我给朋友们带了些礼物。 I've brought some presents for my friends.
我给朋友们带了些礼物。 I have bring some presents for my friend.
我给朋友们带了些礼物。 I have brought some presents for my friend.
我曾送给他一两次东西。 I have sent him presents once or twice.
婉达给孩子们买了一些礼物。 Wanda bought a few presents for the children.
他给我们提出了一个问题以及它的解决办法。 He presents us a problem and the solution thereof.
本文给出了…方面的最新信息 This paper presents up to date information on...
而且,oracle9iaswireless还给出了一些选项,输入代表预设值组的符号名。 Furthermore, Oracle9iAS Wireless gives options to enter a symbolic name to represent the preset groups.
oracle9iaswireless给出了一个选项,可保存用户作为预设值输入供作将来调用的值——这些值称为preset。 Oracle9iAS Wireless gives the option to save the input values that a user has entered as a preset value for future invocations – these are called Presets.
他脑子一热,拿起话筒,打电话给比勒陀利亚的姐姐。 On impulse, he picked up the phone and dialed his sister in Pretoria.
你可以劝朋友借给你10镑钱。 You may prevail upon your friend to lend you £ 1 0.
由警队各级人员组成的研究预防投诉警察委员会于一九九二年成立,旨在就如何减少一些可以避免的投诉给予建议,并提出最佳的实施方法。 A Complaint Prevention Committee, made up of various ranks in the Force, was formed in 1992 to recommend on how preventable complaints may be reduced and how its recommendations may best be implemented.
我给销售经理预先看所提的建议,以增加他对广告宣传运动的兴趣。 I showed the sales director a preview of the proposal to whet his appetite for the main advertising campaign.
上次卖给他们之后,买方就缺乏兴趣。 Buyer less interested after our previous sale.
上次卖给他们之后,买方就缺乏兴趣。 Buyers are less interested after our previous sale
这是以往的错误给我的教训。 I learned the lesson from my previous mistake.
营业员先给服装标好价格再摆出来卖。 The assistant priced the garments before putting them on display.
有些人给了比情况所必要来得更高价的礼物。 Some people give higher priced gifts than necessary for the situation.
代理商按市场价格给这所房子定了价. The agent priced the house at the right level for the market.
代理商按市场价格给这所房子定了价 The agent priced the house at the right level for the market
他们还没给刚到商店的衣服定价。 They have not yet priced these dresses which have only just arrived in the shop.
我得感激安妮给了我说话能力这个无价之宝,她帮助我为别人服务。 To Annie I owe thanks for this priceless gift of speech. It has helped me to serve others.
他给我几张纸在上面穿洞。 He gave me some sheets of paper to prick holes.
她非常得意地给我们看她的新家。 She showed us her new home with great pride.
可别给她讲那样的笑话--她这人过於古板和认真. You can't tell that joke to her she's much too prim and proper.
用底漆覆盖;给……涂抹底漆。 cover with a primer; apply a primer to.
他很快地把手稿送交给印刷工人。 He raced the manuscript to the printers.
电报局将电传打字机提供给他的用户。 Telegraph office provides Tele-printers to its subscribers.
给我一份打印出的统计资料。 Get me a printout of the statistics.
我给我老板一份我已填好的资料印表,这样他可以查核错误。 I give my boss a printout of the data I have entered so that he can check for errors.
谢谢你方7月12日来信并寄给我们印花布花样。 Thank you for your letter of July 12 sending us patterns of cotton prints.