  • 他显然是个废物。
    He is plainly a no-good.
  • 欺负比自己小的男孩,杰克显是错了。
    In attacking a smaller boy, Jack was plainly in the wrong.
  • 他显由于想到了什么,半响没有说出话来。
    He made a long pause, plainly overcome by the thought that was in him.
  • 这就可以证明他们的幸福虽已达人间之极峰,但是他们对之,仍不满意,觉得若无朋友使之圆满,则这种幸福终是残缺不全也。
    It proveth most plainly that they found their own felicity(though as great as ever happened to mortal men) but as an half piece, except they mought have a friend, to make it entire;
  • 那飞机突失控下降。
    The plane stalled suddenly.
  • (行星的)卫星围绕行星运转的天卫星
    A natural satellite revolving around a planet.
  • 他休假的日子,就带他们去自历史博物馆或是天文馆。
    On his days off he takes them to the Museum of Natural History or the Planetarium.
  • 而,美国军事策划者仍秉行这个方针,开发数十个项目的太空技术。
    Still, riding this doctrine, U.S military planners are pursuing dozens of space-based technology efforts.
  • 我们正在种树,这时突下了阵雨。
    We are planting tree when it suddenly shower.
  • 我们正在种树,这时突下了阵雨。
    We were planting trees when it suddenly showered.
  • ,不久会有越来越多的塑料制品被生产出来。
    Certainly, more and more new plastics will come forth before long.
  • 嗯,像胶或塑料品自就不需要填充物了。
    Well, rubber and plastics are doing away with fillings, of course.
  • 尽量采用远程自动化控制,机械化维修,减少高原上的组织机构和人员,最大限度地保护青藏高原的自生态环境。
    Wherever possible, remote automatic control and mechanized maintenance will be adopted to reduce the number of both the organizations and their staff on the plateau, thereby giving maximum protection to the natural eco-environment of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
  • 今年1月,威斯康星大学的科学家在《自》杂志上发表研究报告指出,他们已经发现了一种利用附着在镀金物体表面的dna分子链完成简单计算的方法。
    In January, scientists at the University of Wisconsin reported in the journal Nature that they had found a way to perform a simple calculation using strands of DNA that had been attached to a gold-plated surface.
  • 依柏拉图的看法,智慧并不是有关自的知识,而是观念所组成的超自界知识。
    Accodrding to Plato, wisdom meant a knowledge not of nature but of the supernature constituted by the ideas.
  • 军校毕业之后我当排长,后我当连长,后我再当旅部联络官。
    After I got out of the Military Academy , I was a platoon leader. Then I was company commander.And then I was a brigade liaison officer.
  • 这个年轻的网球运动员显比那个年纪大的对手略胜一筹.
    The young tennis player definitely had the edge on his older opponent.
  • 迈克·杰克逊,一名新的流行歌星,昨晚在剧场当地受到观众们的欢迎。
    Mike Jackson, the new pop singer, was certainly a hit with the audience at the Playhouse Theatre last night.
  • 事实上最错误的想法莫过于认为莎士比亚既是个演员,他就没有资格充当剧作家。
    Nothing is in fact falser than the idea that, because Shakespeare was an actor, he was disqualified as a playwright.
  • 这位剧作家虽没有进过牛津或剑桥,写起剧来却无疑可以与最有学问的那些人媲美,甚至超过他们。
    The playwright who had been neither to Oxford nor to Cambridge undoubtedly did these things as well as the most scholarly, even better than they.
  • 她虽哄骗并恳求他去跳舞,可他还是拒绝了。
    Though she coaxed and pleaded, he refused to go to the dance.
  • 花已拿走,但其余香袅绕,让人心醉。
    Even when those flowers were taken away, the smell lingered about most pleasantly.
  • 领导人互相寒暄一番, 後开始谈判.
    After an exchange of pleasantries, the leaders started their negotiations.
  • 如此,我们有一种不可避免的倾向,就是喜欢直线和四方形;这些直线和四方形只有在树木的陪衬下,才能够显出它们的美点。
    Nevertheless, there is an inevitable tendency to go in for straight lines and square shapes, and such straight lines and square shapes can be brought into pleasurable relief only by the company of trees.
  • 拨(弦)用手指或拨片拉扯琴弦后放开来奏响(乐器的弦)
    To sound(the strings of an instrument) by pulling and releasing them with the fingers or a plectrum.
  • 尽管林林总总的形象、感觉、思想猛袭来,在现实中他的行动却并未中断。
    All this plethora of sight, and feeling, and thought occurred on the instant. There was no pause of the realities wherein he moved.
  • 与此同时,天林资源保护工程、退耕还林还草工程、拉萨市及周边地区造林绿化工程、野生动植物保护及自保护区建设工程等一大批生态工程项目相继实施,有效地改善了西藏的生态环境。
    At the same time, a plethora of ecological engineering projects, such as natural forest protection, restoration of farmland to forest and pasture, afforestation in Lhasa and its vicinity, wildlife protection, and nature reserves construction, have been put into operation, which have effectively improved the eco-environment in Tibet.
  • 丈夫连一根钉都钉不直,但他们被认为是天生的电气技师、木匠、管子工和机械师。
    Even husbands who can hardly drive a nail in straight are supposed to be born electricians, carpenters, plumbers and mechanics.
  • 的话,就不会有那些拼命奋斗、设法靠一年四五千美元活下去的演员了——他们都会去作管子工。
    If it didn't, there would be no struggling actors trying to exist on four or five thousand dollars a year they would all have learned plumbing.
  • 因此,形成于一个地幔羽之上移动板块上的火山,最后会从上升的地慢柱的位置上移开。后,地幔羽将在一个新的位置熔穿并形成另一座火山,而老的火山就变成死火山。
    Thus a volcano which forms on a moving plate above a plume will eventually move away from the rising column, which will then melt through at a new location and form another volcano, while the old volcano becomes extinct.
  • 当蚊子追踪一个感兴趣的目标时,在接触目标前,先顺着呼出的气流曲折飞行,后落到皮肤上耐心搜寻合适的地方,插入螫针,吸食8~10秒钟。
    When a mosquito is trailing an attractive target, it zigzags up the breath plume until it makes contact, landing on the skin and patiently searching for just the right spot to insert its stylet for an eight-to-ten second feeding.
  • 物价在上涨、下跌、上升、下落、猛上涨、骤下跌等
    Price is rising, falling, go up, go down, shooting up, plummet, etc