| - 被训练来帮助医务专业人员并且给以紧急医务抢救任务的人。
a person trained to assist medical professionals and to given emergency medical treatment. - 招聘和工资顾问说,中国专业人员正谋求把工作期限维持更长一些,这是因为合资企业公司推行了一项稳定员工队伍的计划。按照该计划,公司为员工经常提供培训机会,进行定期的工资调整,给予更多的行政补助。而最重要的是为员工指出清晰明确的职业发展道路。
Recruitment and compensation consultants say local professionals in China are holding on to jobs longer as joint-venture companies - 在2000年发放的115,000个h?1b签证中,53%以上的签证发给了计算机专业人员,而其中大多数为男性。
Of the 115,00 H- 1B visas issued in 2000,over 53 percent went to computer professionals,most of whom were men. - 我给了她一个援助性的建议。
I gave her a proffer of help. - 他拒绝了对方端过来给他的酒。
He refused the proffered wine. - 我上司让我给这位新网球冠军写篇小传。
My boss asked me to write a profile for the new tennis champion. - 我从侧面给他拍照。
I photographed him in profile. - 这项新发明会像一座金矿一样给你们带来利润。
This new invention will bring you great profits like a goldmine. - 给某人一分利益
Cut sb. in on the profit - 争取把我们最有利可图的产品出售给他们,我们希望你能大获成功。
Try to sell them our most profitable product and he's hope you can bring off a deal. - 例如,甲拥有一万镑财产,借给农场主或制造商乙,用在乙的事业上而产生利润。该财产就如同是属于乙的资本。
For example, let property of the value of ten thousand pounds belonging to A, be lent to B, a farmer or manufacturer, and employed profitably in B's occupation. - 我从心底深处感谢你们给了我两次机会和荣誉,为你们服务,为你们工作,和你们一起为我们的国家进入21世纪做准备。
I am profoundly grateful to you for twice giving me the honor to serve, to work for you and with you to prepare our nation for the 21st century. - 他知识渊博给听众留下了深刻的印象.
He impressed his audience by the profundity of his knowledge. - 他知识渊博给听众留下了深刻的印象。
He impress his audience by the profundity of his knowledge. - 这样他就可以放心地当父亲而“不必担心会把基因疾病遗传给下一代”。
He could then father children"free from the worry that he would pass on a genetic disease to his progeny." - "请给电脑编制一个程序,以便进行这项工作代替手工操作。"
Please program the computer to do the job instead of manual operation. - 他们也给无产阶级带来了大量的教育因素。
These also supply the proletariat with fresh elements of enlightenment and progress. - 于是,资产阶级自己就把自己的教育因素即反对自身的武器给予了无产阶级。
The bourgeoisie itself, therefore, supplies the proletariat with its own instruments of political and general education, in other words, it furnishes the proletariat with weapons for fighting the bourgeoisie. - 传说(虽然相当荒唐)朱庇特造了第一个女人并把她送给了普罗米修斯兄弟二人,以惩罚他们偷盗天火的狂妄行为,也惩罚人类,因为他们接受了天火。
The story(absurd enough!) is that Jupiter made the first woman and sent her to Prometheus and his brother, to punish them for their presumption in stealing fire from heaven; and man, for accepting the gift. - 传说(虽然相当荒唐)朱庇特造了第一个女人并把她送给了普罗米修斯兄弟二人,以惩罚他们偷盗天火的狂妄行为,也惩罚人类,因为他们接受了天火。
The story(absurd enough! ) is that Jupiter made the first woman and sent her to Prometheus and his brother, to punish them for their presumption in stealing fire from heaven; and man, for accepting the gift. - 我要求得到你答应给的东西。
I claim your promise . - 她答应弟弟将给他写信。
She promised her brother that she would write to him. - 迅速付款给了我们公司很大的帮助。
Prompt payment of bills greatly helps our company. - 请给我们一个立即装运的报盘。
Please make us an offer for prompt shipment. - 她给我写回信非常及时.
She was very prompt in answering my letter. - 下场演出时你给我们提词好吗?
Will you prompt for us at the next performance? - 她立即给我写了回信.
She replied promptly to my letter. - 他很快给我复了信。
He reply to my letter very promptly. - 于是立刻给他找了一份改编音乐的工作。
And promptly got him a job transcribing music. - 她很快地将他交给了警方。
She promptly turned him in to the police. - 她需要不时给予提示.
She needed an occasional prompt. - 你能给我讲讲卧姿吗?
Can you explain the prone position to me?