  • 姆和他的伙伴们慢慢地折回来,找到那条小路。
    Tom and his playmates tried back slowly, and found the lane.
  • 秋葵荚这种植物的可食豆荚,用以做及作为蔬菜食用
    The edible pods of this plant, used in soups and as a vegetable.
  • 姆明确地指出了那个错误。
    Tom expressly pointed out the mistake.
  • 姆在大学里学习政治学。
    Tom is studying politics at university.
  • 加语加人讲的一种波利尼西亚语
    The Polynesian language of Tonga.
  • 姆一眨眼上哪里去了?
    Where's Tom popped off to?
  • 安昨天可能没看见姆。
    An did not possibly see Tom yesterday.
  • 姆每年都寄给玛丽一张明信片。
    Tom mails Mary a postcard every year.
  • 用来准备的存料的锅。
    a pot used for preparing soup stock.
  • (一般指蔬菜或菜肉浓)或清(一般指清炖肉或鸡茶)任选一种。
    A choice of pottage (thick soup) or consommé (clear soup).
  • 据说英国参加共同市场是为了一碗红豆而损害国家的利益。
    It was said that by joining the Common Market Britain would be giving away her national rights and advantages for a mess of pottage.
  • 团烩肉与团一起煮的猪肉或禽肉
    A meat or poultry stew with dumplings.
  • 他们把姆珍贵的汽车骗走了。
    They bubbled Tom out of his precious car.
  • 借助加密卫星通信,“食肉动物”侦察机向佛罗里达坦帕的美国中央司令部控制室传回实况战场图像,米·弗兰克斯将军就是通过这里的控制室指挥阿富汗战争的。
    Through encrypted satellite communications, the predator was providing a live battlefield television picture back to control rooms at the US Central Command in Tampa, Florida, from where General Tommy Franks has been runnig the war in Afghanistan.
  • 你喜欢什么样的汤?
    How do you prefer soup?
  • 认识您很荣幸,普森先生。
    It 's a privilege to know you, Mr. Thompson.
  • 姆把学校里的奖品都得来了。
    Tom carried off all the school prizes.
  • 姆赢得了比赛项目中大部分奖品。
    Tom won most of the prizes at the Games.
  • 现在请姆逊教授讲话。
    Now let's invite Prof. Tomson to speak to us.
  • 最后,我想借此机会请姆逊教授转达我们深厚的友谊,并表示对他的同胞良好的祝愿。
    Finally, we want to take this opportunity to beg him to convey our profound friendship and best regards to his people.
  • 你要是想知道姆在哪里,他很可能正在“金杯”酒店里喝酒。
    If you want to know where Tom is, he is probably propping up the bar in the Golden Bowl.
  • 姆很幸运,没有人告发他骗取金钱。
    Tom is lucky he wasn't prosecuted for taking money under false pretences.
  • 姆是可能购买我的房屋的人。
    Tom is the prospective buyer of my house.
  • 加太平洋西南部一国家,位于斐济以东,由约一百五十座岛屿组成,其中大约三十六座有人居住。1900年成为英国保护区,1970年获得独立。努库阿洛法为该国首都和最大城市。人口96,592
    A country in the southwest Pacific Ocean east of Fiji comprising about150 islands, some36 of which are inhabited. It became a British protectorate in1900 and gained independence in1970. Nukualofa is the capital and the largest city. Population,96, 592.
  • 姆撞在一根伸出的铁棍上。
    Tom knocked up against the protruding iron bar.
  • 姆把头撞在突出来的铁横杠土,不得不在头上缝了6针。
    Tom knocked his head on the protruding iron bar and had to have six stiches in it.
  • 姆非常满意自己的新车。
    Tom is very proud of his new car.
  • 国际汤姆森出版公司
    International Thomson Publishing Ltd.
  • 在撑船的时候,他不慎掉到河里,回家时湿得像落鸡。
    While punting he fell into the river. He had not a dry stitch on when he came home.
  • 姆想看你昨天购买的那支钢笔。
    Tom wants to see that pen you purchased yesterday.
  • 把蔬菜做成给婴儿喝。
    puree the vegetables for the baby.
  • 稠的、深色的、加香料的苹果浓
    thick dark spicy puree of apples.