  • 本商店售一切露营用品。
    Everything needed for camping is sold in this shop.
  • 我们外度假时,孩子们喜欢露营。
    The children like camping out when we go on holidays.
  • 然而,园区内现的新要求正在挑战这种布置。
    However, new requirements emerging in the campus are challenging this arrangement.
  • 他用藤条的即兴表演很彩。
    his business with the cane was hilarious.
  • 他毫不畏缩地伸手去挨条打.
    He held out his hand unflinchingly for the cane.
  • 他手里拿着手杖外散步。
    He went out for a walk, cane in hand.
  • 爷爷去散步时总要带根手杖
    Grandpa take along a cane when he go out for a walk
  • 爷爷去散步时总要带根手杖
    Grandpa takes along a cane when he goes out for a walk
  • (用于犬科动物)生。
    (used of a canine) born.
  • (牙齿)覆咬合牙齿的咬合不正,其中上前切牙和犬齿突盖在下牙上
    A malocclusion of the teeth in which the front upper incisor and canine teeth project over the lower.
  • 犬属的一种(可能是普通的狼的后裔),它们在史前时期由人类驯养;现许多品种。
    a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds.
  • 长纤维的植物类似大麻的各种植物,尤指生长类似纤维的植物
    Any of various plants similar to cannabis, especially one yielding a similar fiber.
  • 印度大麻麻醉剂由雌性大麻的开花顶端提炼来的纯丁香,作为一种麻醉剂或毒品点燃或咀嚼
    A purified resin prepared from the flowering tops of the female cannabis plant and smoked or chewed as a narcotic or an intoxicant.
  • 大麻属的任何一种植物;一种高而粗的一年生草本属,叶呈手掌状,绿色的小花成穗状花序;产坚韧的纤维和麻醉药。
    any plant of the genus Cannabis; a coarse bushy annual with palmate leaves and clusters of small green flowers; yields tough fibers and narcotic drugs.
  • 《星期日人民报》记者暗中观察,发现十来个男孩组成的一个团伙,年龄最小的只有9岁,对好几十个买主售一包包可卡因和大麻毒品,每包售价20英镑。
    Sunday People investigators secretly watched as an organised gang of a dozen boys some as young as nine pushed £20 bags of crack and cannabis to scores of customers.
  • 您知道,本公司一直在口各种果汁罐头。我们那边就有水蜜桃罐头。
    As you know, our company has been exporting a lot of canned fruit juice. We have canned peaches right over there.
  • 您知道,本公司一直在口各种果汁罐头。我们那边就有水蜜桃罐头。
    As you know, our company has being exported a lot of canned fruit juice. We have canned peach right over there.
  • 您是知道的,本公司一直在口各种果汁罐头。
    As you know, our company has been exporting a lot of canned fruit juice.
  • 有同类相残特征的,或表现同类相残特点的。
    characteristic of cannibals or exhibiting cannibalism.
  • 随着越来越多的媒体现在人们面前,尤其是随着因特网的发展,报纸的读者群及影响面都有不同程度的下降。
    The proliferation of media choices, especially the Internet, threaten to cannibalize both readership and prestige.
  • 你可以向我们提供罐头加工设备,我们用这些机器生产来的罐头食品来支付购买机器的货款。
    You can supply us with the canning equipment and we'll pay for the machines with the canned food produced by the machines.
  • 炮弹从一尊大炮中射的一个球状抛射物
    A round projectile fired from a cannon.
  • 一种以前从大炮中发射来的固体发射物。
    a solid projectile that in former times was fired from a cannon.
  • 炮弹一固体球状物或尖形射弹,如从大炮中射的炮弹
    A solid spherical or pointed projectile, such as one shot from a cannon.
  • 从一个大炮中发射来的产生一阵攻击的一束炸弹。
    a cluster of small projectiles fired together from a cannon to produce a hail of shot.
  • 一个人的真实感情必然在他的言行中表现来。
    One's true feelings cannot but come through in what one says and does.
  • 我说不出理由。
    I cannot explain why.
  • 套针一种尖锐的外科手术器械,与套管一同使用刺穿体腔,作为液体引流的
    A sharp-pointed surgical instrument, used with a cannula to puncture a body cavity for fluid aspiration.
  • 插管将一根套管插入(一个体腔、导管或血管)以排液体或服用药物
    To insert a cannula into(a bodily cavity, duct, or vessel), as for the drainage of fluid or the administration of medication.
  • 于是一位聪明的村民建议让一些妇女和孩子呆在树附近,因为她们对她构成的威胁比男人小。她们对她微笑,温柔地表现极大的友善。
    A canny villager then suggested that they station a woman and some children near the tree, as these would be less intimidating to the girl than the men, and that they smile to her and placidly act out a show of great friendliness.
  • 他们把独木舟里的水摇晃来,再坐了进去。
    They shook out the canoe and got back in.
  • 他敢于乘独木舟海。
    He ventured out upon the sea in a canoe.