你打电话的举止应该是无可挑剔的。
    As your company's representative,your phone manners should be impeccable.
  • 依法纠正和查处利用特权,设置关卡,阻碍商品流通,妨碍平竞争的行为。
    We need to deal with and stop, according to law, the acts of abusing privileges to set up trade barriers, obstruct commodity circulation and impede fair competition.
  • 财政压力迫使司减少开支。
    Financial pressures impel the firm to cut back on spending.
  • 买主不愿冒险,所以贵司产品质量必须有保证,否则无法成交。
    Buyer undesirous of take risk therefore you quality guarantee imperative otherwise unworkable.
  • 英担英国的法定重量单位,相当于112磅(50,80斤)
    A unit of weight in the British Imperial System equal to112 pounds(50.80 kilograms).
  • 这家司将要在帝国大饭店举行一个庆圣诞晚宴舞会。
    The company will have a Christmas dinner- dance at the Imperial Hotel.
  • 其他共和国现在开抱怨新俄罗斯帝国主义,同时以前的那些头儿们也假惺惺地为违反“人权”一掬同情之泪。
    Leaders of other republics mutter openly now about a new Russian imperialism, while former chieftains shed crocodile tears over the violation of"human rights."
  • 判决说:"由于杰克逊法官同外界进行了法律不允许的接触,比如同媒体进行秘密谈话,在法庭外开对微软做出了许多攻击性的评论,因此给人留下一种对微软持有偏见的印象,因此我们推翻原判,以进行补救。"
    ``We vacate the judgment on remedies, because the trial judge engaged in impermissible ex parte contacts by holding secret interviews with members of the media and made numerous offensive comments about Microsoft officials in public statements outside of the courtroom, giving rise to an appearance of partiality,'' the court said.
  • 非个人的司;客观的评价。
    an impersonal corporation; an impersonal remark.
  • 这两个词均用於客观的及事的场合。
    They are used in impersonal and official situations.
  • 最好的办室礼物是一般性的,但选择时显然要考虑到个人兴趣。
    The best office gifts are impersonal but clearly chosen with an individual's interests in mind.
  • “相,”吉斯盖特连忙说,语气急促,就像水闸打开似的,或者说,就像女人横下了心。“那位在剧中将扮演圣母娘娘的大兵,您是认识的罗?”
    “Messire,” began Gisquette with the impetuous haste of a woman taking a resolve, “it appears you are acquainted with the soldier who is going to play the part of Madame the Virgin in the Mystery.
  • 按揭证券司会增加购买按揭的金额和产品种类,加上强制性积金计划实施在即,肯定有助促进债务市场的发展。
    The expansion of the Mortgage Corporation's business and portfolio and the introduction of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes will add impetus to this development.
  • 我深信这项安排将进一步推动购买按揭的进度,我们将会在短期内布有关详情。
    I am sure the facility will add further impetus to the mortgage purchase programme, and we will announce the details of the facility very shortly.
  • 其他文件显示该司迫不及待要向市场推出一种新隆乳胶。因此在测试时偷工减料。
    Other memos suggest the company was desperate to get a new implant on the market and cut corners on testing to do so.
  • 在管理这家整形外科植入物和医疗设备司的25年里,他所承诺的一直是每年起码20%的利润增长率,除了1998年和1999年外,他都兑现了诺言。
    He has promised annual earnings growth of at least20% for the past25years that he has run the orthopedic implant and medical equipment company.With the exception of1998and1999,he's delivered.
  • 有两个绕共轴的交叉的刃片的切具。
    a cutting implement having two crossed pivoting blades.
  • 联合国独立专家特别委员会监测该约的实施情况。
    A special UN committee of independent experts monitors implementation of the Convention.
  • 顾问司建议分阶段推行一共七个应用系统。
    The ISSS identified seven potential application systems, which are to be implemented by phases.
  • 政府在一九九八年十一月布资讯科技教育五年策略,现正推行当中各项新措施。
    Various initiatives outlined in a five-year strategy announced in November 1998 are being implemented.