Chinese English Sentence:
  • 八哥一种东南亚星椋鸟,长有黑蓝或棕黑的项圈和黄的嘴,某些品种,尤其是山八哥(鹩哥科鹩哥),以模仿人类语言而闻名
    Any of various starlings of southeast Asia, having bluish-black or dark brown coloration and yellow bills. Certain species, especially the hill myna(Gracula religiosa), are known for mimicry of human speech.
  • 主要演员,主角担任领导或主要角的人
    A person having a leading or starring role.
  • 使用线条和彩的惊人笔法,构成这位画家的明显特徵
    A startling use of line and colour that is this artist's special trade mark
  • 堂皇而体重的水禽,脖子非常长,成体通常是白羽毛。
    stately heavy-bodied aquatic bird with very long neck and usually white plumage as adult.
  • 信的隽秀笔迹出自女性之手,在淡蓝信笺的左侧角落有一朵小花。
    It was written in a beautiful feminine handwriting, on powder-blue stationery with a little flower in the left-hand corner.
  • 如此有声望的报纸竟会屈尊去增加一版彩副刊。嘿!那不过是一幅低劣、平庸的连环漫画罢了。
    That a paper of such stature should stoop so low as to have a colour supplement. Why, it was nothing more than a cheap, nasty comic.
  • 热带美洲的一种速生常绿树,花白,果实白,光滑,可食;其树皮产生一种丝状纤维,可用于做绳索,木材为制桶板的好材料。
    a fast-growing tropical American evergreen having white flowers and white fleshy edible fruit; bark yields a silky fiber used in cordage and wood is valuable for staves.
  • 今天的特菜是牛排。
    The special today is steak.
  • 清蒸鱼是我们的传统特菜。
    Steamed fish is our traditional dish.
  • 的双壳贝,通常在白酒里蒸。
    black marine bivalves usually steamed in wine.
  • 这座红的建筑物有着丰富的历史经历。
    This red building is steeped in history.
  • 商人:嗯,它也以躺椅座,可倾斜的驾驶盘和充裕的头上空间为特
    Dealer: Well, it also features recling seats, a tilt steering wheel, and plenty of headroom.
  • 欧洲南部的多年生,星形的,多毛的杂草;花小呈黄
    perennial stellate and hairy herb with small yellow flowers of mountains of southern Europe; sometimes placed in genus Sisymbrium.
  • 一种花期较晚的花园郁金香,有长茎,蛋形、颜各异的花朵。
    any of several long-stemmed May-flowering tulips with egg-shaped variously colored flowers.
  • 在婚礼上,新娘的继父扮演什么角?
    What role does the stepfather of the bride play in the wedding ceremony?
  • 不幸的是这部影片与斯蒂芬·费尔斯的《危险联络》相比,略显逊,那部片子比他们早一年发行;
    The film suffered in comparison to Stephen Frears's Dangerous Liaisons, which had been released the previous year;
  • 一种大的、非常漂亮的地中海地区的品种,具有不育花,呈浅蓝,具穗的花冠,生在分支的茎上,成松散的簇状。
    large beautiful Mediterranean species having sterile bluish-violet flowers with fringed corollas forming a tuft above the fertile flowers.
  • 归根结底,我母亲是个非常出的妇女,性格坚强而纯正。
    But when all is said and done, my mother was a most remarkable woman, with a strong and sterling character.
  • 牛肉在炖之前做成褐
    meat is browned before stewing.
  • 哪里有巧言令,她们就会在哪里受到遏制;
    where there are tongues, they will be stilled;
  • 欧洲、非洲和亚洲的长脚鹬,身体大部分羽毛为白,但翅膀为黑
    stilt of Europe and Africa and Asia having mostly white plumage but with black wings.
  • 生活在美国西南部和南美的长脚鹬,从头部到脖根是黑羽毛。
    stilt of southwestern United States to northern South America having black plumage extending from the head down the back of the neck.
  • 太平洋西南部包括澳大利亚和新西兰地区的长脚鹬,身体大部分羽毛为白,但翅膀和颈背为黑
    stilt of the southwest Pacific including Australia and New Zealand having mostly white plumage but with black wings and nape of neck.
  • 苯异丙胺,安非他命一种无挥发性液体,c9h13n,主要用作中枢神经系统兴奋剂
    A colorless, volatile liquid, C9H13N, used primarily as a central nervous system stimulant.
  • 欧洲和亚洲西部的草原和开阔的林地上的草本植物,开橙黄的类似雏菊的花,花头干燥后可作为兴奋剂、或用作治疗擦伤和肿胀的搽剂。
    herb of pasture and open woodland throughout most of Europe and western Asia having orange-yellow daisylike flower heads that when dried are used as a stimulant and to treat bruises and swellings.
  • 深棕能激发更多的活动,但活动结束得也快。
    Dark brown stimulated more activity, but the activity ended sooner.
  • 阿拉伯茶一种常绿灌木丛(阿拉伯茶阿拉伯茶属)原产于东非热带地区,叶深绿,对生,生嚼时具有刺激作用
    An evergreen shrub(Catha edulis) native to tropical East Africa, having dark green opposite leaves that are chewed fresh for their stimulating effects.
  • 的美洲大蚕蛾,每只后翅上有象大眼睛一样的斑点;幼虫有刺样的脊骨。
    large yellow American moth having a large eyelike spot on each hind wing; the larvae have stinging spines.
  • 我们知道我们的货没有以前好,但我们卖的也不是什么烂货。
    We know our good are not as good as they were, but we're not going to cry stinking fish.
  • 拉;把坚果搅进面团。
    toss the salad; stir nuts into the dough.
  • 一个人留在驾驶室内,另外两个脸上蒙着黑针织品的人跳下了车,用铁棒打碎了这家商店的橱窗。
    One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces jumped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bars.
  • 矮壮的奶白亚洲蛾子,几乎全出现在人的照顾下;商业用蚕丝的主要来源。
    stocky creamy-white Asiatic moth found almost entirely under human care; the source of most of the silk of commerce.