  • 最近经过改进,已经利用高浓度全氟化合物,而不会引起医学并发症。
    Improved fluorochemicals have recently made it possible to use a higher concentration of perfluorochemicals without causing medical complications.
  • 研究显示,紧急手术中发生这类事故的几率是常规手术的9倍。如果在手术时发现有其他并发症而不得不调整手术程序的话,发生遗留事故的可性是平常的4倍。
    The study found that emergency operations are nine times more likely to lead to such mistakes, and operating-room complications requiring a change in procedure are four times more likely.
  • 本公司认为贵方开给jocab公司的汇票,若惠予延长60天,可以被应允付清全额。
    We suppose that your draft on Messrs. Jacob & Co. , if attended with sixty days' grace, may be complied with to the full.
  • 年内,政府化验所进行了28530项测试,确定多种产品是否符合有关的安全标准或规定,并评估不通过测试的产品对公众健康和安全构成的潜在影响,提供专业意见。
    It conducted 28530 tests during the year to determine whether or not various products complied with relevant safety standards or requirements. It also gave professional advice in the assessment of potential health and safety hazards posed by products that failed the tests.
  • 依照德国法律,只要符合所有其他有关外国人居留法律条款的规定,获居留许可者可马上携家属赴德,如未立即成行,可在晚些时候再携带家属赴德。
    Under German law residence permits entitle holders (as long as all the other pertinent provisions of law governing foreign residents have been complied with) to bring their families to Germany right away or,failing that,to bring them to Germany at a later point in time.
  •  (1)本联盟任何国家的国民,在保护工业产权方面,在本联盟所有其他国家内应享有各该国法律现在授予或今后可授予各该国国民的各种利益,一切都不应损害本公约特别规定的权利,因此,他们应和各该国国民享有同样的保护,对侵犯他们的权利享有同样的法律上的救济手段,但是以他们遵守对各该国国民规定的条件和手续为限。
    Nationals of any country of the Union shall, as regards the protection of industrial property, enjoy in all the other countries of the Union the advantages that their respective laws now grant, or may hereafter grant, to nationals; all without prejudice to the rights specially provided for by this Convention. Consequently, they shall have the same protection as the latter, and the same legal remedy against any infringement of their rights, provided that the conditions and formalities imposed upon nationals are complied with.
  • 2.如果根据本节规定的申请,经海关当局依照非司法当局或非其他独立当局的决定,中止了含有工业品外观设计、专利、布图设计或未披露之信息的商品的放行,而经正式授权的当局未在下文第五十五条所规定的期限内批准临时救济,而此时有关进口的一切其他条件又均已符合,则有关商品的所有人、进口人、或收货人在提交保证金的前提下,应有权获得该商品的放行,这一保证金数额应足够保护权利持有人受到的任何侵犯。
    2. Where pursuant to an application under this Section the release of goods involving industrial designs, patents, layout-designs or undisclosed information into free circulation has been suspended by customs authorities on the basis of a decision other than by a judicial or other independent authority, and the period provided for in Article 55 has expired without the granting of provisional relief by the duly empowered authority, and provided that all other conditions for importation have been complied with, the owner, importer, or consignee of such goods shall be entitled to their release on the posting of a security in an amount sufficient to protect the right holder for any infringement.
  • 我钦佩你的工作力。
    I compliment you for fine work.
  • 他们虚情假意地恭维我,这只使我感到羞辱。
    They pay me empty compliments which only humiliate me.
  • 很抱歉,我不答应你的请求。
    I am sorry I am unable to comply with your request.
  • 很抱歉不遵照您的建议办。
    I am sorry to say it's not possible to comply with your suggestion.
  • 很抱歉不遵照您的建议办。
    I regret to say it 's not possible to comply with your suggestion.
  • 很抱歉不遵照您的建议办。
    I am sorry to say it 's not possible to comply with your suggestion.
  • 很抱歉不遵照您的建议办。
    I'm sorry to say it's not possible to comply with your suggestions.
  • 加文说:"他们这么做还是希望自己的外表够符合世俗的标准。
    "They still seem to comply to the social norms around the body," said Gavin.
  • 我们缺少一种关键的元件,我的工人怎么生产出计算机呢?
    How can my people produce the unit if we are missing a vital component?
  • 匹配下列ss7组件及其功
    Match the following SS7 component to it誷 function.
  • 一旦在本地设置,无需任何中间系统组件,客户和组件就进行交互。
    In a local setting, the client and the component can interact without any intermediary system component, or overhead.
  • 起放大作用的一组光学元件
    A system of optical components that magnifies.
  • 讲解三个ss7网络组件的功
    explain the function of the three SS7 network components
  • 体现某种风格的举动;表现出某种举止;此举动与行为主体很相衬。
    behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself.
  • 仅仅有资料,如果陈述得很糟糕,并不组成一本好书;
    Mere facts, badlly stated, do not compose a good book.
  • 在她恢复这糟糕的凌辱她不得不安定她自己。
    She had to compose herself before she could reply to this terrible insult.
  • 他虽然极其贫困,却够愉快地、自由自在地搞创作。
    He had been able to be happy and free to compose, though extremely poor.
  • 不是每一代都出现一个具有他这样非凡天才的作曲家。
    Not every generation throws up a composer of his remarkable gifts.
  • 他当了三年教员以后,就和许多朋友住到一起,他们也和他一样穷得不名一文,他整天作曲,有时一天写八首歌曲,甚至睡觉时都戴着眼镜,以备随时写下夜里脑子里可会涌现的一首歌曲的乐思。
    After his 3 years' teaching, he lived with various friends, *all as penniless as himself composing all the time, sometimes writing eight songs in a day, and even sleeping in his spectacles in case he might have an idea for a song during the night.
  • 一种组成神经系统的细胞。其显著特点为:当加刺激于其树突上时开启离子电流;将进入细胞体中的电位相加,如积累的电位足够高,则发出一动作电位(冲动)。
    A cell composing the nervous system. Its salient features are its ability to open to ionic current when stimulated on its dendrites; to sum the incoming potentials in its cell body and to emit an action potential down its atomic part, if the potential accumulated is high enough.
  • 菊粉一般公式为(c6h10o5)n的多聚糖,发现于各种菊科植物的根部,水解时产生果糖
    A polysaccharide with the general formula(C6H10O5)n that is found in the roots of various composite plants and yields fructose when hydrolyzed.
  • 镇静保持平静温和脾气的特性;镇静
    The quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure.
  • 然后,她恢复了镇静,她准备着手搜寻入侵者,因为他们可仍然在她的这套房子里躲着。
    Then , her composure regained , she was ready to set off to search for any intruders who might still be lurking in her flat.
  • 但是我确信,只要我们拿出信心和勇气,只要我们沉着应付,香港一定够稳步走出这段艰苦的时期,前景一定辉煌。
    But I believe that with courage, confidence and composure, Hong Kong will firmly tide over this difficult time and will have a bright future ahead.
  • 洁英表面上镇静地接受了这一关系的中断,但不久便去伦敦探望她的姑母加德纳夫人,希望在那里邂逅彬格莱。
    Jane accepts the break with outward composure, but soon visits her aunt, Mrs. Gardiner, in London, hoping to see Bingley there by chance.