  • 借给我10英镑吗? 我一个钱也没有!
    Could you lend me 10? I'm completely broke!
  • 有了aca,sybase公司的目标就是提供一种建立完整、开放、灵活和高性的新标准的架构。
    With ACA, the goal of Sybase is to deliver a framework that sets new standards for completeness,openness, flexibility and performance.
  • 他配备齐全,若是邮车的灯被风或风暴刮灭(那是常有的事),他只须钻进车厢,不让燧石砸出的火星落到铺草上,便在五分钟之内轻轻松松点燃车灯,而且相当安全。
    For he was furnished with that completeness that if the coach-lamps had been blown and stormed out, which did occasionally happen, he had only to shut himself up inside, keep the flint and steel sparks well off the straw, and get a light with tolerable safety and ease (if he were lucky) in five minutes.
  • 新建的综合体育馆为多种活动提供所需要的设施。
    The new sports complex has everything needed for many different activities.
  • 混合了沃洛夫语honq[红的,粉红的,浅肤色的]。
    Possibly blend ofWolof honq[ red, pink, of light complexion ].
  • 作用:草莓中的抗氧化剂有去除皮肤斑点的功
    How it works: the antioxidants in strawberries may help even out a splotchy complexion.
  • 渐变演变过程中形状和功的复杂程度逐渐增加
    Evolutionary increase in complexity of form and function.
  • 这种配置的复杂性也有可产生配置错误。
    The complexity of this configuration also make mis-configuration a possibility.
  • 在确定定罪的可性时,税法的复杂性也是一个考虑因素。
    The complexity of tax laws is also a consideration when determining probability of conviction.
  • 但是,加包装器可增加复杂性和费用,这与原本采用以太网技术的目的背道而驰。
    But adding the wrapper might add complexity and expense, which defeats the purpose of using Ethernet technology in the first place.
  • dtm把sonet的可靠性和得到保证的服务与atm的灵活性和流量管理力结合起来,但是成本更低,复杂性更校
    DTM combines the reliability and guaranteed service of SONET, and the flexibility and traffic-engineering capabilities of ATM, but at a lower cost and with less complexity.
  • 同时,当今世界面临的大多数问题非常复杂,不可由任何一个国家单独解决。
    At the same time, most of the problems the world faces today are of such complexity that they cannot be addressed by any single nation acting alone.
  • 只有纳税主体的自觉配合才使税收制度成功。
    Taxation programs are successful only through the voluntary compliance of entities being taxed.
  • 如果够被有节制地使用,税收刑事控诉可以促进自觉遵守和促使公众接受税务机关的权威。
    When used sparingly and with specific civil compliance goals, criminal tax prosecutions can greatly increase voluntary compliance and engender public acceptance of the power of the taxing authority.
  • 当字面意义可以遵从时,赠与人或留有遗嘱的死者的愿望,应该尽可被按原意执行的原则。
    a rule that when literal compliance is impossible the intention of a donor or testator should be carried out as nearly as possible.
  • 但是,它同任何与voicexml兼容的网关一同运行,包括nms、verascape、comverse、ibm和voicegenie。
    however it functions with any VoiceXML compliant gateway including NMS, Verascape, Comverse, IBM, and Voice Genie.
  • 有了符合wfm的桌面系统,管理员在部署客户机软件和硬件故障出现前的预防方面节省时间。
    With WFM-compliant desktops, administrators can save time in deploying client software and preventing hardware failures before they occur.
  • 应用对象是直接支持应用程序的程序代码,它们还确保对象与其他符合corba的orb通信。
    Application objects are pieces of code that support an application directly and ensure that objects can communicate with other CORBA-compliant ORBs.
  • 然而,有些分析师认为,如果符合corba的对象技术供应商不为其软件制订出低级的互用性(标准),已有的领先地位可会丧失。
    However, some analysts say this lead could melt away if the CORBA compliant object technology vendors cannot work out lower-level interoperability for their software.
  • 这个信息就是在bindingtemplateb中所找到的accesspoint元素。该服务知道如何响应getbindingdetail消息。
    This information is in the accessPoint element found in bindingTemplate B. This service, to be compliant, knows how to respond to a get_bindingDetail message.
  • wilgus警告说,光用ipsec是不够的。他说:"因为它只是一种标准,仅使用符合ipsec的软件是不解决安全问题的。"
    Wilgus warns that IPsec alone isn't enough."Simply because it will be a standard, merely using IPsec-compliant software will not solve your security problems," he says.
  • 发布者api描述了一些消息,这些消息用于控制一个操作入口站点所管理的数据,同时它们也被兼容的非操作入口站点的具体站点实现所使用,而这些兼容的站点实现必须与程序员参考规范中描述的行为相一致。
    The Publishers API describes the messages that are used to control the content contained within an Operator Site, and can be used by compliant non-operator implementations that adhere to the behaviors described in this programmers reference specification.
  • 此外,xml增加了sgml的严格性,又没有影响因特网上已有的数量巨大的html页面,这意味着web上已有的数十亿html页面只需要增加一点工作,就符合xml。
    In addition, XML adds the rigour of SGML without affecting the huge installed base of HTML pages already on the Internet -- meaning that the billions of HTML pages already on the Web require little additional work to become XML-compliant.
  • 去掉了使pc应用复杂化的软硬件,只留下网络访问与显示功,实际上,网络计算机在软件、服务、处理、数据和资源上全部都依赖网络。
    Stripped of the hardware and software that complicate the PC life and only capable of network access and display, the network computer relies on the network for virtually all software, services, processing, data and resources.
  • 网络计算机提供了简洁性,去掉了使pc应用复杂化的软硬件,只留下网络访问与显示功,实际上,网络计算机在软件、服务、处理、数据和资源上全部都依赖网络。这就消除了周而复始的台式软硬件升级,而是把这个负担放到了网络上。
    The network computer offers simplicity. Stripped of the hardware and software that complicate the PC life and only capable of network access and display, the network computer relies on the network for virtually all software, services, processing, data, and resources. It eliminates the continuous cycle of desktop hardware and software upgrades, pushing that burden instead on to the network.
  • 税务法非常复杂,只有专家才解释清楚。
    The tax laws are so complicated that only an expert can provide enlightenment.
  • 有了计算机,繁复的计算机几秒钟就完成。
    A computer does complicated calculations in a few seconds.
  • 他的学说太复杂了,以至于不了解。
    His theory is too complicated for us to understand.
  • 他的学说对我们来说太复杂了,以至于不了解。
    His theory was too complicated for us to understand.
  • 如不及时切除,可导致并发症。
    The excision, if not done in time, tends to complications.
  • 这种政策可导致严重的混乱。
    A policy of this type could lead into serious complications.
  • 那个参议员说,这样的政策可导致严重的混乱。
    The senator remarked that a policy of this type could lead into serious complications.