Chinese English Sentence:
  • 当法庭判给他太太婚赡养费时,克尔不得不付。
    When his wife was awarded alimony by the court, Kerr had to ante up.
  • 当他的太太被法庭判定获有婚赡养费时,斯诺不得不付这笔钱。
    When his wife was awarded alimony by the court, Snow had to ante up.
  • 琼斯太太跟丈夫婚后,根据法院判决她每月可得到一千美元的赡养费。
    Mrs. Jones was awarded$1000.00 monthly alimony by the court when she was divorced from her husband.
  • 从氨中衍生而来的子nh,其化学性质类似碱金属子。
    the ion NH4 derived from ammonia; behaves in many respects like an alkali metal ion.
  • 科思特指责她的顶头上司,银行的一个副总裁罗斯。罗在议论开始前即已职,到华尔街开设私人顾问公司去了。
    Koster pointed the finger at her immediate supervisor, Allan Rose, a bank vice president, who left before the suit was filed and set up a private consulting firm on Wall St.
  • 答辩状,对在法庭所作断言的答复,尤指被告对婚起诉的抗辩。
    Formal reply to an allegation make in court, especially defence make by a respondent to a divorce petition
  • 5月份小报声称喝醉的切尔西与其美国男友于凌晨3点开伦敦使馆俱乐部。希拉里办公室只是表示"不做评说"。
    In May, when the tabloids caught an allegedly tipsy Chelsea leaving London's Embassy Club at 3 a.m. with her American boyfriend, Hillary's office issued a terse"no comment."
  • 在尼泊尔全国人民的悲痛与愤怒声讨中,王储迪彭德拉的亲密爱人有可能已经开尼泊尔,飞往印度首都新德里。
    The woman allegedly at the heart of the bizarre murders of the king and queen of Nepal has influential Indian connections and may have fled Kathmandu for New Delhi, reports said Sunday.
  • 后来,保罗·艾伦开公司另谋他职。
    Paul Allen eventually left the company to do other things.
  • 初步研究显示,通过将猪胎脑细胞移植给患者大脑,可以消除帕金森氏症的症状,一种相关技术也可以应用于比较流行的糖尿病,目前,糖尿病依靠胰岛素来进行治疗,这理想的治疗还差得很远,并且它根本就不能治愈。
    Preliminary research has shown that it is possible to alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson's disease by transplanting fetal pig brain cells into a patient's brains. A related technique may be applied to diabetes, another widespread disorder. Currently diabetics rely on insulin therapy, which is far from being an ideal treatment and is certainly not a cure.
  • 正式的收回或从一个联盟或联邦分
    formal withdrawal or separation from an alliance or federation.
  • 病人十天以後才允许起来(准予床下地).
    The patient was allowed up (ie permitted to get out of bed) after 10 days.
  • 能够在空中停留24小时的“食肉动物”侦察机和载有能够监视到地面活动的雷达的“杰斯塔斯”侦察机从这些人开喀布尔时就开始跟踪他们,尽管他们为了避开侦察而做了精心准备。
    Predator spy planes, capable of staying aloft for 24 hours on station, and JSTARS surveillance planes, equipped with radar that can monitor ground movements across a vast area, tracked them from the moment they left Kabul -- despite their elaborate efforts to avoid detection.
  • 你怎麽能一个人开?
    How can you leave alone?
  • 旁观的人开人行道,加入游行示威的队伍。
    Onlookers left the pavement and fell in alongside the marching demonstrators.
  • 那所房子远离街道。
    The house stands aloof from the streets.
  • 冷若冰霜的人冷淡的、与人保持距的人
    A cold, aloof person.
  • 群的不友好的,不爱交往的;超然群的
    Not friendly or sociable; aloof.
  • 他远离人群。
    He stood aloof from the crowd.
  • 千万不可脱离群众。
    Never stand aloof from the masses.
  • 他的房子远离街道。
    His house stands aloof from the streets.
  • 这房子离街道很远。
    The house stands aloof from the street.
  • 领导人决不应该脱群众。
    Leaders shouldn't keep themselves aloof from the masses.
  • 这孩子生他爸妈的气了,他们远远的。
    The boy was angry with his parents. He stood aloof from them.
  • 任何国家都不能置身于国际社会之外,不能脱世界大市场。
    No country can afford to stand aloof from the international community and isolate itself from the global market.
  • 弗兰克不喜欢聚会,所以经常是远其他客人,不加入谈话。
    Frank does not enjoy parties, and usually holds himself aloof from the other guests, not joining in conversation.
  • 说明这样一个事实,就是文艺界中还严重地存在着作风不正的东西,同志们中间还有很多的唯心论、教条主义、空想、空谈、轻视实践、脱群众等等的缺点,需要有一个切实的严肃的整风运动。
    It shows that wrong styles of work still exist to a serious extent in our literary and art circles and that there are still many defects among our comrades, such as idealism, dogrnatism, empty illusions, empty talk, contempt for practice and aloofness from the masses, all of which call for an effective and serious campaign of rectification.
  • 原子或亚原子的粒子流,可能主要由正电荷子组成(如α粒子)或负电荷子(如β粒子)或中性粒子(如中子)。
    a stream of atomic or subatomic particles that may be charged positively (e.g. alpha particles) or negatively (e.g. beta particles) or not at all (e.g. neutrons).
  • 二十人已经离职。
    Twenty people had already left.
  • 他已经离开了。
    He has left already.
  • 他已经离开了。
    He have leave already.
  • 他是我的知己--彼此形影不.
    He's my alter ego, we go everywhere together.