  • 用于停止显影剂反应的性溶液。
    an acid bath used to stop the action of a developer.
  • 维系我和我姐姐黛安娜之间的其他纽带可能更多地是由于我们有相同的脱氧核糖核,在这一点上我们跟克隆人十分相近。
    Other connections between Diana and me may be more related to our matching DNA and thus more applicable to clones.
  • 艾柯病毒任一种属于小核糖核病毒科的逆转录酶病毒,寄生于胃肠道内,与许多疾病有关,如病毒性脑膜炎、轻微呼吸道感染和严重的新生儿腹泻等
    Any of a number of retroviruses of the family Picornaviridae, inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract and associated with various diseases, such as viral meningitis, mild respiratory infections, and severe diarrhea in newborns.
  • 一种二元(hmno),仅存在于溶液和锰盐中。
    a dibasic acid (H2MnO4) found only in solution and in manganate salts.
  • 聚脂一种人工合成的聚合物,主要通过二元与二羚基醇反应产生,主要在船体、游戏池、织物纤维、黏合剂和铸件上用作轻而强硬的、防风雨的合成树脂
    Any of numerous synthetic polymers produced chiefly by reaction of dibasic acids with dihydric alcohols and used primarily as light, strong, weather-resistant resins in boat hulls, swimming pools, textile fibers, adhesives, and molded parts.
  • 重铬酸钾滴定法
    titration with potassium dichromate
  • 一种假定的、能从中提取重铬盐的,已知仅存在于溶液中或以重铬盐的形式存在。
    the hypothetical acid (H2Cr2O7) from which dichromates are derived; known only in solution and in the form of dichromate salts.
  • 一种假设的重铬形成的盐。
    a salt of the hypothetical dichromic acid.
  • 一种白色晶状氨基,营养必需,通过多数食物蛋白质水解获得。
    a white crystalline amino acid that is essential for nutrition; obtained by the hydrolysis of most dietary proteins.
  • 蛋氨一种含磷的主要的氨基,c5h11no2s,由多种蛋白质中获取或用合成方法形成,用作一种饮食的补充,并用于药剂学
    A sulfur-containing essential amino acid, C5H11NO2S, obtained from various proteins or prepared synthetically and used as a dietary supplement and in pharmaceuticals.
  • 营养学家纳塔莉·萨沃纳说:“消化食物需要胃分泌足够的胃和酵,如果量不足,食物未经消化便进入小肠;
    “To digest food your stomach needs to be producing enough stomach acid and digestive enzymes to breakit down,” says nutritionist Natalie Savona. “If this doesn't happen, food enters the small intestine undigested and if this happens.
  • 精氨一种胺基,c6h14n4o2,从植物及动物蛋白的水解或消化中获取
    An amino acid, C6H14N4O2, obtained from the hydrolysis or digestion of plant and animal protein.
  • 各种水溶性合成物,在蛋白质被消化变成氨基的过程中水解形成。
    any of various water-soluble compounds that form by hydrolysis in the digestion of proteins to amino acids.
  • 胃蛋白酶原胃蛋白酶的一种不活跃原,在胃粘膜细胞中形成并在消化的过程中通过盐转化为胃蛋白酶
    The inactive precursor to pepsin, formed in the cells of the mucous membrane of the stomach and converted to pepsin by hydrochloric acid during digestion.
  • 色氨一种重要的氨基,c11h12n2o2,在消化过程中,通过蛋白水解作用酶的运动而由蛋白质形成
    An essential amino acid, C11H12N2O2, formed from proteins during the digestive process by the action of proteolytic enzymes.
  • 胰凝乳蛋白酶胰消化酶,在小肠中催化某些蛋白质水解形成多肽和氨基
    A pancreatic digestive enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of certain proteins in the small intestine into polypeptides and amino acids.
  • 在使用前常加以稀释。
    Strong acid are often diluted before they are used.
  • 迷走神经切断术切断迷走神经纤维的外科手术,目的是减少胃内的性分泌物并控制十二脂肠溃疡
    Surgical division of fibers of the vagus nerve, used to diminish acid secretion of the stomach and control a duodenal ulcer.
  • 一种白色的弱,是二氧化钛与水结合的形式。
    a white weak acid that is a hydrated form of titanium dioxide.
  • 一种弱,已知仅存在于溶液中,二氧化碳与水结合时形成。
    a weak acid known only in solution; formed when carbon dioxide combines with water.
  • 血炭过多症由于换气过度的结果导致血液中炭量增加
    An increased amount of carbon dioxide in the blood as a result of hypoventilation.
  • 夏威夷研究人员实质上运用了与克隆多莉相同的方法,即:取了枚卵子,从中取出含有脱氧核(dna)遗传基因信息的细胞核并将其丢弃。
    The Hawaii researchers use essentially the same recipe used to make Dolly: Take an egg. Scoop out the nucleus, which contains the DNA genetic information, and discard.
  •  发明专利申请包含一个或者多个核苷或者氨基序列的,说明书应当包括符合国务院专利行政部门规定的序列表。
    Where an application for a patent for invention contains disclosure of one or more nucleotide and/or amino acid sequences, the description shall contain a sequence listing in compliance with the standard prescribed by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council.
  • 今年,他的小组显示,edr1的作用在于削弱一种称为水杨的植物预警信号,水杨是阿斯匹林的化学近亲,由植物罹病部位的细胞分泌,负责组织植物抵抗感染。
    This year, his group showed that EDR1's role is to weaken a plant alarm signal called salicylic acid, a close chemical relative of aspirin that is produced by cells in diseased parts of the plant and orchestrates the plant's defences against the infection.
  • 乖戾;尖刻性情等的尖刻薄
    Sourness, as of disposition.
  • 异种溶解一种物种中的细胞或蛋白质化合物因另一种物种中的赖氨或酶的作用的溶解
    Dissolution of cells or protein components in one species by the action of lysins or enzymes from another.
  • 漆任一种纯色或有色的合成涂料,是由硝纤维素或别的纤维素涂料的衍生品与增塑剂和颜料混合在一起形成的一种挥发性溶剂,用来给表面增加高度光滑性
    Any of various clear or colored synthetic coatings made by dissolving nitrocellulose or other cellulose derivatives together with plasticizers and pigments in a mixture of volatile solvents and used to impart a high gloss to surfaces.
  • 性糖化醪中蒸馏出来的威士忌。
    any whiskey distilled from sour mash.
  • 经苦的野生欧洲樱桃的汁液发酵后蒸馏制成的酒。
    distilled from fermented juice of bitter wild marasca cherries.
  • 一种不稳定的,能从硫氰盐中提取。
    an unstable acid that can be obtained by distilling a thiocyanate salt.
  • 重酪盐一种含有二价负离子的化合物,cr2o7,通常具有桔红色特征
    A compound containing the divalent negative ion, Cr2O7, usually having a characteristic orange-red color.
  • 一(碱)价的在碱反应中只有一个氢离子转移到碱上的;一碱价的
    Having only one hydrogen ion to donate to a base in an acid-base reaction; monoprotic.