  • 值得注意的是:全场的观众几分钟前还吵开了锅,这时却听信了那位演员的言,宽宏大量地等待着。
    Strange to say, all this crowd, so tumultuous but a few minutes ago, were now waiting patiently with implicit faith in the player’s word.
  • 为申请美国计算机出口许可证,应美方要求,中国政府出具《最终用户和最终用途说明》,为最终用户和最终用途作出承
    In order to apply for a US computer export license, the Chinese Government, at the request of the US side, provided the Importer's Statement on End-User and End-Use, making an end-user and end-use commitment.
  • krever委员会发现,康特知道他们自己去检查所有的血浆收集点是“不可行的”,所以决定改为依靠食品和药物管理局的检测报告,但实际上他们对这些报告也并不进行复查。
    The Krever commission found that Connaught decided it was "impracticable" to inspect all the plasma-collection sites itself, and decided to rely instead on FDA reports which it did not, in fact, review.
  • 英语保留了曼底侵略的烙印。
    English stills bears the imprint of the Norman invasion.
  • 这张期票向所有人承——不论白人还是黑人——都享有不可让渡的生存权、自由权和追求幸福权。
    This note was a promise that all men would be guarranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
  • 很多体育迷们会争辩说“超级杯赛”这个全美美式足球年赛是有史以来最重要的赛事,当然要比入侵曼底或新总统就职重要得多。
    A lot of sports fans would argue that this annual Ameri-can football game is the most important event of any kind ever held anywhere, certainly more important than the invasion of Normandy or the inauguration of a new President.
  • 有必要扼要地对贝尔文学奖对世界文化的影响作一个回顾。
    Since its inception, the Nobel Prize for Literature has successfully promoted the exchange and development of literary works worldwide.
  • 而这恰恰是多数的贝尔文学奖所欠缺的。
    But, incidentally, most of the winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature do not fit this bill.
  • 综上,美国版权法110节第5段与美国在包括《trips协定》第9.1条但不限于9.1条下所承的义务不符。
    As a consequence of the above, Section 110(5) of the United States Copyright Act appears to be inconsistent with the United States' obligations under the TRIPS Agreement, including, but not limited to, Article 9(1) of the TRIPS Agreement.
  • 瓦伯什河美国中东部河流,发源于西俄亥俄州,流程约764公里(475英里),向西南跨过印第安那州再向南在印第安那-伊利交界注入俄亥俄河
    A river of the east-central United States rising in western Ohio and flowing about764 km(475 mi) generally southwest across Indiana and southward on the Indiana-Illinois border to the Ohio River.
  • 迈阿密人原位于威斯康星州格林贝一带地区的土著美洲人,后来许多部落定居在南密执安州,北俄亥俄,印第安那和伊利州等地,现在人口居住在印第安那州北部和俄克拉荷马州东北部
    A Native American people originally of the Green Bay area of Wisconsin, with various groups later inhabiting parts of southern Michigan and northern Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Present-day populations are in northern Indiana and northeast Oklahoma.
  • 指一般包括俄亥俄州、印第安那州、伊利斯州、爱荷华州、密苏里州、堪萨斯州和内布拉斯加州以及有时包括密歇根州、威斯康星州和明尼苏达州在内的美国地区。
    of a region of the United States generally including Ohio; Indiana; Illinois; Iowa; Missouri; Kansas; Nebraska; and sometimes Michigan; Wisconsin; Minnesota.
  • 波塔瓦托米族17世纪至19世纪分布于美国密歇根州、威斯康星州、伊利斯州北部及印第安纳州北部的美洲本土人。现今人口主要分布于美国俄克拉荷马州、堪萨斯州、密西根州及安大略市
    A Native American people variously located in Michigan, Wisconsin, northern Illinois, and northern Indiana in the17th to the19th century, with present-day populations in Oklahoma, Kansas, Michigan, and Ontario.
  • 无用的努力;这个治疗方法没有效果;无用的承;无用的尝试。
    a futile effort; the therapy was ineffectual; an otiose undertaking; an unavailing attempt.
  • “叛军内讧发生在最糟的时候,”社会党内一位领袖桑乔说。“尼加拉瓜桑地政府眼见叛军崩溃,他们也眼见美国无意援助叛军。他们觉得他们控制了大局,因此没有理由在任何事情上让步。”
    "The infighting among the contras is happening at the worst possible moment," said Luis Sanchez Sancho, a leader of the Socialist Party. "The Sandinistas see the contras falling apart, and they see the United States not disposed to help them. They feel that they now control the situation, which means there's no reason to compromise on anything."
  • 此外,政府已承在五年内投资二千三百五十亿元进行基建,增加就业机会。
    In addition, we have earmarked $235 billion on infrastructure projects within five years.
  • 他们书面承他们将不侵犯我们的专利。
    They have give us a write undertaking that they will not infringe our patent.
  • 1994年10月,中方重申这一承,承担了不出口内在性能至少达到300公里射程和500公斤有效载荷的地对地导弹的义务。
    In October 1994, China reaffirmed its promise and undertook the obligation of not exporting ground-to-ground missiles inherently capable of reaching a range of at least 300 kilometers with a payload of at least 500 kilograms.
  • 成千上万名投稿人中包括一名贝尔奖得主和一名疯人院里的病人。
    Contributors have included a Nobel laureate and an inmate at an insane asylum, among thousands of others.
  • "别这么好管闲事了,我不会告诉你我允不讲的事。"
    Don't be so inquisitive; I'm not telling you what I've promised not to say.
  • 这些理想中最伟大的是正在慢慢实现的美国的承,这就是:每个人都有自身的价值,每个人都有成功的机会,每个人天生都会有所作为。
    The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance, that no insignificant person was ever born.
  • :恐怕斯特拉瑟少校会坚持己见的。
    Renault: I am afraid Major Strasser would insist.
  • 班廷,弗雷德里克·格朗1891-1941加拿大生理学家。因发现了胰岛素而获1923年贝尔奖
    Canadian physiologist. He shared a1923 Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin.
  • 麦克劳德,约翰·詹姆斯·理查德1876-1935英国心理学家,因发现胰岛素获得1923年贝尔奖
    British physiologist. He shared a1923 Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin.
  • 三、讲到基础科学,1958年到1964年间中国科学家成功合成胰岛素,领先世界,是完全可以得到贝尔奖的成就。
    3. In the basic science, Chinese scientists succeeded in synthesising insulin between 1958 and 1964. This is a world pioneering effort that fully deserved a Nobel Prize.
  • 美国大多数州政府允把黑人孩子纳入他们的学校教育体制。
    Most state governments in the United States have promised to integrate black children into their school systems.
  • 他们公司的董事长每次许必然会遵守言。
    The president of their company never makes a promise without intending to keep it.
  • 中国政府在采取何种方式处理本国内部事务的问题上,并无义务对任何外国或图谋分裂中国者作出承
    The Chinese Government is under no obligation to undertake any commitment to any foreign power or people intending to split China as to what means it might use to handle its own domestic affairs.
  • 外设部件互连-x(pci-x)技术允通过增加计算机中央处理器(cpu)与各种外设(如网卡、打印机和存储磁盘等)之间的数据流动,提高服务器的性能。
    Peripheral Component Interconnect-X (PCI-X) technology promises to improve server performance by increasing the flow of data between a computer's central processing unit and various peripherals like network cards, printers and storage disks.
  • 不承放弃使用武力,决不是针对台湾同胞的,而是针对制造“台湾独立”的图谋和干涉中国统一的外国势力,是为争取实现和平统一提供必要的保障。
    This is by no means directed against Taiwan compatriots, but against the scheme to create an "independent Taiwan" and against the foreign forces interfering in the reunification of China, and is intended as a necessary safeguard for the striving for peaceful reunification.
  • 舞蹈不应只是歌曲间的穿插表演而应成为独立的艺术形式这一主张,首先由英国人约翰·韦弗提出。几十年后,让·乔治·弗尔——芭蕾史上最重要的人物之——在其著名的《关于舞蹈和芭蕾舞论》(1760年)里,宣传厂不少同样的想法。
    The idea that dance should not be just an interlude between songs but should be self-sufficient was first Put forward by the Englishman John Weaver, Jean-Georges Noverre, one of the most important figures in the history of ballet, propagated much the same idea a few decades later in his famous Letters on Dancing arid Ballet(1760).
  • 越来越多的黑人上大学,跻身中产阶级,搬迁到郊区,他们也处于异族婚姻的潮流之中。根据雷兹.
    The growing segment of the black community that is going to college, entering the middle class and moving out to the suburbs is also following the general trend toward intermarriage.