  • 如果你这么做,只徒然增加你的困难。
    If you take this action, it will only compound your problems.
  • 她为自己未自控、成天哭个不停而沮丧、懊恼,这又加剧了她的痛苦。
    Her misery was only compounded by her frustration at herself for not being able to pull it together and stop crying all the time.
  • 长时期来耳濡目染的都是荒淫无耻的堕落生活,而且是从早年就开始了的堕落生活,加上这个女孩子长期来孱弱多病,抑制了她脑子里分辨是非的才智,这种才智天主可也曾赋予她,但是从来没有人想到过要去让它得到施展。
    The continual spectacle of debauchery, at so tender an age, compounded by her continuing ill- health, had extinguished in the girl the knowledge of good and evil which God had perhaps given her but which no one had ever thought to nurture.
  • 使事情复杂化的是,pc或服务器的系统日期可被注入网络操作系统(nos)或包含在客户机/服务器应用程序中,而应用程序碰巧要通过pc机获取日期信息。
    Compounding matters, the PC or server system date can be injected into a network operating system (NOS) or nested within client/server applications that happen to tap the PC for date information.
  • 知道并把握事物的本质或意义。
    know and comprehend the nature or meaning of.
  • 领会这封信的含义吗?
    Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?
  • 理解书写文字的力减弱,通常伴随有神经失常。
    having impaired ability to comprehend written words usually associated with a neurologic disorder.
  • 诵读困难一种学习障碍,症状是识别或理解书写文字的力受到损伤
    A learning disorder marked by impairment of the ability to recognize and comprehend written words.
  • 在大学修管理学,以会计为主,包含电脑的使用。理解财务报告。
    University education in management with an emphasis on accounting, involving the use of computers. Able to comprehend financial statements.
  • 它有时也用辛辣、俏皮而尖刻的评论刺中资产阶级的心,但是它由于完全不理解现代历史的进程而总是令人感到可笑。
    at times, by its bitter, witty and incisive criticism, striking the bourgeoisie to the very heart's core; but always ludicrous in its effect, through total incapacity to comprehend the march of modern history.
  • 此时,如果改换一个无经验的人去指导,又会要在吃了一些败仗之后(有了经验之后)才理会战争的正确的规律。
    If, at such a moment, the command is turned over to an inexperienced person, then he too will have to suffer a number of defeats (gain experience) before he can comprehend the true laws of the war.
  • 人们的观念、观点和概念,一名话,人们的意识,随着人们的生活条件、人们的社会关系、人们的社会存在的改变而改变,这难道需要经过深思才了解吗?
    Does it require deep intuition to comprehend that man's ideas, views and conceptions, in one word, man's consciousness, changes with every change in the conditions of his material existence, in his social relations and in his social life?
  • 我们的同志如果把这个中心任务真正看清楚了,懂得无论如何要把革命发展到全国去,那末,我们对于广大群众的切身利益问题,群众的生活问题,就一点也不疏忽,一点也不看轻。
    If our comrades really comprehend this task and understand that the revolution must at all costs be spread throughout the country, then they should in no way neglect or underestimate the question of the immediate interests, the well-being, of the broad masses.
  • 然而由于这些经验(胜仗,特别是败仗的经验),使他们够理解贯串整个战争的内部的东西,即那个具体战争的规律性,懂得了战略和战术,因而够有把握地去指导战争。
    But this experience (the experience of battles won and especially of battles lost) enables them to comprehend the inner thread of the whole war, namely, the laws of that specific war, to understand its strategy and tactics, and consequently to direct the war with confidence.
  • 这就是说,够把战争或作战的一切重要的问题,都提到较高的原则性上去解决。
    None of these problems of strategy is visible to the eye, and yet, if we think hard, we can comprehend, grasp and master them all, that is, we can raise the important problems concerning a war or concerning military operations to the higher plane of principle and solve them.
  • 这是普通人都理解的。
    It is comprehensible to ordinary minds.
  • 普通人都理解的思想。
    an idea comprehensible to the average mind.
  • 难理解的只有经过刻苦的努力才解决或理解的
    Solvable or comprehensible only with painstaking effort.
  • 普通公众;一般援助;一般规则;一般说来;为普通读者所理解。
    the general public; general assistance; a general rule; in general terms; comprehensible to the general reader.
  • 难语症,诵读困难症语言或文字理解力受损,尤指那些与大脑受损伤相联系的
    Impairment of speech and verbal comprehension, especially when associated with brain injury.
  • 眼界视野,理力或经历的范围;眼界
    Range of vision, comprehension, or experience; outlook.
  • 这个新理论非我所理解。
    This new theory passes my comprehension.
  • 了解;理解理解的人的品质和条件;理解
    The quality or condition of one who understands; comprehension.
  • 抽象的、概念性的计划;提高思维理解力;对该问题的思想反应。
    a plan abstract and conceptional; to improve notional comprehension; a notional response to the question.
  • 我相信发展自己对人生的了解,也同时发展了自己应用英文的力。
    I believe that developing one's comprehension of human nature simutaneously develops one's faculty for using English.
  • 就是因为习惯了学语文先学音的概念,在笔者读书的时代,学英语一定先学音标。把kk音标当作注音符号一样,背得滚瓜烂熟,新单字若没有标上音标,就不知道怎么发音了,没有透过翻译,更无从了解单字的意思,这种买鞋画鞋样的教学结果,除了spelling力奇差之外,加上没有讲英语的环境,更无法开口说英语。
    During my school days, we were so used to phonetics when starting to learn a language that we marked the English words with codes and signs and then memorised them. So when we came across new English words, we were unable to pronounce them, not to mention the comprehension of those words. In the end, we had very poor ability to "spell" the words. All these, coupled with an environment that does not encourage the use of English, make it difficult for us to learn the language.
  • 我更赞赏新加坡市政设施的配套完备,因而才在人口高度密集、全年皆夏、气温较高、雨水充沛的国度消灭了蚊蝇。这些都不不说是一个奇迹。
    I admire the comprehensiveness of Singapore's municipal facilities even more. In a densely-populated country with high temperatures all year round and heavy rainfall, it is indeed a miracle that the problem of mosquitoes and houseflies has been taken care of.
  • 把第一次世界大战的事缩写成几页是不可的。
    It is impossible to compress the story of the First World War into a few pages.
  • 在五分钟内把话讲完吗?
    Can you compress your speech into five minutes?
  • 这一大堆材料是不可压缩成只有几页的内容的东西的。
    It’s impossible to compress this mass of material into a few pages.
  • 这么多的东西怎么压缩在一天之内看完呢?
    How can so much be compressed into one day?
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