  • 法令集法令,尤指就教会法规的某一点或某一问题作决定的罗马教皇的信件
    A decree, especially a papal letter giving a decision on a point or question of canon law.
  • 汤姆被他自己所做的事吓坏了,开始都说不话来。
    The thing that Tom is done by himself is frightened, and all cans not say the words at beginning.
  • 职员们共同钱买离别礼物送给餐厅女经理。
    The staff clubbed together to buy the canteen manageress a leaving present.
  • 我们不知道周末干什么,贝蒂提去坎特伯雷参观大教堂。
    We didn't know what to do at the weekend and Betty floated the idea of taking a trip to Canterbury to see the cathedral.
  • ??坎特伯雷基督堂大学学院体育与运动科学系的史蒂夫·伯德及其同事是在让56个电视迷参加为期18周的日常步行锻炼后得上述结论的。
    Steve Bird and his colleagues in the department of sport and exercise science at Canterbury Christ Church University College in Kent reached these conclusions after putting 56 couch potatoes through an l8-week course of daily walks.
  • 一个从墙上悬去的凸窗。
    a projecting bay window corbeled or cantilevered out from a wall.
  • 生在俄亥俄的坎顿。
    Gray was born in Canton,Ohio.
  • 九广铁路有限公司与广州铁路集团公司联合开办直通列车,每天由九龙开4班直通车至广州,其中两班停常平,另由九龙开一班车至肇庆,中途停佛山。
    The Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation runs, jointly with the Guangzhou Railway (Group) Corporation, four 'through' trains to Guangzhou, two of which stop at Changping, and one train daily to Zhaoqing which stops at Foshan.
  • 政府推的纾解民困措施,以及房屋委员会、房屋协会、九广铁路公司和地下铁路公司所冻结的租金和收费,总额达到二百亿港元。
    All these measures, together with the freeze on rental payments and tariffs agreed by the Housing Authority, Housing Society, Kowloon Canton Railway Corporation and the Mass Transit Railway Corporation, add up to a total of $20 billion foregone to relieve pressure on the public.
  • 如果我告诉你我能说广东话,但是我说来的广东话却像江西话或是上海话,那么你就要笑话我。
    If I tell you I can speak Cantonese,but I speak Cantonese like people who speak Jiangxinese or Shanghainese,you're gonna laugh at me.
  • 在战后经济生气勃勃背景下衬托绝望的灰暗描画
    A grim portrait of despair against the bright canvas of the postwar economy.
  • 他把口堵住了;这个峡谷只有一个口。
    he blocked the way out; the canyon had only one issue.
  • 版一本诗集,有如把蔷薇的一片花瓣丢进那大峡谷等候它的回声。
    Publishing a volume of verse likes dropping a rise petal down the grand canyon and wait for the echo.
  • 版一本诗集,有如把蔷薇的一片花瓣丢进那大峡谷等候它的回声。
    Publishing a volume of verse is like dropping a rise petal down the grand canyon and wait for the echo.
  • 版一本诗集,有如把蔷薇的一片花瓣丢进那大峡谷来等候它的回声。
    Publishing a volume of verse is like dropping a rose petal down the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo.
  • 他把我讲的故事加以改进,讲一个更好的故事。
    He capped my story by telling a better one.
  • 那个暴徒什么违法的事都会干得来。
    That mob's capable of any crime.
  • 能够作细微的区别。
    capable of making fine distinctions.
  • 应激性的能对刺激作反应的
    Capable of responding to stimuli.
  • 一种器件,其输函数与一个或多个变量的输入函数的导数成比例。例如,用于选择脉冲信号的前沿和后沿的阻容网络。
    A device whose output function is proportional to the derivative of the input function with respect to one or more variables, e.g., a resistance-capacitance network used to select the leading and trailing edges of a pulse signal.
  • 放电在电容器存储能量通过两端间的电流流动而释放
    Release of stored energy in a capacitor by the flow of current between its terminals.
  • 戏吸引了满场观众;你真该去看的。
    The drama drew a capacity audience; you should have gone to see it.
  • 查托,博德利·黑德与乔纳森·凯普版公司
    Chatto,Bodley Head and Jonathan Cape Ltd.
  • 苏斯跑来告诉我们这个好消息。你母亲非常高兴,她拍着手在路中间跳起了舞。
    Susie ran out to tell out to us the good news. Your mother was so delighted she claped her hands and cut a caper in the middle of the road.
  • 墨水超印刷符号边缘的毛细管型流动。
    The capillary flow of ink beyond the original edges of a printed character.
  • 病毒感染(通常现在某个地区)。
    a viral infection (usually restricted to a specific geographic area); fever and gastrointestinal symptoms are followed by capillary hemorrhage.
  • 血球渗血细胞的渗或流,特指白细胞透过完整的毛细血管壁渗入周围的肌体组织中
    The movement or passage of blood cells, especially white blood cells, through intact capillary walls into surrounding body tissue.
  • 基本建设支出
    expenditure for capital construction
  • 基本建设支出效果
    effect of capital construction expenditure
  • 华尔街对此作的反应是将雅虎的市场资本从一年前的约40亿美元提高到将近420亿美元。
    Wall Street responded by driving up Yahoo's market capitalization from about $4 billion one year ago to a high of nearly $42 billion.
  • 韦尔奇不仅没把它打碎,而且对它进行了改造,使它的发展超了任何人的预料:公司的市场资本总额由140亿美元增加到今天的4000多亿美元。
    Not only did Welch not break it, but he transformed it as well and multiplied its value beyond anyone's expectations: from a market capitalization of $ 14 billion to more than $ 400 billion today.
  • 于是开比多尔唱片公司当然就有了新的销售策略:在mtv和nick频道上进行强势宣传,在红色的cd包装上印上孩子们喜欢的糖果和苹果,并且在母亲们爱去的商场如沃尔玛超市以11.98美元的低价售这张专辑,这个价位很适合孩子。(这比过去的披头士流行音乐专辑“蓝色”和“红色”要便宜18美元。
    Then, of course, there's the new marketing strategy of Capitol Records: high energy MTV and Nick ads, candy? apple red CD packaging and the kid? friendly $11.98 price at mom? preferred stores like Wal Mart (that's $ 18 less than previous Beatles hits packages" Blue" and" Red" ).