  • 地中海珊瑚虫坚硬石质的骨骼,带有精巧的红或粉红,用作珠宝。
    the hard stony skeleton of a Mediterranean coral that has a delicate red or pink color and is used for jewelry.
  • 他就是这种货,会不顾廉耻去从孩子手中骗取几个零钱。
    He's just the kind that would stoop to swindle children out of a few pence.
  • 交通信号灯采用红、黄、绿三种颜,是因为早期的交通指挥官模仿铁路工程师所设计的用于铁道系统控制火车的编码系统。
    Stoplights are red, yellow, and green, because traffic officials, early on copied the code system railroad engineers devised for track systems controlling the trains.
  • 请您在倒以前先拉开咖啡壶的黑塞子,好吗?
    Could you pull out the black stopper of the pot before you pour, please?
  • 商店里货色齐备。
    The store carries a complete stock.
  • 温暖地区特别是美洲产的大型白鹤。
    large white stork of warm regions of the world esp. America.
  • 非洲热带大型黑白鹤;红嘴的中间有一圈黑带。
    large black-and-white stork of tropical Africa; its red bill has a black band around the middle.
  • 美洲大白鹳一种美洲热带的大鹳(裸颈鹳),具有白的羽毛,脖子上有一圈淡红条带,头裸露
    A large tropical American stork(Jabiru mycteria) having white plumage with a pink band at the neck and a naked head.
  • 热带的一种粗大蔓延或半攀援的灌木,果实圆形、带褐、有瘤;产自非洲。
    stout spreading or semiclimbing tropical shrub with round brownish-red warty fruit; Africa.
  • 他要引导她谈她的话题的努力已经成功。她侃侃而谈,他尽力跟上。他为她那美丽的脑袋竟装了那么多知识感到惊讶,同时也饱餐看她那苍白的面庞的秀
    He had succeeded in making her talk her talk, and while she rattled on, he strove to follow her, marvelling at all the knowledge that was stowed away in that pretty head of hers, and drinking in the pale beauty of her face.
  • 美国西南的落后的芳香的灌木,有芳香的褐的花。
    straggling aromatic shrub of southwestern United States having fragrant brown flowers.
  • 矮的脱离的常青灌木,分布在欧洲西部,表现为几个品种,有从白到玫瑰紫的花。
    low straggling evergreen shrub of western Europe represented by several varieties with flowers from white to rose-purple.
  • 北美西北部脱离的灌木,有蓝的树叶和小铃铛状的花的伞状花序。
    straggling shrub of northwestern North America having foliage with a bluish tinge and umbels of small bell-shaped flowers.
  • 随后他直起身子,露出一副愁苦的脸
    Then with a forlorn look about him,he straightened up.
  • 体细菌和含氰细菌中的环形dna链,含有细胞生命必需的遗传信息
    A circular strand of DNA in bacteria and cyanobacteria that contains the hereditary information necessary for cell life.
  • 体动物细胞核和植物细胞中一条线状的dna链和辅助蛋白,携带了传递遗传信息的基因和功能团
    A threadlike linear strand of DNA and associated proteins in the nucleus of animal and plant cells that carries the genes and functions in the transmission of hereditary information.
  • 指像稻草一样的淡黄;稻草的颜
    of a pale yellow color like straw; straw colored.
  • 加上颜色条纹
    To streak with color.
  • 印地安人过去常用把脸涂上一条条的花纹?
    The Indians used to streak their faces with paint.
  • 使成杂改变…的外观,尤其是通过标上不同颜;使有条纹
    To change the appearance of, especially by marking with different colors; streak.
  • 条鸟嘴上的颜条或带
    A streak or band of color, as on the bill of a bird.
  • 使…具有大理石花纹用类似于大理石的颜和条纹(如在纸上)弄上斑纹和条纹
    To mottle and streak(paper, for example) with colors and veins in imitation of marble.
  • 一种常见的欧洲捕食鸟,暗棕,腹部有白条。
    a common European bird of prey; dull brown with white-streaked underparts.
  • 北美多年生高紫罗兰,心形叶子,开白花有紫条纹。
    tall North American perennial with heart-shaped leaves and purple-streaked white flowers.
  • 几种热带乔木或灌木的任意一种,产鲜艳带条纹的深红或灰褐的木材。
    any of several tropical trees or shrubs yielding showy streaked dark reddish or chocolate-colored wood.
  • 刺豚鼠原产于美洲热带地区的袋鼬属穴居啮齿类动物,通常有带灰花纹的棕皮毛
    A burrowing rodent of the genus Dasyprocta, native to tropical America and usually having brown fur streaked with gray.
  • 用不同图案的条纹或斑点进行涂
    colour with streaks or blotches of different shades.
  • 被污点或者条痕破坏。
    having the color spoiled with spots or streaks.
  • 黄褐或灰底上有暗条纹或斑点的
    Tawny or grayish with streaks or spots of a darker color.
  • 这件衣服褪得很厉害, 所以颜都不均匀了。
    The dress has faded so much that the color is streaky.
  • 在欢庆时节(如婚礼上)撒落的彩碎纸片或纸条。
    small pieces or streamers of colored paper that are thrown around on festive occasions (as at a wedding).
  • 不过我们还希望能将宴会厅装饰起来,如果能在大厅中央放置一棵带有彩垂带的圣诞树就会更加增辉了。
    But we'd like to have the banquet hall decorated. It would be better if a Christmas tree stands in the middle with some colourful streamers.