Chinese English Sentence:
  • 当你选择工具栏上下文帮助按钮时,鼠标指针变成一个箭头和问号。
    When you choose the toolbar's context help button, the mouse pointer will change to an arrow and question mark.
  • 当你选择工具栏上下文帮助按钮时,鼠标指针变成一个箭头和问号
    When you choose the toolbar 's context help button, the mouse pointer will change to an arrow and question mark
  • 如果你能给我作一些指点,我十分感激。
    I'd be grateful if you can give me a few pointers.
  • 如果你能给我作一些指点,我十分感激
    I 'd be grateful if you can give me a few pointers
  • 你们无谓友情保密其实已尽人皆知了.
    It's pointless trying to keep your friendship secret it's common knowledge already.
  • 然后,相关的磁场有一个相反的极化态。
    The associated magnetic field, then, will have an opposite polarization.
  • 远征队绘制南极的地图。
    The expedition will map the South Pole.
  • 警察赌徒一网打尽。
    The gamblers were cleaned out by the policemen.
  • 我相信我们的方针政策会更好更顺利地得到贯彻,包括领导人逐步年轻化的方针也要继续贯彻。
    I am sure our principles and policies -- including the policy of promoting more younger cadres to leading posts -- will only be carried out more smoothly.
  • 鉴於即举行大选, 首相认为变通一下政策在政治上有利.
    Since there was soon to be a general election, the Prime Minister decided that a change of policy was politically expedient.
  • 吉斯法国军及政治家,曾镇压胡格诺派
    French general and politician who suppressed the Huguenots.
  • 异粉性杂交植物的一种直接反应,通过一种植物的花粉引入另一种植物的内乳中所产生
    The direct effect on a hybrid plant produced by the transfer of pollen from one strain to the endosperm of a different strain.
  • 换言之,二零零二年三月二十四日会是第二任行政长官选举的投票日。
    This gives March 24, 2002 as the polling date for the second term Chief Executive election.
  • 尽管室外只有零上三摄氏度,乡村道路一片泥泞,可朱家桥村的选举现唱—村里小学的操场早早就坐了806位应参选村民中的600多名,他们从3名候选人中差额选出两名镇人大代表。
    Despite the cold and the muddy village road, more than 600 of the village's 806 voters had already gathered at the polling station--the village primary school's sports ground--before the delegation's arrival. That day's schedule was to elect two township people's congress deputies from three candidates.
  • 排泄管道污染性物质由沿海岸区排入大海。
    Discharge pipe take pollutant away from the coastal area into the sea.
  • 头发梳成一种向后梳的发型。
    style women's hair in a pompadour.
  • 在四十年代时那些这两种音乐元素融合的先驱之中,有两支大乐队值得一提,那就是dizzygillespie和machito,而这样的音乐(之后再也没有改换过形式)即使是在九十年代仍十分盛行,目前最著名的演奏乐队莫过于titopuente和ponchosanchez了。
    Among the pioneers in mixing together the two styles in the 1940s were the big bands of Dizzy Gillespie and Machito, and the music (which has never gone out of style) has remained a viable force through the 1990s, played most notably by the bands of Tito Puente and Poncho Sanchez.
  • 新教皇明天发表演讲。
    The new Pope will give a speech tomorrow.
  • 我们绳子绕在树上它拉倒吧。
    Let's pass the pope round the tree and pull it down.
  • 赛尔福公司然后这些复制的胚胎以低温储存起来,在需要秧苗的时候这些胚胎植人地里以售给木材公司。
    The company then stores the copies cryogenically, popping them into the ground when needed to produce seedlings that then are sold to timber companies.
  • 随着设备价格继续下跌,其普及程度会继续提高。
    Its popularity will increase as equipment prices continue to drop.
  • 托莱多的竞选是站在平民的立场上的,他保证创造二百五十万个就业机会,为工人们提高工资,同时降低税收。
    Toledo campaigned largely on a populist platform. He has pledged to create 2.5 million jobs, raise salaries for public workers and lower taxes.
  •  现代国家在财力、权力、人口以及其他各方面的进展比之古代国家不知要胜过多少倍,如果仅仅把体力劳动作为财富的起因,那么对于这一现象怎样解释呢?
    If we consider merely bodily labour as the cause of wealth, how can we then explain why modern nations are incomparably richer, more populous, more powerful, and prosperous than the nations of ancient times?
  • 但是在人口大国--中国,被人们视为英雄的国家队主教练米卢没有透露世界杯结束后自己的去留,或者是否还会在未来指导其教练生涯中的第六支球队冲击世界杯。
    But he declined to say if he would continue as coach for the world's most populous nation, where he is a national hero, or attempt to lead a sixth national team to the World Cup.
  • 当地颇有影响的《澳洲人》报分析说,中华网面向世界人口最多的中国市场,而中国又禁止外国网络商进入,因此,受中国政府支持的中华网在电子商业方面有特别的优势。
    The Australian, an influential newspaper in the country, commented that in e-commerce, the government-backed has a significant advantage because it is in Chinese language and China has banned foreigners from providing Internet services in the world's most populous country.
  •  经历百年沧桑的现代奥林匹克运动会,在拥有世界人口五分之一的中国举办,使奥林匹克精神得到更广泛的传播,翻开奥林匹克运动的崭新一页。同时,进入新世纪的奥林匹克运动也以全新的面貌向世界人民展示其特有的魅力。
    The great modern Olympic Movement has gone through many changes in the past 100 years. If the Olympic Games were to be held in China, the most populous nation in the world, it will turn a new page on the Olympics because much more people will share the Olympic spirit and add great splendor to the Olympic Movement in the new millennium.
  • 通过毛孔汗液等东西释放出来。
    release through one's pores, as of sweat.
  • 过滤器一种可渗水的、带孔的筛状器皿,用以盛装被过滤的物质
    A porous, perforated, or sievelike vessel that holds material to be leached.
  • 一个基本信息交流网络已经设立,以便某一港口发生重大溢油事故时,可即时有关消息通知其他港口。
    A basic information exchange network has been set up to enable information on a major oil spill occurring in one port to be immediately known to other ports.
  • 今天还没有一种组件标准和架构已经解决了可移植性和互用性问题,而这些问题的解决允许组件在多个厂商的架构上实现分布式或持续式。
    None of today's component standards and frameworks have resolved the portability and interoperability issues that would allow components to be distributed or persistent across multiple vendor frameworks.
  • 这次航程包括沿海的所有主要港口。
    The voyage will fetch in all the main ports along the coast.
  • 我把它看作是要到来的事物的前兆。
    I see it as a portent of thing to come.