  • 抗战的军队是得到了严重的教训,其中某些成分是开始了或准备改造。
    The armies resisting Japan have learned severe lessons, and some have begun or are preparing to introduce reforms.
  • 这一套为实现坚决抗战的办法,可以名为八大纲领。
    The set of measures for resolute armed resistance described above may be called the Eight-Point Programme.
  • 在这些管辖区域,被告将会很难排除dna证据,虽然对它可采性的艰难挑战仍旧会不容怀疑的继续,至少在不远的将来如此。
    Defendants in these jurisdictions will have a harder time suppressing DNA evidence, although stiff challenges to its admissibility will undoubtedly continue, at least for the near future.
  • 非常困难;极大的考验毅力和决心。
    very difficult; severely testing stamina or resolution.
  • 时间的流逝,对dna证据可采性攻击的焦点已经转变了。
    The focus of the attacks on admissibility have changed over time.
  • 羡慕地或被吸引地看
    To look at admiringly or invitingly.
  • 他赞赏地看他妻子。
    he looked at his wife admiringly.
  • 虽然这些女宾穿的是天鹅绒服装,披的是开司米披肩,大门口还有华丽的四轮轿式马车在恭候,却都带惊讶、甚至赞赏的眼神注视展现在她们眼前的豪华陈设。
    men for the most part, but also a number of ladies who, though dressed in velvet and wearing Indian shawls, and all with their own elegant broughams standing at the door, were examining the riches set out before them with astonished, even admiring eyes.
  • 在圣诞节前夜,当保罗走出办公室,他发现街上一个顽童正一边围他闪闪发亮的新年转,一边赞叹的问:“先生,这是你的车?”
    On Chrismas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it."Is this your car, Mister?" he asked.
  • 他决定尽早着手。
    He resolved on making an early start.
  • 我们向前开车欣赏风景;这匹马以稳定的步伐向前小跑;马戏团向前到下一个城市巡回演出;前进;向前进军。
    we drove along admiring the view; the horse trotted along at a steady pace; the circus traveled on to the next city; move along; march on.
  • 玛丽会给约翰作个好妻子。毫无疑问,她已经在心底像房子的女主人那样赞赏这栋房子。
    Mary would make a wonderful wife for John. No doubt already in her mind she was admiring this house as its mistress.
  • 此时,拉泽娜正一边想圣诞节,一边欣赏附近老年公寓里的节日灯光。
    Now Razeena was thinking about Christmas and admiring the holiday lights at the nearby senior citizens' apartment complex.
  • 不要对镜子顾盼自怜了吧!
    Stop looking in the mirror admiring yourself!
  • 空中回荡着钟声。
    The air was resonant with bells.
  • 布赖顿是南部地区最名的海滨胜地.
    Brighton is a leading south coast resort.
  • 大厅里回荡着掌声.
    The hall resounded with applause.
  • 这个礼堂回响笑声。
    the hall resounded with laughter.
  • 我们呼喊时,群山回响
    The hills resounded when we shouted.
  • 警队有一系列推广价值观的管理策略措施,为上述行动的优先处理项目作支援。这些措施包括广泛使用现代科技、重人力资源管理、更广泛的沟通,以及更有效的资源管理。
    These operational priorities will be supported by a series of management initiatives to promote the Force values through: wider use of modern technology; a focus on human resource management; more widespread communication; and better management of resources.
  • 他们默默地欣赏那幅画。
    They looked in silent admiration at the painting.
  • 他全神贯注地赞赏
    He was fixed in admiration.
  • unix已赢得了作为企业计算平台的声誉。而nt保持随图形环境发展的势头。
    Unix has earned respectability as a platform for enterprise computing, and NT has kept pace with the latest graphical environments.
  • 纳米技术与一伙未来学家的联系使其争取应有地位的活动增色不少。这群未来学家认为纳米技术是通向技术理想王国的必由之路,它意味空前繁荣,无污染的工业,甚至人的长生不老也不是不可能的。
    The field's bid for respectability is colored by the association of the word with a caba1 of futurists who foresee nano as a pathway to a technoutopia: unparalleled prosperity, pollution-free industry, even something resembling eternal life.
  • 玛丽亚怀羡慕的心情看这条裙子。
    Maria looked at the skirt with admiration.
  • 文明预示对法律的尊重。
    civilization presupposes respect for the law.
  • 她用早餐时穿浴衣,真够风雅的.
    She looked perfectly respectable in her bathrobe at breakfast.
  • 表面上令人尊重的人或家庭,却有多年不让外人知道的骇人听闻的秘密,这样的事情我们经常在小说里读到。
    We often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret which has been concealed from strangers for years.
  • 他非常敬重科学家,更敬重无知识的人,在双方并重之下,每当夏季黄昏,他总提一把绿漆白铁喷壶去浇他的花畦。
    He respected learned men greatly; he respected the ignorant still more; and, without ever failing in these two respects, he watered his flower-beds every summer evening with a tin watering-pot painted green.
  • 格伦对任何人一律看待——不论在什么地方,他总保持自己的行为举止或穿方式。
    Glen I no respecter of persons he won't compromise his behaviour or the way he dressed no matter where he is.
  • ,这名年仅19岁的凶手罗伯特·施泰因豪泽毕恭毕敬地回答说:"今天已经够了,海泽先生。"然后放下了手中原本指向老师的手枪。
    "Herr Heise, that's enough for today," replied 19-year-old Robert Steinhaeuser respectfully, putting down the pistol with which he had been about to shoot his former teacher.
  • 新儿的母亲,带给灶火烘得嫣红的脸,从厨房里捧出碗面,放在李妈面前,和颜悦色的说。
    With these words spoken in a kind and courteous manner, Xin-er's mother emerged from the kitchen, her face flushed with the glow of the kitchen stove, bearing a bowl of noodle with both hands and respectfully placed it in front of Li-ma.