  • oracle9iaswireless运行时功能oracle9i数据库作为存储固定应用程序对象的信息库。
    The Oracle9iAS Wireless runtime uses the Oracle9i Database as the repository for storing persistent application objects.
  • 外部化是从外部的仓库里获取知识,并按照分类的基本框架或分类学知识组织起来。
    Externalization is capturing knowledge in an external repository and organizing it according to classification framework or taxonomy.
  • 上个月,我寄给你们由专家组写的一份报告。报告列出了如何加强联合国在和平和安全这个关键问题上的作用的详细建议。这个关键问题是,人民特别希望其国家,也特别希望联合国他们从“战争的深渊”中解救出来。
    Last month I sent you a Repot, produced by a Pane1 of experts, which makes detailed suggestions for strengthening the United Nations in the crucial area of peace and security -- the area where people look especially to the State, and where the world's peoples look to the United Nations to save them "from the scourge of war".
  • 定点数表示转换为浮点数表示。
    To convert data from fixed-point number representation to floating-point representation.
  • 数据由浮点数表示法转换为定点表示法。
    To convert data from floating-point number representation to fixed-point representation.
  • 我们的代表在下一个星期访问你们。
    Our representative will wait on you next week.
  • 发泄用言语、行为或想象等方式造成冲突的情况表现出来用以释放(被压抑的情感)
    To release(repressed emotions) by acting out, as in words, behavior, or the imagination, the situation causing the conflict.
  • 不应害怕也不应压制各个社会内部和社会之间的差异,而应其作为人类宝贵资产来加以爱护。
    Differences within and between societies should be neither feared nor repressed, but cherished as a precious asset of humanity.
  • 由法院发出的亲生父母权转让给收养父母的命令
    Ordered by a court which legally transfers the rights of the natural parents to the adoptive parents
  • 然后,他们货物转移倒卖,牟取暴利。
    Then, they remove and resell the goods for huge profits.
  • 税务局:这意味着你们是以转让无形资产换取房屋所有权。在这种情况下,你们应就转让无形资产的收入按5%交纳营业税。如果你们分得的房产再销售,则须按销售不动产再交一道5%的税。
    Tax official: You mean that your company transfer the right to use land in exchange for the ownership of the housing.in this case, you company will be levied at the rate of 5% on the transfer income. If you want to resell that part of the housing, you will be levied again at 5% on the transfer of immovable property.
  • 网络服务公司带头采用此技术。
    Network service companies are leading the way in early adoption.
  • 我已经您的订位取消了。
    I've cancelled your reservation.
  • 栓查我们的预订记录。
    I'll check our reservation record.
  • 形势最终迫使我们采取这种政策。
    Circumstances will force us finally to adopt this policy.
  • 所有后备兵力投入战斗。
    He flung his reserves into the battle.
  • 这本书改编成电影剧本。
    adopt a book for a screenplay.
  • 最近俄罗斯情报机构公布的一些以前属绝密档案的资料表明,当年克格勃为防止希特勒的遣骸成为新纳粹分子的膜拜物而他的骨灰撒在东德一条不知名的小河里。
    Previously closed files released recently by the Russian secret service reveal that the ashes of Adolf Hitler were scattered secretly by KGB agents in a narrow East German river to prevent his remains becoming an object of neo Nazi pilgrimage.
  • 这座水库比那座大十倍。
    This reservoir will be twelve times as large as that reservoir.
  • 81.电视,这项从迅速变化和成长为标志的最普及和最有影响力的现代技术,正在步入一个新时代,一个极为成熟和多样化的时代,这重塑我们的生活和世界。
    81. Television the most pervasive and persuasive of modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth, is moving into a new era, an era of extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our world.
  • 各单位在自身重塑成更精简的形式中,决策的权限授予了工作组和工作队。
    In reshaping themselves into flatter forms, organizations delegated real decision-making authority to the workgroups and teams.
  • 欧元的发行和欧洲货币联盟的形成在世界货币体系重新整合的过程中发挥至关重要的作用。这主要表现在使该体系更为平衡和对称。
    The launching of euro and the completion of the EMU will be instrumental in reshaping the international monetary system, principally by making it more balanced and symmetrical.
  • 如有可能,请于5月20日前装船,因为我们必须于7月初货物转运至其他地方。
    If at all possible, please ship before may 20th, because we have to reship the goods at the begin of july.
  • 传说内阁於明年二月改组。
    Rumor has it that the Cabinet will be reshuffled in February next year.
  • 托马斯·布鲁那的“shockwaverider”和托马斯·赖安的“adolescenceofp-1”描述了一个软件能在不为人知的情况下自己从一个计算机转移到另一个计算机。
    Thomas Brunner's Shockwave Rider and Thomas Ryan's Adolescence of P-1 depicted worlds where a piece of software could transfer itself from one computer to another without detection.
  • 住所安顿于一海滨村庄
    Fixed her residence in a coastal village.
  • 在郊区远离街道并且准备用于来修建居民区的区域。
    a suburban area laid out in streets and lots for a future residential area.
  • 他将辞去议长之职。
    He will resign as chairman.
  • 秘鲁总理透露,藤森总统即辞职。
    Peru's President Fujimori to resign, Prime Minister says.
  • 院长说,“我们总得就些。”
    said the director. "One must resign one's self."
  • 黏结一种牙科技术,用以恢复、修补或整形牙齿,需要一种强力的类树脂物质黏结到牙齿表面让它与尚存的珐琅质连结在一起
    A technique for the restoration, repair, or cosmetic improvement of a tooth that involves the application of a high-impact resinous material to the tooth surface, where it adheres to the existing enamel.
  • 静电印刷术一种干的摄影或影印的过程,通过电转印充电干版上的树脂粉末形成的负像,然后其作为正像热固定在纸张或其他复印表面上(由于光作用于充电的光电导绝缘表面而形成的带有电荷的图象,然后把图象固定在纸或其他复印表面上)
    A dry photographic or photocopying process in which a negative image formed by a resinous powder on an electrically charged plate is electrically transferred to and thermally fixed as positive on a paper or other copying surface.