  • 公众并不知道政府机构的行为,因此没有起到威慑作用,即使有威慑效果,也是很少的。
    The general public is not aware of the actions of the governmental agency and little, if any, deterrence is obtained.
  • 教练的任务一是以某位经理的两三个发展需要为重点,持续6~12个月。
    A coaching assignment normally focuses on two or three developmental needs of the individual, and lasts for six to 12 months.
  • 反常的,异常的非一的、不平常的或非惯例的;不正常的;反常的
    Not typical, usual, or regular; not normal; deviant.
  • 特许由教皇特批的超越一宗教法则的特权
    A faculty granted by the pope to deviate from the common law of the Church.
  • 魔鬼般的脾气
    Has a devil of a temper.
  • 变成恶棍或成恶魔的。
    turn into a devil or make devilish.
  • 她恶魔地作弄了他。
    She played a devilish trick on him.
  • 恶魔的安排;一些政客们冷静的算计和恶魔的诡计;他脸上邪恶的表情;他眼中恶魔似的光芒。
    devilish schemes; the cold calculation and diabolic art of some statesmen; the diabolical expression on his face; a mephistophelian glint in his eye.
  • 孩子的;孩子气的;天真的;无邪的
    Like or characteristicof a child; innocent; not devious
  • 他的额头上冒出露水的汗珠。
    The sweat came out in a fine dew on his forehead.
  • 在他那部书的绪言里,他曾明白、剀切地这样说:“劳动是任何国家财富所由产生的泉源,要增加财富,依靠的首先是劳动的生产力,也就是国家所一使用的劳动的精巧、熟练和鉴别力程度,其次是从事于生产劳动者与不从事于生产劳动者的人数的比例。”
    In the introduction to his work, he says in clear words in effect: 'Labour forms the fund from which every nation derives its wealth, and the increase of wealth depends first on the productive power of labour, namely, on the degree of skill,dexterity, and judgment with which the labour of the nation is generally applied, and secondly, on the proportion between the number of those employed productively and the number of those who are not so employed.'
  • 电容器用以暂时存储电荷的一种电路器件,一由两片被电介质分开并绝缘的金属片组成
    An electric circuit element used to store charge temporarily, consisting in general of two metallic plates separated and insulated from each other by a dielectric.
  • 太久,给它空气的米黍:
    Too long with Aiery Diet fed:
  • 奇特的民族服饰、风俗礼仪、饮食习惯以及东巴文化、洞经音乐和各具特色的民居建筑等,向世界人民展示了一幅“民俗大观园”的民族风情画卷。
    The peculiar national costumes, folklore and rituals, dietary habits, Dongba civilization, Dongjing music and characteristic architectural style display to the peoples of the world a panorama of folk customs.
  • 一般空间微分几何学
    differential geometries of generalized spaces
  • 即使我们接触到广泛的知识,也会因负荷过重,无法消化,而把摄取的知识当废物排泄掉。
    Even if we are exposed to a wealth of knowledge, we will be overloaded and not be able to digest it. Soon, the information will just go to waste.
  • 而言,固定位长的字块中数字化数据是与数字密钥混合在一起的。
    Generally, digital data in blocks of fixed bit length is combined with a digital encryption key.
  • 作为一个单位传送的一组二进制位或n进制位数字。为了便于出错控制,对二进制或n进制数字一要进行一次编码处理。
    A group of bits, or n-ary digits transmitted as a unit. An encoding procedure is generally applied to the group of bits or n-ary digits for error-control purposes.
  • 在这个黄昏的朦胧里,好些东西看来都仿佛是幻象一--尖塔的底层在黑暗里消失了,树顶象是墨水的模糊的斑点似的。
    Things look phantastic in this dimness of the dusk---the spires whose bases are lost in the dark and tree tops like blots of ink.
  • 外形似餐车的餐馆。
    a restaurant that resembles a dining car.
  • 许多恐龙的足迹显示它们的行动与鸟类和哺乳动物一样快,比一的爬行类要快得多。
    Many dinosaur track- ways show that dinosaurs walked as fast as do birds and mammals, and much more rapidly than can be sustained by reptiles.
  • 本港目前有五所技能训练中心,为残疾人士提供训练,协助他们日后在社会就业或修读一工业教育和训练课程。
    Five skills centres, three run by the VTC and two by non-governmental organisations, prepare people with a disability for open employment or mainstream vocational education and technical training.
  • 年内,约有79%在技能训练中心修毕全日制课程的残疾学员,在社会上觅得工作或继续修读一工业教育课程。
    Some 79 per cent of people with a disability completing full-time courses in skills centres entered open employment or enrolled in further courses in mainstream vocational education during the year.
  • 鸵鸟回避现实的人企图靠拒绝面对现实来躲避不利情况的人
    One who tries to avoid disagreeable situations by refusing to face them.
  • 他快如闪电地从拐角处消失。
    He disappeared round the corner like a streak of lightning.
  • 性爱如闪电般出现;
    Eros strikes out of the blue;
  • 政府飞行服务队共有纪律人员184名及一职系人员67名。
    The organisation is staffed by184 disciplined and 67 general grade personnel.
  • 关于一人类需要的问题;普遍不满的状态。
    a problem of generalized human needs; a state of generalized discontent.
  • 在这一群人中间,除去一部分接近帝国主义和大资产阶级并为其服务而反对民众的知识分子外,一地是受帝国主义、封建主义和大资产阶级的压迫,遭受着失业和失学的威胁。
    Apart from that section of the intellectuals which has associated itself with the imperialists and the big bourgeoisie and works for them against the people, most intellectuals and students are oppressed by imperialism, feudalism and the big bourgeoisie, and live in fear of unemployment or of having to discontinue their studies.
  • 闹声喧闹声,一指杂乱无章或不谐和的声音
    A jumble of loud, usually discordant sounds.
  • 警句般的表达或措词
    Epigrammatic discourse or expression.
  • 不顾及一社会约定的无礼的行为方式。
    a discourteous manner that ignores accepted social usage.