  • 社会和文化的中坚子,尤其是旧新英格兰家族的后裔。
    a member of a social and cultural elite especially a descendant of an Old New England family.
  • 原生物任何一种单细胞原生生物和作为它们后代的多细胞有机体,在大多数现代类系统中将它为一个单独的界
    Any of the unicellular protists and their descendant multicellular organisms, considered as a separate taxonomic kingdom in most modern classification systems.
  • 在大部类中,取代protista;包含原生动物;裸藻门;绿藻门;隐藻门;红藻门;单细胞原生生物及它们的多细胞有机体后代;与动植物截然不同。
    in most modern classifications, replacement for the Protista; includes: Protozoa; Euglenophyta; Chlorophyta; Cryptophyta; Heterokontophyta; Rhodophyta; unicellular protists and their descendant multicellular organisms: regarded as distinct from plants and animals.
  • 我们于黄昏时下山。
    We descended from the mountain top towards evening.
  • 底脚之间的边界因此是圆形的;在这口井和高高的石岸之间的底层成了十座山谷。
    That belt of land remaining, then, runs round between the well and cliff, and all this space is divided into ten descending valleys.
  • *在1999-2000学年,留学美国人数最多的前10位国家别是(按序排列):中国,日本,德国,韩国,印度,加拿大,俄罗斯,法国,英国,意大利。
    * During the 1999-2000 academic year,the top 10 countries of origin of foreign students in the United States were (in descending order):China,Japan,Germany, South Korea, India, Canada, Russia, France, Britain and Italy.
  • 正如在第二章里所描述的,操作员通过这个命令,能把一个物理设备配。
    The operator can assign a physical device to a logical device name through this command, as described in the second chapter.
  • 形容布位置的一个统计数。
    a statistic describing the location of a distribution.
  • 描述,夸张因夸张地叙述或描写而破坏了…的效果
    To spoil the effect of by exaggeration in telling or describing.
  • 他对旅行作了十生动的叙述。
    He told a very descriptive account of his journey.
  • 一部书面著作的各个部的总标题。
    a general or descriptive heading for a section of a written work.
  • 2)基本类信息如企业代码和产品类,以及用于电子信息交换服务的描述信息;
    “What” involves classification information that includes industry codes and product classifications, as well as descriptive information about the services that the business makes available.
  • 程序末尾调用了两个方法:pbinint()和pbinlong()。它们别操作一个int和long值,并用一种二进制格式输出,同时附有简要的说明文字。
    The two methods at the end, pBinInt( ) and pBinLong( ) take an int or a long, respectively, and print it out in binary format along with a descriptive string.
  • 把一个文件细成一系列术语或叙词的过程。
    The breaking down of a document into a series of terms or descriptors.
  • 他说客队获胜是应该的,虽说比相差不大。
    He said the visitors had deserved their win although the margin was narrow.
  • 他工作十粗心,所以被解雇是当然的了。
    He was very careless in his work, so that he really deserved to get the gate.
  • 图案为:美术式,北京式,彩花式。
    Designs: Aesthetic Design, Beijing Design, Floral Design, and Scenery Animal Design.
  • 使用颜色来指明类的系统。
    system using colors to designate classifications.
  • 派为某一特定目的开;指派
    To set apart for a particular purpose; designate.
  • 其他(有许多)类型的类法还包括面对地理信息的类法,或者是面向指定组织的成员资格的类法等。
    Other (and there are many) classifications designate geographic information, or membership in a given organization.
  • 多词学名包含两个以上术语的类学名
    A taxonomic designation consisting of more than two terms.
  • 三名法的有三个名字成名称组成的,如一种类命法
    Consisting of three names or terms, as a taxonomic designation.
  • 参与土地产品初始配的阶级在性质和名称上,各地也有不小的差别。
    The very nature and designation of the classes who originally share among them the produce of the soil, vary not a little in different places.
  • 全国的青年除了一部人之外,大家都觉悟起来,都具备这种必胜的决心,规定“五四”为青年节就表示了这一点。
    With few exceptions, the whole youth of China is awakened and determined to win, and this is reflected in the designation of May 4th as Youth Day.
  • 所以,给右派子全部摘掉帽子,改正对其中大多数人的处理,并给他们配适当的工作,就是一件很必要的、重大的政治措施。
    Therefore, it is a very necessary and important political measure to remove the label "bourgeois Rightist" from all of them, to nullify the wrong designation of the great majority of them and to assign appropriate jobs to all concerned.
  • 第十一条申请商标注册的,应当按规定的商品类表填报使用商标的商品类别和商品名称。
    Article 11.An applicant for the registration of a trademark shall, in a form,indicate, in accordance with the prescribed classification of goods, the class of the goods and the designation of the goods in respect of which the trademark is to be used.
  • 挑选出或挑选出(想要的部);提取
    To sort or select(a desirable part); extract.
  • 一种强烈的、不安的愿望。
    a strong restless desire.
  • (经常接“for”)热烈或者过的渴望。
    (often followed by `for') ardently or excessively desirous.
  • 2.保守的或资产阶级的社会主义资产阶级中的一部人想要消除社会的弊病,以便保障资产阶级社会的生存。
    2. CONSERVATIVE, OR BOURGEOIS, SOCIALISM A part of the bourgeoisie is desirous of redressing social grievances, in order to secure the continued existence of bourgeois society.
  • 但愿他别再昼夜不地招待他的朋友.
    I wish he'd desist from entertaining his friends at all hours of the day and night.
  • 以诗的感情说来,作者在这诗中,充地表现了刚忿、软忧、两种交错的复杂感情,前者是“横眉指责”,曰:“祖龙休拔坑灰火,吾道长城有学宫1
    As for the poet's feelings, we can sense that he was exhibiting two sets of conflicting feelings: firm and angry, soft and sad. First, he angrily raised his thick eyebrows ( 横眉), pointing his finger and ordered, ''Emperor Qin, desist! Burn no more books; bury no more scholars. Mighty as the Great Wall is our cause;the Hall of Learning stands.''