Chinese English Sentence:
  • 用发油将头发抹平
    Plaster one's hair with pomade.
  • 在电影院外面,站在梯子上的一个人正电影广告贴在旧的布告上。
    Outside the cinema, a man on a ladder was plastering an advertisement for a film on top of the old notice.
  • 原来x光眼正逐个辨认,结构不同的塑料分检。
    X-ray eyes recognise all the items, register the different structures of the plastics.
  • 铀化合物放人金属盘a,与a盘相对的一端放金属盘b,并在a、b两盘间保持势能差,这样两盘之间就会出现电流;
    When a uranium compound is placed on a metal plate A situated opposite another plate B and a difference in potential is maintained between the plates A and B, an electric current is set up between these plates;
  • 同样显而易见的是,用于移动板块的力必须能超过板块物质的拉力强度,并且能一个较大的板块分成两个小板块,至少有时会是这样的。
    Equally obvious is that the force applied to move the plates must be capable, at least occasionally, of exceeding the tensile strength of the plate material and of breaking a larger plate into two smaller ones.
  • 你的列车在8站台开出。
    Your train will start from platform 8.
  • 军要提前几个月做计划,而排长只需提前几小时。
    A general may: have to plan months ahead, a platoon officer only a few hours.
  • 一块木制的板子或大浅盘,上面可以放食物,也可以食物雕刻在上面。
    a wooden board or platter on which food is served or carved.
  • 我喜欢打麻将。
    I like playing majong.
  • 作为一名精神高尚的女人,玛丽·安妮认为这是上帝之手她引到了勇新的求愿上面。
    A spiritual woman, Mary Anne was convinced that God's hand was at work in leading her to Yongxin's plea.
  • 你恳求那种人是白费力气。
    With that kind of man you will plead in vain.
  • 该省用平民表决的方法选举年龄降至18岁。
    The province decide by plebiscite to lower the voting age to eighteen.
  • 手表留给计程车司机作为抵押。
    She leave her watch as a pledge with the taxi-driver.
  • 保证对某事以某种特定方式完成的保证
    A pledge that something will be performed in a specified manner.
  • 会发生某事或某事真实性的许诺。
    a pledge that something will happen or that something is true.
  • 在水中,存在着大量的水分子胶粘在一起的氢键,因此氢键在决定水的特性方面发挥了巨大的作用。
    Hydrogen bond that are the glue holding groups of water molecules together are so plentiful in water that they play a large role in determining its properties.
  • 纵隔哺乳动物体内胸腔分为左右两半的中隔,由心脏和除肺以外的胸腔脏器组成
    The region in mammals between the pleural sacs, containing the heart and all of the thoracic viscera except the lungs.
  • 近日内我方向你方提供有关供热管道系统的进一步细节。
    We shall give you further details about plumbing and heating supplies in the next few days.
  • 今后越来越需要在计算机、产品推销和管道系统等方面既懂理论又有实践经验的人。
    There will be a growing need for people who can understand and fix systems -- from computer systems to product distribution systems to plumbing systems.
  • 这次撞击激起了覆盖全球的足以遮挡阳光的灰尘与碎片,导致了寒冷黑暗的环境并恐龙推向了绝灭。
    The impact sent up a plume of dust and debris large enough to block out the sun for years resulting in cold dark conditions that ultimately drove the dinosaurs to extinction.
  • 因此,形成于一个地幔羽之上移动板块上的火山,最后会从上升的地慢柱的位置上移开。然后,地幔羽在一个新的位置熔穿并形成另一座火山,而老的火山就变成死火山。
    Thus a volcano which forms on a moving plate above a plume will eventually move away from the rising column, which will then melt through at a new location and form another volcano, while the old volcano becomes extinct.
  • 不要将手伸进热水。
    Don't plunge your hand into hot water.
  • 弹球戏在一种装置下进行的游戏,在该装置中玩球者操作一个活塞球击倒至或沿着一个有障碍物或目标物的倾斜表面
    A game played on a device in which the player operates a plunger to shoot a ball down or along a slanted surface having obstacles and targets.
  • 由于近来阿根廷遭遇严重的经济危机,货币贬值造成该国商品进口数量急剧下降,假发制造厂家也被切断了货源,于是数以百计的贫苦阿根廷人为了糊口,纷纷自己的头发卖给假发制造厂。
    Hundreds of poor Argentines have turned to selling their hair to a wig factory to survive a huge economic crisis, taking advantage of a plunging currency that priced imports out of the market.
  • 将钱丢下!
    Plunk down your money!
  • 我是衷心希望我们的青年人透过学习祖国的文化,建立起国家观念和民族感情,在香港这个国际大都会和多元化的社会里面,能够在融汇和汲收西方优秀文化精华的同时,中华民族的文化发扬光大下去,香港和我们的国家建设得更加美好。
    I earnestly hope that our youths will develop a sense of patriotism and nationalism through familiarising with the culture of our motherland. In the assimilation of the essence of the fine Western culture in a cosmopolitan and pluralistic place like Hong Kong, they will hand down and further enhance the Chinese culture and build a better Hong Kong and China.
  • 我们看到计算机开始侵入本是人类独有的活动范围
    We shall see the computer begin to poach on the preserve of human being
  • 今天早上我只吃一个荷包蛋。
    I'll have a poached egg for breakfast this morning.
  • 击球进袋(球)击入袋中
    To hit(a ball) into a pocket.
  • 去荚(种子)从豆荚上剥下来
    To remove(seeds) from a pod.
  • 心皮突然爆开,孢子抛到空中,再由风它们撒布开去。
    The seed pod suddenly snapped apart, threw the spore into the air to be distributed by the wind.
  • 如果你能给我作一些指点,我十分感激。
    I'd is grateful if you can give me a few pointer.