  • 作出一个证明;在誓下声明。
    make a deposition; declare under oath.
  • 拒绝支付布(票据)拒受或拒绝
    To declare(a bill) dishonored or refused.
  • 宣布无效;撤消
    To declare null and void; reverse.
  • 我决不背离我已经布的在这个问题上的政策。
    I will never swerve from my declared policy on this matter.
  • 骚乱恶化,政府只得布进入紧急状态。
    The rioting grew worse and the government declared a state of emergency.
  • 公司在年底布分发高额股息。
    The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year.
  • 日本向中国宣战。
    Japan declared war on China.
  • 他公开称是社会主义者。
    He's declared socialist.
  • 宣布或许诺的事物
    Something declared or promised.
  • 这时十四个省布独立。
    14 provinces declared themselves independent.
  • 作为事实被布;明确的表述。
    declared as fact; explicitly stated.
  • 布或变得有法律效力。
    declared or made legally valid.
  • 公开布;使得广泛知晓。
    declared publicly; made widely known.
  • 布以前的指示不再生效
    Declared the previous instructions inoperative.
  • 发疯的可被告为精神失常的
    Fit to be declared insane.
  • 我宣布散会。
    I declared this meeting closed.
  • 琼斯被宣布为胜者。
    Jones was declared the winner.
  • 终于宣告和平。
    Peace was declared at last.
  • 她宣布庆祝会开始。
    She declared the festival open.
  • 法官郑重地布他无罪。
    The judge declared him innocent.
  • 比赛宣布取消了。
    The match was declared off.
  • 大会已宣布举行。
    The meeting has been declared on.
  • 已被布无效的要求。
    Claim which has been declared invalid.
  • 已被布无效的要求。
    Claim which have is declared invalid.
  • 破产的已由法院告破产的
    Having been legally declared financially insolvent.
  • 7月14日被布为他们的国庆。
    July14 was declared their National Day.
  • 没有确认、提及或者布。
    not affirmed or mentioned or declared.
  • 布新规章的公告张贴出来了。
    Placards declaring new regulations were going up.
  • 废除,取消;布无效使或布无效的行为
    An act of making or declaring void.
  • 赦免状布此类赦免的官方文件
    An official document or warrant declaring such an exemption.
  • 他最后称他的努力将继续下去。
    He wound up by declaring that his efforts would be continued.
  • 我们可以印发一个声明,称我们团结一致,以此设法掩盖咱们工会内部的分歧。
    We can try to plaster over the disagreement in the union by printing a statement declaring our complete unity.