| - 优惠在关税或其它国际贸易的事宜上给予一个国家或国家集团的优先权或优势
The granting of precedence or advantage to one country or group of countries in levying duties or in other matters of international trade. - 他把自己所有的珍贵图画都拿出来给朋友们看。
He showed all his precious pictures to his friends. - 他把全部金钱都交给了妻子, 而没有考虑到妻子可能死得比他早.
He left all his money to his wife without thinking that she might predecease him. - 他把全部金钱都交给了妻子,而没有考虑到妻子可能死得比他早。
He leave all his money to his wife without think that she may predecease him. - 他的遗产留给他女儿,但如果女儿死在他前面,遗产将委托别人代她孩子管理。
His estate is left to his daughter, but shall she predecease him, it will be hold in trust for her children. - 一种带有一个地址的信息,要传递给一组事先决定了的目的地(即收信方)。
A message with one address to is delivered to a fixed predetermined set of destinations. - 抽奖给奖法一种竞赛,其中记号被分配或卖掉,获胜的记号被预先秘密选定或在随意抽奖中最终被确定
A contest in which tokens are distributed or sold, the winning token or tokens being secretly predetermined or ultimately selected in a random drawing. - 在字符识别中,字符阅读器所使用的一种系统,在这里输入的文件以预定的和不变的速率被发送给文件传送装置。
A system used by character readers in character recognition where each input document is issued to the document transport at a predetermined and fixed rate. - 她呢,对我不幸的遭遇安慰一番,而且遵主人之命,给了我一杯白兰地,看见我略略恢复了一些,便引我去睡了。
while she condoled with me on my sorry predicament, and having obeyed his orders, whereby I was somewhat revived, ushered me to bed. - 无论我们所面对的形势是多麽严峻,我确信,只要我们信念坚定,斗志顽强,团结一致,就一定能够克服金融风暴给香港带来的一切艰难险阻,一定能够消除泡沫经济带来的恶果,提高香港的竞争力,走上经济复苏的坦途。
However, no matter what difficult predicament we are confronted with, I strongly believe that with determination, tenacity and solidarity, we will definitely overcome all the difficulties brought about by the financial turmoil and counteract the adverse effects of a bubble economy. We will definitely enhance our competitiveness and put ourselves on the track of economic revival. - 其中只有一个行为是可以预见的,那就是uddi操作入口站点将会将注册的信息(savexx消息导致的输出)传送给能够处理校验的服务,该服务与某一个已校验的命名空间相关联。
The only behavior that is predictable, is that the UDDI Operator will pass the information being registered (as a result of a save_xx message) to the service that performs validation on a checked namespace. - 研究表明根据人的不同活动水平,尽管在任意给定的时间内一种脑电波状态占据优势,其他三种脑电波状态也会一直混合存在着。
Research has shown that although one brainwave state may predominate at any given time, depending on the activity level of the individual, the remaining three brain states are present in the mix of brainwaves at all times. - 一、自给自足的自然经济占主要地位。
A self-sufficient natural economy predominated. - 你能对怎样写这个前言给我提点建议吗?
Can you sort me out on how to write this preface? - 他给这本日记写了序言,简述日记发现的经过.
He prefaced the diaries with a short account of how they were discovered. - 请给我中国茶。
I prefer Chinese tea, please. - 我们给了那个国家特殊的贸易优惠。
We've granted that country special trade preferences. - 她把卧 让给了一位孕妇。
She give up her sleeping berth to a pregnant woman. - 即怀孕的母亲将hiv传播给胎儿。
That is,the passing on of HIV infection from a pregnant mother to her fetus. - 他把座位让给一个孕妇。
He gave up his seat to a pregnant woman, ie stood up to allow her to sit down. - 当他拒绝由别人介绍给她时,伊丽莎白对他顿生偏见,尽管他相貌英俊,家财万贯。
When he refuses to be introduced to her, Elizabeth Bennet becomes instantly prejudiced against him, despite his good looks and great wealth. - 作序以预备性陈述或散文来介绍或给…提供预备性陈述或散文的
To introduce by or provide with a preliminary statement or essay. - 尤其因为社会财富的过早分散和大量浪费,使军队供给很快发生困难(特别是粮食),很快地把负担全部加在农民身上,引起农民的不满。
In particular, because social wealth was distributed prematurely and squandered profusely, our army soon encountered difficulties with military supplies (especially grain), and before long the whole burden of military supplies fell on the peasants, arousing their discontent. - 总理的信是3月4日递交给他的。
The Premier's letter was handed to him on March 4. - 他们已把房产出租给一家石油公司。
They have leased the premises out to an oil company. - 赠品,免费样品不要费用而给出的东西,尤指免费样品
Something given away at no charge, especially a premium. - 矿石在装运地点预先混合可给钢铁厂节省很多时间。
It is possible to premix the ore at the shipping point, thus saving time at the iron works. - 配(药)准备并给出(药)
To prepare and give out(medicines). - 我们在教育训练中给干部创造到地方工作的条件,这对国家建设有利,对军队建设和战备也有利。
Education and training to prepare army cadres to work in civilian units will help to advance national construction, army building and preparedness in the event of war. - 刘大娘正忙着给我们做早饭。
Aunt Liu is busy preparing breakfast for us. - 清洁的衣服和良好的举止能给人以好感。
Clean clothes and good manners are prepossessing. - charissa在学前班任教,她将给我们讲一讲在学校里是如何预防爱滋病传染的。
This is Charissa and she teaches in a preschool, and she is going to tell us a bit about what they do there to prevent AIDS travelling from the students to the teachers or from teachers to the students.