  • 阿斯特拉罕苏联欧洲部东南部一城市,位于伏尔加河三角洲上,这个鞑靼人的城市曾于1556年被恶魔伊万征服。人口493,000
    A city of southeast European U.S.S.R. on the Volga River delta. The Tartar city was conquered by Ivan the Terrible in1556. Population,493, 000.
  • 虽然在八十年代,本港商人把劳工密集的生产设施迁往珠江三角洲一带,甚至世界其他地方,但时至今日,香港仍是主要的采购、销和其他制造业辅助服务的中心。
    Although the 1980s saw a major move of labour-intensive production facilities across the boundary to the towns and cities of the Pearl River Delta, and indeed to other parts of the globe, we remain an active centre for the whole process of sourcing, distribution and other manufacturing related services.
  • 比尔花了很长时间干这项工作,因为他误解了,认为每部必须刷3遍,而实际上只需刷一遍。
    Bill took ages to do the job because he was labouring under the delusion that every part had to be painted three times, not just the once that was required.
  • 货币的用途并不象其虚假地表现出来的那样是无限的,而是受到严格限制的,货币是用来按照产品享者的意愿便利产品的配的。
    and that these,instead of being, as they delusively appear, indefinite, are of a strictly defined and limited description, namely, to facilitate the distribution of the produce of industry according to the convenience of those among whom it is shared.
  • 你认为总统会对恐怖子的要求让步吗?
    Do you think the President will give in to the terrorists' demand?
  • 强索过的或不公正的要求;勒索
    Excessive or unjust demand; extortion.
  • 非常强烈和过要求的;产生压力的。
    very intense and demanding; stressful.
  • 吹毛求疵的学究;过苛求、吹毛求疵的导师。
    a captious pedant; an excessively demanding and faultfinding tutor.
  • 不过要求;即时要也只要很少的耐心、努力或者技巧。
    not demanding; requiring little if any patience or effort or skill.
  • (桥牌)区将价值最高的牌的得与墩数得屏的桥牌记表上的水平线
    A horizontal demarcation on a scorecard in bridge dividing the honor score from the trick score.
  • 字符串中各字符间的界。
    The demarcation among characters in a string.
  • 两个岩层间的分界线
    A line of demarcation between two rock strata.
  • 说共产党不国界省界的话,他们不大懂,不县界、区界、乡界的话,他们也是不大懂得的。
    Such members do not quite understand when they are told that the Communists draw no sharp line of demarcation between one nation and another or between one province and another, or that a sharp line should not be drawn between different counties, districts and townships.
  • 我不会降低身向他们求情.
    I wouldn't demean myself to ask for favours from them.
  • 这样的谎言会贬低你的身
    Such lier will demean you.
  • 他觉得要为他以前的雇员工作很失身
    He find it very demean to have to work for his former employee.
  • 他觉得要为他以前的雇员工作很失身.
    He found it very demeaning to have to work for his former employee.
  • 花花公子衣着举止过讲究的人
    A man who is very fancy or sharp in dress and demeanor.
  • 他自觉性地调整了社会主义民主的进程,并确保学者专家、媒体和公众知识子维持传统的非对抗性的局面。
    Prof Kuo's soft demeanour and grace in answering questions on Singapore certainly pointed to a democratic socialist at work.
  • 这座雕像的躯干瘦小、斑驳,侧边有一个很大的裂口,这证明了铅里含有很高成的青铜。这是古代罗马雕像常用的一种合金。
    A gaping fracture in its side and a thin, almost demineralized body gave evidence of bronze high in lead, an alloy common in ancient Roman sculpture.
  • 人们认为中央计划至少是现在国有企业失败的部原因。
    Central planning has , at least in part , been blamed for the current demise of state-owned enterprises .
  • 最初来到这片土地的是一些不适应环境的人、罪犯、冒险家和宗教狂热子(将近四百年来,这种群体构成几乎没有什么变化)。与此相应,美国有一种强烈的绝不合作的气氛。
    As befits a nation originally settled by misfits, con-victs, adventurers, and religious fanatics (a demo-graphic mix that has changed hardly at all in nearly 400 years), the United States retains a strong flavour of intransigent noncooperation.
  • 后来克雷默又指引他到欧洲司令部情报学校去教书,在那里讲授关于检举前纳粹子的司法程序的课程。他干得非常令人满意,以至在他复员时上级仍然聘请他继续留校任教,年薪1万美元。
    It was Kraemer,too,who next steered him--Kissinger was by this time a sergeant--to the European Command Intelligence School.There he gave instruction in legal procedures against former Nazis and did it so satisfactorily that his superiors offered him,on demobilization,a job at $ 10,000 a year to remain on the school staff.
  • 社会主义民主和社会主义法制是不可的。
    Socialist democracy and socialist legality are inseparable.
  • 波旁社会政治上的反动子,尤指南方民主党中持极端保守观点的反动
    A sociopolitical reactionary, especially a southern Democrat with highly conservative views.
  • 一般讲政治体制改革都讲民主化,但民主化的含义不十清楚。
    When people discuss reform of the political structure, they always talk about democratization, but they are not clear about what that means.
  • 上网数目的发展和计算机用户的增加延伸到所统计的人口的各个阶层——按民族、地域,收入和教育程度来划
    The online penetration and computer ownership increases extend across all the demographic levels --by race, geography, income, and education.
  • 每一届大选前,选区重新划是无可厚非的,因为人口的流动、新组屋区的布,重新划是可以理解的。
    Due to factors such as demographic changes and the emergence of new housing estates, the re-drawing of electoral boundaries is understandable.
  • "人口统计涉及到十个人化的问题。"华盛顿的美国企业研究院公共政策研究所高级研究员本.
    "Demography is a very intimate deal," notes Ben J. Wattenberg, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI) in Washington.
  • 全港市民都行动起来,充表现香港人奋勇自强、互相扶助的能力和意志。
    The whole community is in action to demonstrate in full - to demonstrate in full our ability and commitment to help ourselves and help each other.
  • 流露感情的语言和行为
    Excessively demonstrative language or behavior.
  • 当中国四五裂的时候,也许是理想被否定的关系,这个理想就会显现得更为迫切。
    At times when the fact was division and disunity, the ideal manifested itself even more fervently, perhaps just because of its denial in fact.