| - 广告上说,新公寓是为了适合现代化家庭妇女的一切需要而设计的。
The new flats are advertised as being made to measure for the modern housewife and all her needs. - 无论是儿童、学生、教师、家庭主妇、雇员、管理人员、商界领袖或公务员,都必须认识这个新时代,并且要知道这个新时代对我们的家庭和服务机构所产生的影响。
Children, students, teachers, housewives, employees, managers, business leaders and civil servants must be aware of this new age and its impact on our families and the organisations we serve. - 新住宅区紧接高速公路.
The new housing estate borders on the motorway. - 首相或大臣的办公处。
housing the office of a chancellor. - 我们将支持兴建更多的公共住宅。
We'll plunk for more public housing. - 第一个卖出的"e"来自安然伦敦公司,于今年年初以1.5万美金的价格被拍卖。第二个也是来自是安然休斯顿总部,在9月25日的拍卖会上卖出,售价为4.5万美金。
The first, from the company's London offices, sold for $15,000 earlier this year, and another one from a Houston office building sold for $45,000 at a packed Sept. 25 auction. - 然而,17个主要的公营机构则在专员的职权范围内。
However, 17 other major public organisations do; - 打已经倒在地上的人是不公平的。
It's not according to Hoyle to hit a man when he's down. - 香港是国际公司在亚太区的营商中心。
Hong Kong is the regional hub for thousands of international companies. - 哪路公共汽车在哈得逊街停呢?
Which bus line stops at Hudson Street? - 那所房子面临网球场;公寓面临哈德逊。
The house looks out on a tennis court; The apartment looks across the Hudson. - 帕利瑟得一排悬崖,位于美国新泽西东北,沿哈得逊河西岸。该地区大部是公园
A row of cliffs in northeast New Jersey along the western bank of the Hudson River. Much of the area is parkland. - 印度东部城市加尔哥达市的100多对夫妇正计划在该市的市长办公室外举行一场别开生面的抗议活动。其中一位组织者3月5日说,这次名为"亲吻拥抱"的抗议活动是为了要求政府在该市划出一个特殊区域,让追求浪漫的人们可以在那里自由地亲吻拥抱。
More than 100 couples plan to hold a "kiss and hug" protest outside the office of Calcutta's city mayor to press demands for a special area for romantics in the eastern Indian city, one of the organizers said on February 5. - 银行将以非常优惠的条件给贵公司一笔相当可观的贷款。
The bank will lend your company quite a huge sum of money on very favourable terms. - 两个男人正一处寻找林·约翰逊,此人是个成天东游西逛的公子哥。
Two men are searching for Hugh Johnson, a wild young man about town. - 靠我们自己没法搬动那张又大又笨重的办公桌。
We can't move that hulking great desk on our own. - 国际人权公约
International Covenants of Human Rights - 申诉专员直接向行政长官负责,履行的重要职能包括洗雪个别人士因公营机构行政失当而蒙受的焝屈,淡化官僚制度,减少市民与公营机构之间的隔膜,监察政府,防止滥用职权,纠正个别错误事件,指出公职人员受到的不公平指责,提高公营机构的工作效率和服务质素,以及保障人权。
The Ombudsman is directly responsible to the Chief Executive and performs important roles in redressing individual grievances against maladministration in the public sector; making bureaucracy more humane; - 回教的理想社会是一个卓越、公平、仁爱和理性的社会。新加坡回教徒应该坚定立场,相信作为一个模范回教徒也就是作为一个好公民。
And since the Islamic ideal is a community of excellence that is just, humane and rational, Singaporean Muslims stand firm in their belief that to be a good Muslim is to be a good Singaporean citizen. - 谁都知道致富是一回事,而有知识、勇敢或仁慈是另一回事,研究一个国家如何才能富裕,和研究一个国家如何才能自由、公正或在文学、艺术、军事、政治方面声名卓著,是完全不同的两个问题。
All know that it is one thing to be rich, another thing to be enlightened, brave, or humane; that the questions how a nation is made wealthy, and how it is made free, or virtuous, or eminent in literature, in the fine arts, in arms, or in polity, are totally distinct enquiries. - 现在已经有120多个国家批准了该公约,其结果是减少了这类武器的使用、受害者明显减少、生产大幅度减少、交易几乎全面停止、销毁库存的数量增加以及人道主义活动资金增加。
Ratification of the treaty by more than 120 countries has led to reduced use of these weapons, markedly fewer victims, a dramatic drop in production, an almost complete halt in their trade, increased destruction of stockpiles, and increased funding for humanitarian action. - 他觉得他的公司,已做到服务社会的宗旨。
He feels that the chain store is rendering a real service to humanity. - 最后,我的朋友们,你们将这项艰巨的任务交付给我,我必将公正地去做,仁慈地去爱,上帝与我同在。
And finally my friends in this staggering task that you have assigned me, I should always try to do justly to love mercy and to walk humbly with my God. - “基督对你有何要求呢?仅仅是处世公正、慈悲为怀、过着虔诚谦卑的生活?”
"What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with the God?" - 他们把她的谦卑看作愚蠢。她在工作中受到许多不公正的待遇,却还是谦卑地认为他们比自己高明。
They treated her humility as synonymous with stupidity. She took a great deal of stick at the studio and continued, humbly, to believe that they always knew better than she did. - 你方20日电悉兹报实盘以你25日复到为准10000公吨糖每公吨105美元汉堡船边交货净价请电复。
Yr 20th offer firm until 25th10000m/t sugar usd 105 per/t fasten humbug pls reply by cable. - 道德和人生观教育主要是抓住与罪犯切身利益最为密切的问题,如理想、幸福、良知、苦乐、荣辱、前途、婚恋、家庭等问题,教育他们懂得什么是正确的社会公德和价值观念,从思想上划清光荣与耻辱、文明与野蛮、高尚与卑劣、美好与丑恶的界限。
Education in morality and outlook on life focuses on issues which are closely related to a prisoner's immediate interests, such as his or her ideals, happiness, conscience, pleasure or sadness, honour or humiliation, future, marriage, family, etc.making them understand proper social morality and sense of value so that a prisoner can clearly distinguish honour from humiliation, civilized from uncivilized behaviour, noble from base actions, and beauty from ugliness. - 道德和人生观教育主要是抓住与罪犯切身利益最为密切的问题,如理想、幸福、良知、苦乐、荣辱、前途、婚恋、家庭等问题,教育他们懂得什么是正确的社会公德和价值观念,从思想上划清光荣与耻辱、文明与野蛮、高尚与卑劣、美好与丑恶的界限。
Education in morality and outlook on life focuses on issues which are closely related to a prisoner's immediate interests, such as his or her ideals, happiness, conscience, pleasure or sadness, honour or humiliation, future, marriage, family, etc., making them understand proper social morality and sense of value so that a prisoner can clearly distinguish honour from humiliation, civilized from uncivilized behaviour, noble from base actions, and beauty from ugliness. - 看到高傲的公主,他的心里满是谦卑。
he was filled with humility at the sight of the Pope. - 他用日文敬语以表示他的谦逊态度和您光临本公司的重要意义。
He's using honorific Japanese in order to show his own humility and the importance of you visit to our company. - 办公室一直忙着搞活动。
The office has been humming with activity. - 新疆居民的族属,从汉代(公元前206年—公元220年)开始才有明确的记载,当时主要有:塞、月氏(音:肉支)、乌孙、羌、匈奴和汉人。
The ethnic origins of the residents of Xinjiang began to be clearly recorded in the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-220 A.D.), the main ones being the Sai (Sak), Rouzhi (or Yueh-chih), Wusun (Usun), Qiang, Xiongnu (Hun) and Han.